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UX Lisbon Remote Research Workshop

UX Lisbon Remote Research Workshop

Slides from May 17th, 2012 Remote Research workshop at UX Lisbon.

Nate Bolt

May 16, 2012

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  1. Remote Design Research Definition: Research where the participant is not

    sharing physical space with the researcher. In person Remote % of qualitative research done remotely* * Source: My wild guess
  2. IN CASE THE INTERNET FAILS Research experience Most important thing

    to get out of today? Biggest fear or skepticism about remote research?
  3. Four Takeaways 1. See moderated method & recording with GoToMeeting

    2.Automated with Usabilla 3.Self-moderated tablet hugging 4.Quick incentive payment
  4. How much practical research experience do I need to have

    for this workshop? ” - Many People “
  5. EXERCISE #1 “Giraffe” Binder PDF Page 4 Table groups Pick

    one moderator and one participant (they need to be in different locations) 10 minutes of moderating
  6. MODERATOR Instructions Your participant has a sheet of paper and

    that’s it Goal: find out what kind of physical task instructions online Hint: ask them to give you a play by play of what they are doing Try and follow along with your own paper NO helping, even if you could.
  7. Hey Marv, I want feedback on our MMO video game

    from 13yo English speaking kids in France & Latin America with webcams.
  8. Kids will lie for coins People mis-assessed their English levels

    Bandwidth was really a problem Kids don’t play when their parents are home
  9. “ What happens when you let go of a balloon?

    ” HOW TO FIND ACTUAL SPEAKERS OF YOUR LANGUAGE IN ANY COUNTRY: “ Qu'est-ce qui se passe quand vous lâchez un ballon? ”
  10. Sure, Boss. Let’s combine methods. Intercept & observe 10 users

    live, and do 10 self- moderated with usertesting.com
  11. TIME-AWARE TASKS Told to find purple pumps. Doesn’t care. Has

    to wear this for sister’s wedding this weekend. Whole different interview.
  12. RECRUITING OPTIONS Ethnio Links or house ads to online forms

    Recruiting agencies Customer email lists Panels Craigslist/online ads
  13. RECRUITING OPTIONS Grab someone in the hallway Grab someone who

    isn’t directly involved in your project IM your friends for a quick look Panels and recruiting agencies Real customers from marketing lists Site intercepts realness
  14. USE FORMS WHEN You can place a link but not

    code Low budget Quotas are relatively complex Options: Google Docs Wufoo
  15. USE AGENCIES WHEN No website access People whine about first-time

    visitors Higher budget Online recruiting failed
  16. CRAIGSLIST When other methods don’t work No dough Takes a

    while Embarrassing to admit to your friends
  17. Logistics: Who & When How to connect with the user

    Managing time zones Session length
  18. STAGED Incentives For Contextual Inquiry Start with $75, then at

    the end offer $25 more for environment photos Self-made diary studies
  19. Advanced planning: hybrid studies Why use only one method? Some

    methods don’t tell you the why 3-5 remote interviews is all you need
  20. EXERCISE #2 Binder PDF Page 6 Use ethn.io or dev.ethn.io

    (beta) or wufoo Under 8 Questions Advanced Bonus: create an automated and moderated screener okay, draft a screener
  21. Tasks On Concepts For A Long Time People Talk To

    A Machine Talk To People Fancy-Ass Analytics Tasks On Images Tasks On A Live Site
  22. I.A. & Navigation For Ad Agencies Ammunition Insight Just Better

    Analytics Still More Ammunition More Ammunition
  23. Conceptual For A Long Time Self-Moderated Moderated Web Analytics Automated

    Static Automated Live Deep Behavioral UX Insight
  24. Ad Agencies Love It Conceptual For A Long Time Self-Moderated

    Moderated Web Analytics Automated Static Automated Live
  25. Jared Spool Hates It Conceptual For A Long Time Self-Moderated

    Moderated Web Analytics Automated Static Automated Live
  26. WHAT WE USE. A LOT. • Ethnio + GTM •

    Usabilla + Usertesting.com • Guerrilla mobile
  27. EXERCISE #3 usertesting.com - 1 free user CODE: uxlisbon2012 usabilla

    - 2 months free (Sign up for an account, but cancel on the payment page. Send an email to support@usabilla.com and mention UXLX) ethnio - 1 month free or trial. CODE: WORKSHOPLOVE Either “unmoderated” or “practice interviewing”
  28. HYBRID STUDIES Numbers actually do lie sometimes And they don’t

    tell you the why 3-5 remote interviews is all you need
  29. Control what you can control Which is, your set up.

    You wouldn’t go backpacking without checking your gear. Do it 24 hours in advance. Or else.
  30. Prepare for what you can’t control User’s dog trips over

    power cord Internet affected by local weather User can’t install Doesn’t know how to install
  31. DISCOUNTS!! Usertesting.com 1 free user. uxlisbon2012 Usabilla 2 months free

    of any plan. Sign up for an account, but cancel on the payment page. Send an email to support@usabilla.com and mention UXLX Ethnio 1 month free any plan. WORKSHOPLOVE