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Striking Gold: Building software better, together

Striking Gold: Building software better, together

Mining Software Repositories Conference Keynote

Brian Doll

May 19, 2013

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  1. FTP CVS Perforce Subversion Git GitHub ’95 ’99 ’01 ’03

    ’08 ’08 My personal journey through software repositories...
  2. "organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs

    which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations" Conway’s Law:
  3. Chris (new employee): How much is the ideal githubber expected

    to ship when operating at full awesomeness?
  4. Chris (new employee): How much is the ideal githubber expected

    to ship when operating at full awesomeness? Lee: Whatever makes you feel good, man
  5. GitHub API : developer.github.com GitHub Archive : githubarchive.org GitHub data

    on Google BigQuery Questions: data@github.com Mining GitHub Data
  6. Team / Discussions •CommitCommentEvent •PullRequestEvent •PullRequestReviewCommentEvent •MemberEvent Development activities •

    CreateEvent • DeleteEvent • DownloadEvent • ForkEvent • ForkApplyEvent • GistEvent • GollumEvent • PublicEvent • PushEvent Social activities •FollowEvent •IssueCommentEvent •IssuesEvent •TeamAddEvent •WatchEvent Events on GitHub
  7. Interactions were counted between two users when: • One user

    @mentions another in a pull request, issue, or commit comment • A user comments on another's pull request or issue Our internal social graph
  8. Source of commits. The more commits come from pull requests,

    the more open the project process. Percentage of issue comments and commenters coming from the project community (i.e. users with no commit rights to the main repo) Dr. Georgios Gousios, GHTorrent