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FFConf, Brighton, 9 - 10 November 2017

bruce lawson
November 10, 2017

FFConf, Brighton, 9 - 10 November 2017

If you're going out of San Francisco, be sure to wear web standards in your hair

bruce lawson

November 10, 2017

More Decks by bruce lawson

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  1. @brucel If you’re going out of San Francisco Be sure

    to wear Web Standards in your hair Bruce Lawson FFConf 2017 F Delventhal https://www.flickr.com/photos/krossbow/10324856173/
  2. @brucel Holy Web Wars • IE vs Netscape • Tables

    vs CSS • jQuery vs vanilla JS • Angular vs Ember vs React
  3. @brucel Why is CSS for components a PITA? • Everything

    is global • Order affects cascade • Dependency system - @import • Relies on markup structure • Breaks silently
  4. @brucel Good old CSS: • IDE support • syntax highlighting

    • code completions • validations • CSS generators • huge community
  5. @brucel CSS-in-JS costs us! • Loading JS library to handle

    CSS creation at runtime • Creating / modifying stylesheets at runtime • Server-Side Rendering = CSS × 2
  6. @brucel Ido’s dream • Modular • Dynamic • Performant •

    CSS capabilities • Tooling • Customization
  7. @brucel Typed CSS • CSS Superset • Inner parts as

    Pseudo-Elements • Create custom Pseudo-Classes • Type aware dependencies • IDE & Build support • Optimization - "ruleset shaking"
  8. @brucel Styling inside the gallery :import { -st-from: "./gallery.st.css"; -st-default:

    Gallery;} .gallery { -st-extends: Gallery; background-color: gold;} .gallery:loading::navBtn { visibility: hidden;}
  9. @brucel :import { -st-from: "./icon-button.st.css"; -st-default: IconButton;} .root { -st-states:

    loading, empty;} .navBtn { -st-extends: IconButton;} Gallery::navBtn::icon gallery.st.css: Defining Gallery inner navBtn
  10. @brucel Status of Stylable • Pseudo Elements & Classes •

    Imports • Mixins • Theming • VSCode Extension • Integration - React, Webpack
  11. @brucel W.I.P. • Pseudo-Classes with parameters: .grid::column:name("email") {color:goldenrod;} • Formatters:

    .item {color: darker(red);} • Declaration Interfaces • MOAR Integrations • Dogfooding and battle-testing • Web Components Compatibility, Houdini
  12. @brucel Get ‘em while they’re hot • Stylable docs -

    Stylable.io • Stylable repo - github.com/wix/stylable
  13. @brucel Artisan: “a worker in a skilled trade, especially one

    that involves making things by hand.”
  14. @brucel 職⼈人気質 Shokunin means not only having technical skill, but

    also implies an attitude and social consciousness... a social obligation to work his best for the general welfare of the people, [an] obligation both material and spiritual. Tashio Odate - “Japanese Woodworking Tools: Their Tradition, Spirit and Use”
  15. @brucel Total online retail spending in China reached $307 billion

    in 2013 and is forecast to grow at a compound annual rate of nearly 20% until 2019, when it should exceed $1 trillion. “ $1 trillion online by 2019 - China Online Retail Forecast Forrester
  16. @brucel World Bank: Landlocked countries generally pay higher prices for

    bandwidth than coastal countries. In Africa, for instance, being landlocked adds an average of US$232 to the monthly price for fixed broadband access. World Bank. 2016. World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends. Washington, DC: World Bank. doi:10.1596/978-1-4648-0671-1. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO “
  17. @brucel for mobile broadband too, the range is more than

    100-fold between Pakistan (US$1.48 for a GB of data a month, downloaded to a mobile handset) and São Tomé and Príncipe (US$169.38). “
  18. @brucel Paradox The employment rate in connected areas relative to

    unconnected areas increased by between 4.2% and 10% when fast internet became available. Fast internet and employment in Africa http://voxdev.org/topic/technology-innovation/fast-internet-and-employment-africa “
  19. @brucel In most countries in our sample, the increase in

    skilled employment was biggest for workers with secondary or tertiary education, but those who only completed primary school were also more likely to hold a job. “
  20. @brucel Despite the fact that Africa has the lowest income

    per capita of any region, affordability was only identified as the most important barrier in one out of 13 markets in our survey. 
 “ Africa: not just affordability - GSMA Consumer barriers to mobile internet adoption in Africa - July 2016
  21. @brucel Network coverage was not perceived as an issue in

    most countries, reflecting the increasing availability of mobile networks. However, mobile broadband (3G or 4G) coverage remains low in most parts of Africa. 
 “ Africa: not just networks - GSMA Consumer barriers to mobile internet adoption in Africa - July 2016
  22. @brucel A lack of awareness and locally relevant content was

    considered the most important barrier to internet adoption in North Africa and the second biggest barrier in Sub-Saharan Africa. 
 “ Lack of awareness/ content. - GSMA Consumer barriers to mobile internet adoption in Africa - July 2016
  23. @brucel A lack of digital skills was identified as the

    biggest barrier to internet adoption in Sub-Saharan Africa and the second biggest in North Africa. 
 “ Lack of digital skills - GSMA Consumer barriers to mobile internet adoption in Africa - July 2016
  24. @brucel A lack of awareness and locally relevant content was

    the most commonly cited barrier to internet adoption: 72% of non-internet users across the six survey markets felt this was a barrier. 
 “ Asia - GSMA Consumer barriers to mobile internet adoption in Asia - January 2016
  25. @brucel 50% of websites worldwide are in English, a language

    spoken by only 10% of speakers in the survey countries. By way of contrast, only 2% of websites worldwide are in Mandarin and less than 0.1% are in Hindi. 
 “ Asia - GSMA Consumer barriers to mobile internet adoption in Asia - January 2016
  26. @brucel In Africa, 7 in 10 people who do not

    use the internet say they just don’t know how to use it, and almost 4 in 10 say they do not know what the internet is. 
 In high-income Poland and the Slovak Republic, one- fifth of adults cannot use a computer. “ Digital illiteracy? - World Bank
  27. @brucel 41% do not use the internet at all, 53%

    do not have broadband access at home, and 23% do not use cell phones. “ American seniors - Older Adults and Technology Use (Pew Research Centre, April 2014)
  28. @brucel Video by ClubInternet, Pakistan. 
 Used by kind permission.

    http://clubinternet.co/ https://vimeo.com/116787124
  29. Digital Divide: Africa 2011-12 Individuals who use the internet (%)

    0 5 10 15 20 25 Bottom Upper
 40% 60% Mature Young
 (45+) (15-24) Rural Urban Women Men
 Gender Location Age Income distribution
  30. @brucel Rural mobile internet users grew by a staggering 93%

    between December 2014-Dec 2015, yet only nine per cent of the hinterland has access to the technology. In comparison, 53% of urban areas had mobile internet connectivity and grew at 71% during the same period. “ Digital Divide (India) - Times of India, 3 Feb 1016
  31. @brucel In Nigeria, the data needed to watch just 2

    minutes of online video a day can cost more than sending a child to school for a month. “ Nigeria - How To Make Internet Affordable
  32. @brucel • Settle on fair and transparent ICT taxes. •

    Get governments and donors to step up efforts. • Agree on “affordability”: 1 GB for 2% • Invest in public access solutions. • Make getting women online a top priority. Fast Africa
  33. @brucel Online work can prove particularly beneficial for women, youth,

    older workers, and the disabled, who may prefer the flexibility of working from home or working flexible hours. “ Online work
  34. @brucel In India… women are 62% less likely to use

    the internet than men. Many of the underlying reasons for this – affordability, skills and content – are the same as for men; they are simply felt more acutely by women. “ Gender divide - GSMA Consumer barriers to mobile internet adoption in Africa - July 2016
  35. @brucel Rural Internet users are today almost exclusively male (98%)

    “ Rural India’s gender divide - Boston Consulting Group - The Rising Connected Consumer in Rural India July 2016
  36. Women 25% Men 75% Total nonagricultural employment Women 44% Men

    56% Online work (Elance) Web empowers women
  37. Online work: Most important advantages Able to earn extra money

    Higher chances of getting higher earnings than in jobs offline Able to work from home 
 and work flexible hours Reduce time and 
 cost for job search Provide access to the 
 job market which 
 was limited before Higher chances of 
 getting a job that matches 
 my skills and interests 0 10 20 30 40 50 Men Women Percent of respondents
  38. Online work: Most important disadvantages Payment is not 

    enough Friends and family 
 do not understand 
 what I am doing Do not have any 
 social benefits Require access to an 
 online payment system Require access to internet Require internet and 
 computer skills The job is temporary, 
 and it is not for a 
 long-term career 0 10 20 30 40 Men Women Percent of respondents
  39. @brucel The government of the Indian state of Kerala set

    up the Kudumbashree project to outsource information technology services to cooperatives of women from poor families; 90 percent of the women had not previously worked outside the home. “ “Prosperity of the family”
  40. @brucel Downloading a typical app with 20 MB APK can

    take more than 30 minutes on a 2G network, and the download is likely to fail before completion, due to the flaky nature of the network. “ - How we built Facebook Lite for every Android phone and network
  41. @brucel 
 With space this limited, the user is

    comparing their personal photo collection with the adoption of a new app on their phone. “ - Mobile App Developers Are Suffering
  42. @brucel we didn’t stand a chance as we were fighting

    with both our competitors and other apps for a few more MB of room inside people’s phones. “ Birdly - Why you shouldn’t bother creating a mobile app
  43. “With PWAs […], without the download overhead of native apps

    […] developers in Nigeria can now give a great and up-to-date experience to their users.” @brucel
  44. @brucel Guard the web as you work on it Someone

    or something or some combination of people and things is using YouTube to systematically frighten, traumatise, and abuse children, automatically and at scale, and it forces me to question my own beliefs about the internet, at every level. https://medium.com/@jamesbridle/something-is-wrong-on-the-internet-c39c471271d2
  45. @brucel the full benefits of the information and communications transformation

    will not be realized unless countries continue to improve their business climate, invest in people’s education and health, and promote good governance. “
  46. @brucel Developing countries are home to 94% of the global

    offline population. “ - State of Connectivity 2014, internet.org
  47. @brucel an increase in Internet maturity similar to the one

    experienced in mature countries over the past 5 years creates an increase in real GDP per capita of $500 on average during this period. “ Internet matters - The Net’s sweeping impact on growth, jobs, and prosperity (McKinsey Global Institute)
  48. @brucel It took the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century

    50 years to produce the same result. “ Internet matters - The Net’s sweeping impact on growth, jobs, and prosperity (McKinsey Global Institute)
  49. @brucel love peace thanks boomshanka Bruce Lawson FFConf 2017 F

    Delventhal https://www.flickr.com/photos/krossbow/10324856173/
  50. @brucel Resources ▪ World Bank, Digital Dividends report http://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/wdr2016 ▪

    Population forecast video by Hans Rosling (raw data from United Nations) https://www.gapminder.org/ videos/dont-panic-the-facts-about-population/ ▪ More than half of humanity lives within this circle (Washington Post)) https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/ worldviews/wp/2013/05/07/map-more-than-half-of-humanity-lives-within-this-circle/ ▪ Nigeria video cost vs school fees statistic https://webwewant.org/news/how-to-make-internet-affordable/ ▪ Population and GDP figures from CIA World Fact Book https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world- factbook/ ▪ Stats on page size/ images ratio from httparchive.org ▪ GSMA report on Africa (https://www.gsmaintelligence.com/research/2016/07/consumer-barriers-to-mobile- internet-adoption-in-africa/568/) Asia (https://www.gsmaintelligence.com/research/2016/06/consumer- barriers-to-mobile-internet-adoption-in-asia/559/) ▪ Fast Africa: How Do We Get FAST Internet? (Policy Advice) https://webwewant.org/fast-africa/toolkit/get- fast-internet-policy-advice/ ▪ McKinsey report www.mckinsey.com/insights/high_tech_telecoms_internet/internet_matters ▪ Facebook, Myanmar, anti-muslim sentiment https://www.buzzfeed.com/sheerafrenkel/fake-news-spreads- trump-around-the-world
  51. @brucel Picture sources ▪ Me by HTML sign in Tokyo

    by Doug Schepers (@shepazu), used with permission. All rights reserved. ▪ World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends www.worldbank.org/en/publication/wdr2016 ▪ “Is Google usable” video - clubinternet.co; used with permission. All rights reserved. https://vimeo.com/116787124
  52. @brucel Maps ▪ True size of Africa by Kai Krause

    (Public Domain) ▪ Map of China Single Color by FreeVectorMaps.com ▪ Map of Africa Single Color by FreeVectorMaps.com ▪ Map of Asia Single Color by FreeVectorMaps.com