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Welcome to the blue team! How building a better...

Welcome to the blue team! How building a better hacker accidentally built a better defender.

Security practitioners know that the threats that face an organization are always active, and that while defenders need to get everything right, a good attacker only needs to get one thing right. That’s all well and good for security practitioners, but what about the rest of the company? How do you transform security from a rather inconvenient checklist, to a nascent awareness of the threat? How do you get those responsible for providing your attack surface to ‘actually care about whether it’s secure or not?


July 11, 2014

More Decks by caseyjohnellis

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  1. Welcome to the blue team… 
 (How building a better

    hacker accidentally built a better defender) Casey Ellis - Converge Detroit 2014
  2. About me @caseyjohnellis JABAH (Just Another Blonde Aussie Hacker) Recovering

    pentester turned solution architect turned sales guy turned entrepreneur Wife and two kids now living in San Francisco Founder and CEO of Bugcrowd
  3. Before we begin… • I’m not here to sell you

    anything. • Let’s be real. • I’m not a developer. I’m a 100% breaker. So I’m speaking to security folks in front of developers. This will hopefully help all of you.
  4. Who’s who • Who here builds for a living? •

    Who here breaks for a living? • Who does both? Seriously? You poor bugger.
  5. Side note: • Those who think like bad guys *greatly*

    overestimate the ability for everyone else to think like a bad guy. • Doesn’t make security people “better”. Does make us useful (and really, really annoying). • Tip: The next time you feel like calling a developer “dumb”, build and launch a product first.
  6. Side note: • Development contributes to products which make money.

    No dev = no product = no money = no job = no beuno. • Security minimizes risk of loss. No security = More risk… but *maybe* nothing will happen. • This driver for prioritization happens all. the. time.
  7. Side note: • Thanks to every security vendor ever for

    making this even harder. • FUD works, but FUD fatigue is real.
  8. Status quo • Developer checklists • Check-in testing/CI tests •

    Security awareness training • Pentesting/VA/outsourced things BLOCKERS
  9. The McAfee Version The most security aware an organization will

    ever be is straight after a breach. *not a John McAfee quote, but he’s burning benjamin’s in this pic because it’s true.
  10. …and about introducing your devs to this guy. Egor Homakov

    (@homakov) aka “that guy who totally owned Github that time” ! Good guy who thinks like a bad guy ! “I wonder what his next-door neighbor can do?”
  11. An idea: Gamify your SDLC • Create a pot that

    benefits your dev team (team drinks, party, event, whatever) and have bug bounties paid from it. What ever the hackers don’t get, the devs keep. • Level up: Pilot it with internal teams.
  12. Conclusion • Bug bounties are cost effective, and highly marketable…

    but that’s not the full story… • …the psychology of external disclosure is completely different to internal security training, and it’s extremely effective. • Go start one. • More tips and tricks at https://blog.bugcrowd.com
  13. @caseyjohnellis https://bugcrowd.com [email protected] ! Greets to Wolf, @jimmyvo and Converge

    crew, builditsecure.ly, Rapid7, iamthecavalry.com, @treyford, @quine, @markstanislav, @alliebrosh, @mwcoates, @homakov, @codesoda and the @bugcrowd team.