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May 27, 2024

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  1. 圖書館本週新書(29/05) Title:The boy in the striped pyjamas [穿紋條衫的男孩] 九龍男校S3書單指定用書 Cover:

    Bruno doesn't know anything about the Final Solution. All he knows is that his family have moved from their home in Berlin to a desolate area, where there's no one to play with... Call No.:F BOY
  2. 圖書館本週新書(29/05) Title:The wizard of Oz [綠野 仙蹤] 屯門友校S1書單指定用書 Cover: Dorothy

    and her little dog, Toto, are carried by a cyclone from her aunt and uncle's house in Kansas. When they come down, they find themselves in the land of Oz Call No.:F BAU
  3. 圖書館本週新書(29/05) Title:Silverfin [少年占士邦] Cover: On Lock Silverfin in Scotland, a

    bad man lives in a castle with his son. James Bond and his new friend, Red Kelly, go to the castle. They must find Red's missing cousin... Call No.:F HIG
  4. 圖書館本週新書(29/05) Title:The merchant of Venice [威尼斯商人] 港島英中S6英國文學書單指定用書 Cover: Each play

    in the series has been carefully edited to enable students to inhabit Shakespeare’s imaginative world in accessible and creative ways Call No.:822.3 MER