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the newthinking way of doing things

the newthinking way of doing things

meeting experience

Claudia Brückner

October 22, 2012

Other Decks in Design


  1. Source: Icons - The Noun Project Open strate ies and

    projects between media & technolo y and society & culture IT Consultin Event
  2. Source: Icons - The Noun Project creation of participatory platforms

    and frameworks webplatforms processes events
  3. …it is pretty hard to desi n the meetin experience

    how to desi n the meetin experience ? to be honest…
  4. Source: Icons - The Noun Project who is meetin ?

    the user desi nin meetin experience part of your product/service they make it. that‘s cool. but you can‘t control it. Chaos but you can mana e the Chaos or you can decide to enhance it …
  5. we don‘t tell people how to use the space they

    know it best they make it theirs
  6. reducin the distance between artist and fan makin processes visible

    and transparent becomin part of the process ivin opportunities to create not only for the user, but with the user Source: Icons - The Noun Project
  7. trust the user & ive them space to do it

    themselfes don‘t plan or force anythin learn from the user Source: Icons - The Noun Project
  8. learn from the user to iterate your process share what

    went ri ht & wron et instant & realtime experience feedback Source: Icons - The Noun Project
  9. newthinkin way of doin thin s empower the user to

    create their meetin expereince learn from the user to iterate your processes Source: Icons - The Noun Project
  10. Source: Icons - The Noun Project Nov 2012 summit of

    newthinkin open strate ies how to create an open meetin experience? involve the user/attendees incorporate the pre- & post-event phases