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From python scripts to packages: an overview fo...

January 08, 2013

From python scripts to packages: an overview for scientists

A high-level overview of tools to make your code usable by others, for scientists


January 08, 2013

More Decks by cournape

Other Decks in Research


  1. • A few set of scripts for data munging •

    Later shared with co- workers ... • ... who modify them • few months later: multiple, incompatible scripts, different results
  2. WHAT IS THIS TALK ABOUT ? • How to organise

    a project as it grows • How to share software effectively • Set of good practices to foster collaboration • Tools to help applying those practices • Python-focused (but mostly applies to other technologies)
  3. VERSION SOURCE CONTROL • Systems to record snapshots of your

    code • Always use one • Usage can be low-overhead • Use a well known one: subversion, mercurial, git • Free hosted solutions available: bitbucket, github, gitorious
  4. EXAMPLE # Top directory (source tree root) foo-1.0 foo-1.0/README foo-1.0/LICENSE

    foo-1.0/setup.py # Top python package (“import foo”) foo-1.0/foo/__init__.py foo-1.0/foo/bar.py
  5. KEY POINTS • Use sensible name for the source tree

    • README to describe the purpose of the software • Add a LICENSE file to specify the license • setup.py will be used for packaging: • use distutils library to provide essential packaging capabilities • Don’t use a ‘Lib’ or ‘src’ directory at the top
  6. DISTUTILS # setup.py file content from distutils.core import setup setup(name="foo",

    version="1.0", summary="a few words about the package", author="John Doe", author_email="[email protected]", license="BSD", url="http://www.example.com", packages=["foo"])
  7. WHY SETUP.PY • Install your package python setup.py install •

    Build windows installers python setup.py bdist_wininst • Build tarballs python setup.py sdist
  8. WHY SETUP.PY ? (2) • Most python users know what

    to do with it • Simple setup.py files are easy to write • Works on every platform
  9. RATIONALE • Package vs project: from one to N developers

    • A project usually involved documentation, tests, scheduled releases, etc... • In many ways, this is about bootstrapping to make other people do the work for you !
  10. DOCUMENTATION • Multiple kinds of documentation: • API documentation: what

    a given function/class does • “Proper” documentation: usage-oriented, should be the main documentation as project matures • Use sphinx to deal with documentation
  11. • Sphinx transforms reST (text-like format) into html, latex/pdf •

    Knows how to extract inline documentation from python code • Can embed math (latex), code snippets
  12. SIMPLE EXAMPLE foo-1.0 foo-1.0/setup.py # created by sphinx foo-1.0/doc/ foo-1.0/doc/Makefile

    foo-1.0/doc/src/conf.py foo-1.0/doc/src/... • Doc bootstrapped with sphinx-quickstart script • Makefile to help build documentation, e.g. make html
  13. HOSTING YOUR DOC (2) • http://readthedocs.org is a free service

    to host sphinx documentation • Only requirement: provide a link to your sphinx documentation • Documentation automatically built for you when code is updated
  14. TESTING • Testing is about validating your code • Becomes

    more important as the project grows in #people and #size
  15. WRITING A SIMPLE TEST # test_add.py file from unittest import

    TestCase from foo import add class TestSimple(TestCase): def test1(self): self.assertEqual(add(1, 2), 3)
  16. RUNNING A SIMPLE TEST • Tests can be run with

    a test runner, e.g. with the 3rd party discover package (included in python >= 2.7): python -m unittest discover foo • Other popular testing frameworks: py.text, nose
  17. ORGANISING TESTS • Make your tests importable • Put tests

    inside your package, not side by side to it foo-1.0 foo-1.0/setup.py # tests subdirectory inside the package directories foo-1.0/foo/tests foo-1.0/foo/tests/__init__.py foo-1.0/foo/tests/...
  18. TRAVIS-CI • http://travis-ci.org is a free hosted service to run

    tests (not python specific) • Starting point: a simple text configuration file in your project: # .travis.yml file language: python python: - "2.7" - "3.2" script: python tests/test_all_of_the_units.py
  19. CONCLUSION • Giving away code is not enough, it needs

    to be reusable • Reusability is key to help collaboration and ensure maintainability • Lots of freely available tools to help documenting, testing, distributing software • Helping others may be helping yourself in the future
  20. LINKS • Hosted source code repositories: http://github.com, https:// bitbucket.org/ •

    Writing great documentation: http://jacobian.org/writing/great- documentation/ • Hosting sphinx documentation: https://readthedocs.org/ • Hosted test runner: http://travis-ci.org • To go further: http://guide.python-distribute.org/