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Geoscience Research Trends and Current Pattern ...

Geoscience Research Trends and Current Pattern in Mahakam Watershed: A Bibliometric Study

Abstract. The role of the Mahakam River in the community cannot be denied vital because it is the main support of products distribution path, from upstream to downstream, given forestry commodities, agriculture commodities, and even the mining sector commodities. Especially with the Capital City transfer plan (Ibu Kota Negara, short IKN) Nusantara, the Mahakam River is in the buffer area. The literature on Mahakam Watershed has developed significantly over the past few decades. In addition to research articles, there are no studies that are collecting and correlating their quotes using the most popular quotes mapping technique – bibliometric. Bibliometric studies provide an enhanced understanding of developments, research status, and future trends in the research sector. This bibliometric study is preliminary research from the large part of research in the geomorphometry of Mahakam Watershed. This study aims to systematically plot the surface of the scientific research on the Mahakam Watershed using the tangible quantitative review technique of the State of the Art. Digital data acquisition through open access services, namely Google Scholar, Directory Open Access Journal (DOAJ), ResearchGate, Springer Link. Productivity and scientific quality indicators such as the number of articles, quotes, or funding activities, are obtained by the most relevant combination of keywords, writers, and countries. The development of bibliometric indicators over time is also presented and discussed. The result was from 927, only 392 words from 535 articles that filled the threshold and were analyzed using VOSviewer software. Frequently article’s topics are classified into geoscience (geology and geography), engineering (civil and mining), biology-biodiversity, water and fisheries, and forestry. The trend formed a crossover pattern between the literature on the energy field (oil and gas) with the forestry field. The subject of oil and gas decreased from its peak in 2009, meanwhile, the enthusiasm for articles regarding deforestation increased drastically from 2009 to 2020. Next, the most identified influential literature is related to water quality that has an impact on the environment, observed through the significance of the number of citations in the range of 3 until 5 years which increased by 72%. Also observed, there was a literature gap about the climate on the Mahakam Watershed. This can be a research opportunity that leads to future trends of research.
Abstrak. Peran Sungai Mahakam dalam masyarakat tidak dapat disangkal sangat vital karena menjadi tumpuan jalur distribusi produk dari hulu ke hilir, yakni komoditas kehutanan, pertanian, bahkan sektor pertambangan. Terlebih dengan rencana Ibukota Negara (IKN) Nusantara, Sungai Mahakam berada di wilayah penyangga. Literatur tentang DAS MAHAKAM telah berkembang secara signifikan selama beberapa dekade terakhir. Selain artikel penelitian, belum ada kajian yang mengkolektifkan dan mengkomparasi kutipan mereka menggunakan teknik pemetaan kutipan paling popular – bibliometrik. Studi bibliometrik memberikan pemahaman yang ditingkatkan tentang perkembangan, status penelitian, serta tren masa depan bidang penelitian. Kajian bibliometric ini merupakan preliminary research dari bagian besar research di Geomorfometri DAS Mahakam. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memplot secara sistematis luaran penelitian ilmiah tentang DAS Mahakam dengan menggunakan teknik tinjauan kuantitatif yang berwujud state of the art. Akuisisi data secara digital melalui layanan open access, yakni Google Scholar, Directory Open Access Journal (DOAJ), ResearchGate, Springer Link. Indikator produktivitas dan kualitas ilmiah seperti jumlah artikel, kutipan, atau aktivitas pendanaan, diperoleh dengan kombinasi kata kunci, penulis, dan negara yang paling relevan. Perkembangan indikator bibliometrik dari waktu ke waktu juga disajikan dan didiskusikan. Hasilnya dari 927, hanya 392 kata dari 535 artikel yang memenuhi ambang batas dan dianalisis menggunakan software VOSviewer. Frequently article topic mengklasifikasikan menjadi geoscience (geology and geography), engineering (civil and mining), biology-biodiversity, perairan dan perikanan, serta kehutanan. Kecenderungan terbentuk pola crossover antara literatur bidang energi (oil and gas) dengan bidang kehutanan. Pokok bahasan oil and gas menurun dari puncaknya pada 2009, sedang antusiasme artikel deforestasi bergejolak drastic dalam rentang 2009-2020. Berikutnya teridentifikasi literatur yang paling berpengaruh yaitu terkait dengan kualitas air yang berdampak pada lingkungan, hal ini dicermati melalui signifikansi jumlah sitasi dalam rentang 3 dan 5 tahun yang meningkat 72%. Teramati juga adanya kesenjangan literatur mengenai iklim pada DAS Mahakam. Hal ini dapat menjadi peluang riset yang mengarah pada tren masa depan penelitian.

Dasapta Erwin Irawan

August 26, 2022

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    Research Trends and Current Pattern in Mahakam Watershed: A Bibliometric Study Dasapta Erwin Irawan1, Stevanus Nalendra Jati2,3, Deny Juanda Puradimaja1 1 Applied Geology Research Group, Institut Teknologi Bandung 2 PhD student, Institut Teknologi Bandung 3 Geological Engineering Study Program, Universitas Sriwijaya Abstract. The role of the Mahakam River in the community cannot be denied vital because it is the main support of products distribution path, from upstream to downstream, given forestry commodities, agriculture commodities, and even the mining sector commodities. Especially with the Capital City transfer plan (Ibu Kota Negara, short IKN) Nusantara, the Mahakam River is in the buffer area. The literature on Mahakam Watershed has developed significantly over the past few decades. In addition to research articles, there are no studies that are collecting and correlating their quotes using the most popular quotes mapping technique – bibliometric. Bibliometric studies provide an enhanced understanding of developments, research status, and future trends in the research sector. This bibliometric study is preliminary research from the large part of research in the geomorphometry of Mahakam Watershed. This study aims to systematically plot the surface of the scientific research on the Mahakam Watershed using the tangible quantitative review technique of the State of the Art. Digital data acquisition through open access services, namely Google Scholar, Directory Open Access Journal (DOAJ), ResearchGate, Springer Link. Productivity and scientific quality indicators such as the number of articles, quotes, or funding activities, are obtained by the most relevant combination of keywords, writers, and countries. The development of bibliometric indicators over time is also presented and discussed. The result was from 927, only 392 words from 535 articles that filled the threshold and were analyzed using VOSviewer software. Frequently article’s topics are classified into geoscience (geology and geography), engineering (civil and mining), biology-biodiversity, water and fisheries, and forestry. The trend formed a crossover pattern between the literature on the energy field (oil and gas) with the forestry field. The subject of oil and gas decreased from its peak in 2009, meanwhile, the enthusiasm for articles regarding deforestation increased drastically from 2009 to 2020. Next, the most identified influential literature is related to water quality that has an impact on the environment, observed through the significance of the number of citations in the range of 3 until 5 years which increased by 72%. Also observed, there was a literature gap about the climate on the Mahakam Watershed. This can be a research opportunity that leads to future trends of research.
  2. Abstrak. Peran Sungai Mahakam dalam masyarakat tidak dapat disangkal sangat

    vital karena menjadi tumpuan jalur distribusi produk dari hulu ke hilir, yakni komoditas kehutanan, pertanian, bahkan sektor pertambangan. Terlebih dengan rencana Ibukota Negara (IKN) Nusantara, Sungai Mahakam berada di wilayah penyangga. Literatur tentang DAS MAHAKAM telah berkembang secara signifikan selama beberapa dekade terakhir. Selain artikel penelitian, belum ada kajian yang mengkolektifkan dan mengkomparasi kutipan mereka menggunakan teknik pemetaan kutipan paling popular – bibliometrik. Studi bibliometrik memberikan pemahaman yang ditingkatkan tentang perkembangan, status penelitian, serta tren masa depan bidang penelitian. Kajian bibliometric ini merupakan preliminary research dari bagian besar research di Geomorfometri DAS Mahakam. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memplot secara sistematis luaran penelitian ilmiah tentang DAS Mahakam dengan menggunakan teknik tinjauan kuantitatif yang berwujud state of the art. Akuisisi data secara digital melalui layanan open access, yakni Google Scholar, Directory Open Access Journal (DOAJ), ResearchGate, Springer Link. Indikator produktivitas dan kualitas ilmiah seperti jumlah artikel, kutipan, atau aktivitas pendanaan, diperoleh dengan kombinasi kata kunci, penulis, dan negara yang paling relevan. Perkembangan indikator bibliometrik dari waktu ke waktu juga disajikan dan didiskusikan. Hasilnya dari 927, hanya 392 kata dari 535 artikel yang memenuhi ambang batas dan dianalisis menggunakan software VOSviewer. Frequently article topic mengklasifikasikan menjadi geoscience (geology and geography), engineering (civil and mining), biology-biodiversity, perairan dan perikanan, serta kehutanan. Kecenderungan terbentuk pola crossover antara literatur bidang energi (oil and gas) dengan bidang kehutanan. Pokok bahasan oil and gas menurun dari puncaknya pada 2009, sedang antusiasme artikel deforestasi bergejolak drastic dalam rentang 2009-2020. Berikutnya teridentifikasi literatur yang paling berpengaruh yaitu terkait dengan kualitas air yang berdampak pada lingkungan, hal ini dicermati melalui signifikansi jumlah sitasi dalam rentang 3 dan 5 tahun yang meningkat 72%. Teramati juga adanya kesenjangan literatur mengenai iklim pada DAS Mahakam. Hal ini dapat menjadi peluang riset yang mengarah pada tren masa depan penelitian.