fore, and then resolve it with the introduction of an error budget” • “Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems” 2016/3/23 Betsy Beyerɺ Chris Jones Chapter 1 ΑΓ 14
of their time. Their remaining time should be spent using their coding skills on project work.” • “Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems” 2016/3/23 Betsy Beyerɺ Chris Jones Chapter 1 ΑΓ 33
any part of the alerting domain. Instead, software should do the interpreting, and humans should be notified only when they need to take action. ” • “Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems” 2016/3/23 Betsy Beyerɺ Chris Jones Chapter 1 ΑΓ 50