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DevGeekWeek15 - Business Win with Devops

DevGeekWeek15 - Business Win with Devops


June 23, 2015

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  1. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. Your company's goal is

    to make money or it's not in business.
  2. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. $$$ single most important

    key performance indicator (KPI) for any commerial business
  3. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. Pains of Ops Legacy

    applications Heterogenous platforms engadget.com/2015/06/14/amiga-controls-school-district-hvac/
  4. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. DevOps is a movement

    of people who think it's time for change in the IT industry - time to stop wasting money, time to start delivering great software, and building systems that scale and last. - Stephen Nelson-Smith, 2010 jedi.be/blog/2010/02/12/what-is-this-devops-thing-anyway
  5. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. 10 Deploys per Day

    Dev & Ops Cooperation at Flickr John Allspaw & Paul Hammond Velocity 2009 youtu.be/LdOe18KhtT4 2009
  6. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. The community of developers

    whose work you see on the Web, who probably don't know what ADO or UML or JPA even stand for, deploy better systems at less cost in less time at lower risk than we see in the Enterprise. This is true even when you factor in the greater flexibility and velocity of startups. - Tim Bray, 2010 tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/01/02/Doing-It-Wrong
  7. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. Devops is about CAMS

    Culture Automation Measurement Sharing - John Willis, 2010 chef.io/blog/2010/07/16/what-devops-means-to-me/
  8. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. CLAMS Culture Lean Automation

    Measurement Sharing - Jez Humble, 2010 slideshare.net/jezhumble/devops-and-agile-release-management
  9. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. People and process first.

    With missing culture, all automation attempts are fruitless. Culture
  10. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. • Interactions over processes

    and tools. • Continuous Delivery of value. • Welcome changing requirements. • Provide an environment for motivated individuals to succeed. Ops Culture
  11. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. Lean Ops • Eliminate

    waste. • Amplify learning. • Decide as late as possible. • Deliver as soon as posible. • Build quality in. • See the whole (system thinking). en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lean_software_development
  12. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. W. Edwards Deming 1900

    - 1993 It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best.
  13. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. title correctly framing the

    problem, express what the problem is in one sentence. date owner who owns the problem? who helps with solving it? problem description why is this a problem? how big is the problem? agree on scope. problem as a gap to a standard. risk for business impact of the problem. priority and importance of the problem. root-cause analysis use the five whys, or a fishbone diagram to find the causes for the problem. countermeasure plan decide on two or three possible causes for the problem. grasp the situation identify point of cause: exact place and reason the process goes wrong. execution plan details the way countermeasures will be effectively implemented, preferably with time frames. checking results instead of moving to something else, carefully check that the problem has been eliminated and solved. measure the effectiveness of the countermeasures and their impact on the overall process. followup and learning points effective solutions have a high chance to be applied elsewhere. weave solutions back into the process for the next cycle. also every problem solved often uncovers other issues which can now be details for further consideration. A3
  14. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. Automation • Minimize required

    manual work. • Simplicity is essential. • Easiest thing to solve, often neglected. • Working software over comprehensive documentation.
  15. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. Measurement • Measure everything

    as often as possible. • Metrics of performance, process and people. • Unprecedented real-time visibility. • Enable continuous improvement. (Kaizen)
  16. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. Example: HTTP Access Logs

    during a DDoS Attack dvps.me/ddos-attack-by-torrent
  17. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. • Expand creativity and

    knowledge. • Feedback and learning for everyone. • Collaboration of diverse people on shared ideas. • Empowerment of teams and individuals. Sharing
  18. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. Thank you! We invite

    you to join Operations Israel Facebook group on on.fb.me/Ops-IL we are hiring at jobs@devops.co.il www.devops.co.il