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Design, Coffee, and I-Have-No-Idea-What-I’m-Doi...

Design, Coffee, and I-Have-No-Idea-What-I’m-Doing-Oh-Maybe-I-Do

Slides from my Localhost Deployment talk in June 2017. (Initial upload for reference, needs context added for spoken content)

Simon Wright

June 09, 2017

More Decks by Simon Wright

Other Decks in Design


  1. !

  2. <!--This file created 22/5/97 6:48 PM by Claris Home Page

    version 2.0--> “For those interested in the Adventures of the Geeky kind, I designed the site in Adobe Photoshop 3.0.5 (making extensive use of layers) before transferring everything over to Claris Home Page 2.0”
  3. &

  4. Look like a pro @page :left {
 marks: crop cross;

    bleed: 5mm
 } CSS Paged Media Module Level 3 (Draft)
  5. Look like a pro @page :left {
 marks: crop cross;

    bleed: 5mm
 } CSS Paged Media Module Level 3 (Draft)
  6. Do you miss CMYK? color: device-cmyk(0 81% 23% 47%); CSS

    Color Module Level 4 (Draft) c m y k
  7. Like, really miss CMYK? CSS Color Module Level 4 (Draft)

    background: color(fergus 0 .81 .23 .47); @color-profile fergus {
 src: url('http://example.org/ fooprinter-coated.icc'); }
  8. So.

  9. &