Technology Metadata Stores Project and partly supported by the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) ANDS is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program and the Education Investment Fund (EIF) Super Science Initiative
- Keith et al. (2010) + discovery papers • Collaborative Research (Swinburne, Manchester, ATNF, Cagliari) • Low-lat survey: thin strip Galactic Plane (deep) -> faint pulsars • Med-lat survey: bright MSP for timing array projevys • High-lat survey: snapshot of transient sky (Sth +10) • Rotating radio transients, short duration radio bursts • Running for ~5 years, over 100 new pulsars, including 26 ms pulsars • Survey has produced over 600 Tb of raw data (Total ~875 Tb) • Data archived to tape & streamed to Swinburne via 1 Gb/s link - cont. observing Pulsar Timing Array projects (P140) • Detection of gravitational waves High Time Resolution Universe North (HTRU - North) • Effelsburg Radio Telescope possibly... in consultation with research groups
interface • Sophisicated analysis tools backed by significant processing power • MySQL data base with a PHP frontend. • Accesses a Pb scale database • XML headers for instrumental and astrophysical metadata - format independent & editable - facilitates easy indexing • Uses the supercomputer (gSTAR) batch queue system - email alerts - currently has ‘timeout’ in place • Modular - datasets and analysis tools can be added over time • Attempt to write ‘non-expert’ analysis tools
datasets - secure / proprietory periods • Target: project collaborators, registered astronomers.. public? • Enables users to query AND analyse data and download data products (metadata available via CSIROs Data Access Facility) • Alleviates Tb-Pb storage issues, and the guesswork associated with setup & maintenance of software & hardware infrastructure • Access pulsar observations, search object catalogues, process time-series data with sophisticated analysis software • Test & validate analysis techniques (for Parkes data, Molonglo & SKA) Improved multi-processing (eg. orbital solutions for high-eccenticity binaries) • Science-ready results & greater discovery potential
& EEG - Microscopy/Eng: raman spectrometer & confocal microscope • Research Data Management & Policy - Instutional research storage, Cloudstor+ (file sharing & storage) - Research Conduct policy, analytics & strategy • Swinburne (ANDS) Metadata Store Project - Research data collections for Research Data Australia - Copyright, software licencing, DOIs • Astronomy Research - HST/ACS Coma Cluster Treasury Survey - HST imaging of the Atlas3D galaxy sample