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10x More Effective Sprint Review for the Agile ...

10x More Effective Sprint Review for the Agile Team


May 22, 2023

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  1. ASIA EDGE TECHNOLOGY. PTD. LTE What is Sprint Review? •

    Sprint Review is one of the official meetings in Agile to inspect outcomes and determine future adaptation at the end of Sprint. • The development team demonstrates their achievements and gets feedback from stakeholders. • Sprint Review is different from Sprint Retrospective because Sprint Retrospective discusses future improvements.
  2. ASIA EDGE TECHNOLOGY. PTD. LTE Why is Sprint Review Important?

    • Demonstrating outcomes and getting feedback from customers and stakeholders to avoid developing unwanted products or features, which is one of the most common problems in software development. • Reviewing and adapting what to do next because the business environment and customers’ expectations rapidly change due to globalization and technologies. • Revising the Product Backlog as it will be an input for the upcoming Sprint Planning.
  3. ASIA EDGE TECHNOLOGY. PTD. LTE Preparation for Sprint Review •

    Sprint Goal(s) • Sprint Backlogs • Definition of Done • Increments
  4. ASIA EDGE TECHNOLOGY. PTD. LTE Sprint Goal(s) and Sprint Backlogs

    Sprint Goal(s) Sprint Goal(s) describes why Sprint is important for the product. It must align with the product vision. Sprint Goal(s) is ideally one but can be multiple if it suits your team. Sprint Backlogs Sprint Backlogs are selected Product Backlog Items based on Sprint Goal(s) and are expected to complete by the end of Sprint. They are the actual scope of the development team to work.
  5. ASIA EDGE TECHNOLOGY. PTD. LTE Definition of Done • The

    second input is the Definition of Done (DoD) which clarifies the standard rule of the meaning of the completion in the team. • DoD prevents a common problem in software development that the development team cannot distinguish which Product Backlog Items are completed because everyone has a different understanding of completion. • Acceptance Criteria, which represent detailed requirements and acceptance tests, are commonly used as part of DoD.
  6. ASIA EDGE TECHNOLOGY. PTD. LTE Increments • Increments are completed

    Product Backlog Items that are ready to be released anytime. • The meaning of completion is to meet the Definition of Done. • The development team is expected to delivery Increments by the end of Sprint and demonstrate during Sprint Review.
  7. ASIA EDGE TECHNOLOGY. PTD. LTE Facilitation Order 1. First, the

    Scrum Master explains the purpose and agenda of Sprint Review so all participants see the same direction. 2. Secondly, the Product Owner or Developers demonstrate or explain their outcomes based on Sprint Goal(s) and Sprint Backlogs. 3. At the end of Sprint Review, the Scrum Master recapitulates and confirms the discussion and outputs. Outputs of Sprint Review are critical for the next Sprint Planning for correct adaptation.
  8. ASIA EDGE TECHNOLOGY. PTD. LTE How the Scrum Master Behaves

    As the facilitator, the Scrum Master should • Remain neutral position, not decision-maker or impartial. • Practice active listening. • Ask powerful questions. • Invest effort in maintaining a positive atmosphere.
  9. ASIA EDGE TECHNOLOGY. PTD. LTE Output • Adapted Product Backlog

    is the most important output as it becomes the input for the next Sprint. • However, outputs are not limited to adapted Product Backlog. For example, meeting minute is commonly made for everyone’s review. The Scrum Master needs to adjust based on the context of a project.
  10. ASIA EDGE TECHNOLOGY. PTD. LTE Bottom Line • Sprint Review

    is an opportunity for the development team to demonstrate their achievements and get feedback from stakeholders. • Sprint Review is important to prevent the most common software development problem: the development team develops unwanted products or features. • For the 10x more effective Sprint Review, the development team prepares four elements: Sprint Goal(s), Sprint Backlogs, the Definition of Done, and Increments. • During the Sprint Review, the Scrum Master should remain neutral, practice active listening, ask powerful questions, and invest effort in maintaining a positive atmosphere. • The most important output is the adapted Product Backlog, as it becomes an input for the next Sprint. However, outputs are not limited to it. For example, meeting minute is often made for review.