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Speaking to Influence Executives

Speaking to Influence Executives

How to function as a speaker and deliberately influence executives.

Dr Elijah Ezendu

September 13, 2017

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  1. Speaking to Influence Executives Dr. Elijah Ezendu FIMC, FCIM, FCCM,

  2. Dr Albert Mehrabian Communication Model Non-Verbal [93%] Verbal [7%] "Please

    note that this and other equations regarding relative importance of verbal and nonverbal messages were derived from experiments dealing with communications of feelings and attitudes (i.e., like-dislike). Unless a communicator is talking about their feelings or attitudes, these equations are not applicable.” - Dr Albert Mehrabian
  3. Evaluation of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Notable speakers and other

    professionals who had refuted broad applicability of Mehrabian communication ratio 7/93 include Steve Denning, Susan Trivers, John Windsor, Laura Fitton and Andrew Abela, citing the premise of Mehrabian research and his final recommendations. Nonetheless, most speakers and professionals accept the importance of both verbal and non-verbal communication, while claiming one fixed ratio does not fit every condition.
  4. Current Resolution Most authorities insist non-verbal communication is more impacting

    than verbal communication, and as a result has the capacity to either derail, oppose and disapprove or sustain, convey and authenticate a speech.
  5. Key Takeaway Ensure the depiction of your collective non- verbal

    communication aligns effectively with intended message of verbal communication.
  6. Functions of Nonverbal Communication ✓ Accent: Punctuating or drawing attention

    to a verbal message ✓ Complement: Expressions/gestures that support but could not replace verbal message ✓ Contradict: Expressions or gestures that convey meaning opposite to that of verbal message ✓ Regulate: Expressions or gestures that control the pace or flow of communication ✓ Repeat: A gesture or expression that can be used alone to send the same meaning as verbal message ✓ Substitute: A nonverbal cue that replaces verbal message
  7. Examples of Nonverbal Cues ▪ Accent: Touching someone’s shoulder in

    empathy ▪ Compliment: Smiling in approval or frowning with disdain ▪ Contradict: Reading paper while saying “I am listening” ▪ Regulate: Looking confused by too much information ▪ Repeat: A stern look or pointing along with a verbal command ▪ Substitute: Nods and shakes of the head
  8. Types of Nonverbal Cues 1. Facial expression 2. Eye behaviour

    3. Posture 4. Gesture 5. Proxemics 6. Touch 7. Personal appearance 8. Vocal features of speech
  9. Real Nonverbal Cues ❖ Facial Expression: Happiness, sadness, surprise, fear,

    anger and disgust ❖ Eye Behaviour-Functions: Regulatory, monitoring, cognitive and expressive ❖ Posture: Indicative of attention, involvement, relative status and rapport ❖ Gestures: Speech related and independent ❖ Proxemics: Use space ❖ Touch: ‘of self’ indicates emotion, and ‘of others’ indicates relationship ❖ Personal Experience: Indicators of personality, values and lifestyle ❖ Vocal Features of Speech: Tone, stress, accent, loudness and rate of speech
  10. Common Signs Causing Disapproval i. Inadmissible body movements ii. Touching

    of self/fidgeting iii. Hesitation iv. Blinking, eye shifting and dilation of pupils v. Lack of spontaneity vi. Speech errors vii. High vocal pitch viii. Negativity
  11. Actions for Improving Non-Verbal Communication Skills ✓ Avoiding a slouching

    posture ✓ Avoiding smiling or laughter when messages are serious ✓ Displaying some animation with hands and facial expressions to project a dynamic presence ✓ Don’t bring your phone, a drink or anything else to an interview or meeting that could distract you ✓ Don’t interrupt your interviewer ✓ Eliminating fidgeting and shaking of limbs ✓ Establishing frequent but not continuous or piercing eye contact with interviewers ✓ Focusing on the conversation ✓ Introducing yourself with a smile and a firm handshake ✓ Keeping hands away from the face and hair ✓ Leaning slightly forward to indicate interest ✓ Listening carefully ✓ Maintaining open arms, folded arms can convey defensiveness ✓ Modulating vocal tone to express excitement and punctuate key points ✓ Nodding to demonstrate understanding ✓ Observing the reaction of others to your statements ✓ Paying attention to the conversation ✓ Reading the nonverbal signals of others; providing clarification if they look confused, wrapping up if they have heard enough ✓ Refraining from forced laughter in response to humor ✓ Refraining from looking at the clock, your phone or displaying any other signs of disinterest ✓ Respecting the amount of personal space preferred by your communication partners ✓ Rotating eye contact to various speakers in group interviewing or networking situations ✓ Shaking hands firmly without excessive force ✓ Showing that you’re interested in what the interviewer is telling you ✓ Smiling to indicate that you are amused or pleased with a communication ✓ Staying calm even when you’re nervous ✓ Steering clear of monotone delivery ✓ Waiting until the person is done talking to respond Adopted from Alison Doyle, Non-Verbal Communication Skills
  12. 12 Body Language Tips for Career Success • Stand tall

    and take up space • Widen your stance • Lower your vocal pitch • Try power priming • Strike a power pose • Maintain positive eye contact • Talk with your hands • Use open gestures • Try a steeple • Reduce nervous gestures • Smile • Perfect your handshake Adopted from Carol Goman, 12 Body Language Tips for Career Success
  13. Detrimental Speaker Archetypes • The Gripper: This is the speaker

    who hangs on to the podium for dear life with both hands. He couldn’t let go to make a gesture if he tried. • The Leaning Tower: This is a first cousin of the gripper. While hanging on to the podium the speaker leans to one side so it looks as though the lectern is supporting her. • The Rattler: This speaker is usually the guy who has a hand in his pants pocket rattling the change, tokens, keys and assorted other items. It may calm his nerves but is distracting to his audience. • The Pacer: Back and forth she goes across the podium, often walking right in front of the slides. Continuous walking during a presentation tells the audience that this is a nervous speaker. The constant pacing diverts their focus away from the message. • The Parade Rester: At ease, soldier. This speaker assumes a military stance, feet apart, and hands behind his back. Never moves. Often glowers to make a point. • The Statue: This speaker is so nervous about presenting in front of a large audience that he places his hands in a fig leaf position down low in front of him. This signals, “wow, am I uncomfortable,” which robs him of any authority or credibility. Gestures should add to rather than detract from your presentation. Adopted from The Newman Group, Body Language Speaks Louder Than Words
  14. “There are three things to aim at in public speaking:

    first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience.” – Alexander Gregg
  15. Delivery Uses Context to Facilitate Coupling of Content and Audience

    C Content Audience Context Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Source: Elijah Ezendu, Public Speaking
  16. “The success of your presentation will be judged not by

    the knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.” – Lilly Walters
  17. “If you have an important point to make, don’t try

    to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack.” – Winston S. Churchill
  18. “The best speeches come from the heart and reflect your

    passion. Speak as if your life depended on it.” – Arvee Robinson
  19. Speech Preparation • Speech Planning • Content Research • Evaluation

    of Pros and Cons • Development of Fitting Content • Align Content to Audience • Speech Writing • Ascertainment of Delivery Aids and Tools • Practice & Review
  20. Speech Outline Exercise State acceptable components of the following •

    Opening:…………………………………………………. • Body:……………………………………………………….. • Conclusion:……………………………………………….
  21. Speech Mechanics i. Eloquence ii. Vocal Chemistry iii. Voice Modulation

    iv. Intrinsic Rhythm v. Self Pacing vi. Motion-Pause Control vii. Audience-Centric Eye Contact viii. Proxemics ix. Poise-Driven Narratives x. Systematic Gestures xi. Appropriate Entertainment & Attention Boosting Humour xii. Structured Audience Engagement xiii. Distinguishable Professional Passion xiv. Clarity Without Unnecessaries xv. Mission-Driven Campaign xvi. Great Gusto for Storytelling xvii. Effectively Aligned Anecdotes xviii. Unleash Audacious Confidence xix. Demonstrate Subject Matter Mastery xx. Proofs of Content Integrity xxi. Avoid Fallacy of Petitio Principii Source: Elijah Ezendu, Public Speaking
  22. Vocal Chemistry Vocal Strength Configuration Vocal Clarity Vocal Rhythm Vocal

    Comfort Mood Audience Message Vocal Range Vocal Resonance Source: Elijah Ezendu, Public Speaking
  23. Proxemics Space Indicators Space Analysis Space Projection Space Conjecturing Space

    Integration Action + Space Space Statement Source: Elijah Ezendu, Public Speaking
  24. Exercise on Appropriate Entertainment & Attention Boosting Humour i. Mention

    effects of appropriate entertainment and humour. ii. Mention effects of inappropriate entertainment and humour iii. Mention three critical situations requiring humour for stimulating audience to be on the same page with you. Give example of appropriate humour for each stated situation.
  25. Clarity Without Unnecessaries Essential Essential Essential nothing else nothing else

    nothing else nothing else nothing else nothing else nothing else
  26. Great Gusto for Storytelling Gusto for Storytelling Connectivity Expressive Punchy

    Valid Virality Entertaining Realistic Engaging Source: Elijah Ezendu, Public Speaking
  27. Exercise on Effectively Aligned Anecdotes • What are the features

    of effectively aligned anecdote? ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………
  28. Demonstrate Subject Matter Mastery Show your expertise on matters of

    this cube by effortlessly explaining its 6 faces, 12 edges, 8 vertices, content, physical characteristics and usability.
  29. Proofs of Content Integrity • Effective Attribution • Ownership Assurance

    • Intellectual Property Compliance • Intellectual Property Rights Governance • Declaration of Originality
  30. Avoid Fallacy of Petitio Principii Begging the Question Attempting to

    prove something by using an evidential support which also requires proof Inadmissibility Inadmissibility Inadmissibility Inadmissibility Inadmissibility Inadmissibility
  31. Be methodically discreet while structuring business cases: Irrespective of intention,

    avoid heading to showtime-runway with despicable falsehood.
  32. Basic Outline of a Business Case • Executive Summary •

    Introduction • Statement of Problem • Situation Analysis • Ascertainment of Suitable Solution Features • Possible Options for Solution • Cost-Benefit Analysis • Expert Advise/ Recommendations
  33. Making an Irresistible Business Case A business case shows rational

    basis for support of targeted action or project, by using performance objectives, financial justification and assortment of undisputable facts as validated proof. Irresistibility of business case is directly proportional to perceived effectuality of validated proof. Therefore proposed validated proof must stand out as 3R value-input which makes sense to executives and spawns recognition for characterized effectuality. 3R = Required, Rare & Rewarding Source: Elijah Ezendu, Public Speaking
  34. Performance Wingspan Optimization Approach by Elijah Ezendu ➢ Reduced Performance

    Wingspan implies Failed Business Case ➢ Increased Performance Wingspan implies Effectual Business Case ➢ Continuously Increasing Performance Wingspan implies Greatly Irresistible Business Case
  35. ➢ Performance Wingspan 3 > Performance Wingspan 2 > Performance

    Wingspan 1 ➢ Therefore performance wingspan increased at subsequent stages, providing impetus for greatly irresistible business case. Performance Wingspan Optimization Approach by Elijah Ezendu
  36. Magnetism of Visuals & Infographics • Use visuals to portray

    reality of message and gain acceptance • Use infographics for depicting key points • Use appropriate fonts, colours and animation • Avoid excessive data (data dump) • Avoid unconnected data which can irritate executives • Avoid excessive infographics • Avoid mind-numbing pictures • Be sensitive to infographics capable of generating emotional shock or culture shock • Avoid Graphic Analysis Paralysis
  37. Coordinating Feasible Influence i. Persuasion ii. Emotional Conjunction iii. Networking

    iv. Participatory Governance v. Social Fusion vi. Inspiration vii. 360 Degrees Buy-In viii. Indispensability ix. Benefits Based Reasoning x. Expertise Credibility Based Reasoning Source: Elijah Ezendu, Public Speaking
  38. “Networking involves accessing people in order to develop connections that

    function as mutual bridges thereby yielding supportive advocates at both ends.” - Elijah Ezendu
  39. Elements of Networks • Mutual Bridges: Connections built through interaction.

    • Supportive Advocates: People who provide recommendation and facilitate access to more networks. • Network Microstructure: Biological Families, Psychological Families, Cliques. • Network Megastructure: Companies, Institutions, Organisations. Source: Elijah Ezendu, Networking
  40. The Power of Networking • Belief • Reputation • Enhanced

    Visibility • Recognition & Respect • Guarantee of Legitimacy • Actuated Acceptance • Recommendation & Referrals • Extended Access • Networking Process • Alliance • Intellectual Capital Source: Elijah Ezendu, Networking
  41. Networking Process involves two or more people embarking on dynamic

    interaction to go through networking access, networker engagement and relationship assessment for the purpose of yielding alliance of supportive advocates.
  42. Alliance is an open ended agreement between two or more

    entities for the purpose of deploying resources to accomplish specific objectives.
  43. Examples of Alliances in Networking • H to H Alliance

    • H to C Alliance • C to C Alliance • H to H to I Alliance • I to H to H to C Alliance • I to C to H to I Alliance • IWFC to H to I Alliance
  44. I to H to H to C Alliance MB MB

    MB MB Microstructure MB MB MB Source: Elijah Ezendu, Networking
  45. I to C to H to I Alliance Megastructure Microstructure

    MB MB MB Source: Elijah Ezendu, Networking
  46. Human Capital Relationship Capital Network Structural Capital Collaboration Innovation Influence

    Collective Brand Advocate Base Institutional Affiliations Human Capabilities Intellectual Capital of Human Network Source: Elijah Ezendu, Identifying & Harnessing The Power of Networking
  47. Participatory Governance “Participatory Governance involves achieving topmost audience participation in

    identification of engagement components, structure and direction with the aim of building critical mass for coalition reinforcement, thereby deliberately generating speaker-audience harmony.” - Elijah Ezendu
  48. Social Fusion Social Fusion is a technique that effective leaders

    use to connect and refer the people they know to each other. These connections are made based on common interests, values, and projects that people you know might want to collaborate on. If a connection you make turns into a relationship, you have "fused" them together with you as a stabilizing force in the relationship. Source: CultureSync, Social Fusion
  49. Exercise Organize a simple influence experimentation for purpose of prompting

    a set of people to accept you as a well-bred neighbour.
  50. Dr Elijah Ezendu is Award-Winning Business Expert & Certified Management

    Consultant with expertise in Interim Management, Strategy, Competitive Intelligence, Transformation, Restructuring, Turnaround Management, Business Development, Marketing, Project & Cost Management, Leadership, HR, CSR, e-Business & Software Architecture. He had functioned as Founder, Initiative for Sustainable Business Equity; Director, Archtalento; Director, Speakers Africana; Chairman of Board, Motus Health Initiative; Chairman of Board, Charisma Broadcast Film Academy; Group Chief Operating Officer, Idova Group; CEO, Rubiini (UAE); Special Advisor, Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria; Director, MMNA Investments; Chair, Int’l Board of GCC Business Council (UAE); Senior Partner, Shevach Consulting; Chairman (Certification & Training), Coordinator (Board of Fellows), Lead Assessor & Governing Council Member, Institute of Management Consultants, Nigeria; Lead Resource, Centre for Competitive Intelligence Development; Lead Consultant/ Partner, JK Michaels; Turnaround Project Director, Consolidated Business Holdings Limited; Technical Director, Gestalt; Chief Operating Officer, Rohan Group; Executive Director (Various Roles), Fortuna, Gambia & Malta; Chief Advisor/ Partner, D & E; Vice Chairman of Board, Refined Shipping; Director of Programmes & Governing Council Member, Institute of Business Development, Nigeria; Member of TDD Committee, International Association of Software Architects, USA; Member of Strategic Planning and Implementation Committee, Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria; Country Manager (Nigeria) & Adjunct Faculty (MBA Programme), Regent Business School, South Africa; Adjunct Faculty (MBA Programme), Ladoke Akintola University of Technology; Editor-in-Chief, Cost Management Journal; Member of National Executive Council, Institute of Internal Auditors of Nigeria; Member, Board of Directors (Several Organizations). He holds Doctoral Degree in Management, Master of Business Administration and Fellow of Professional Institutes in North America, UK & Nigeria. He is an Innovator of heralded frameworks: Among other things, Corporate Investment Structure Based on Financials and Intangibles, for all-inclusive valuation, highlighting intangible contributions of host communities and ecological environment. It’s a model celebrated internationally (including Social Innovation Side Event of 2016 United Nations Climate Change Conference COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco) as remedy for unmitigated depreciation of ecological capital and developmental deprivation of host communities. He had served as Examiner to various Professional Institutes and External Examiner to Universities. He had been a member of Guild of Soundtrack Producers of Nigeria. He's an author and extensively featured speaker.