that uses OpenURL protocol to parse metadata sent over the Web Allows users to find all available copies of an electronic resource. “FindIt” links can be embedded in Discovery System, Google Scholar, vendor sites, etc. link resolver
MOA+8:74.68:USD:4' RFF+BFN: ' LIN+1++9782708409774:EN' IMD++010+:::Chatenet, M.' IMD++050+:::Le prince, la princesse et leur logis. Manières' IMD++050+:::d'habiter dans l'élite aristocratique européenne.' IMD++109+:::Editions Picard' IMD++110+:::Paris' IMD++170+:::2014' QTY+47:1' MOA+146:69.79:USD:4' MOA+66:69.79:USD:4' MOA+203:69.79:USD:4' PRI+AAB:69.79' RFF+SLI:1204979' EDI format as sent from the vendor
Provide patrons with faster, more direct access to new acquisitions in the collection • POOF (Pre-Order Online Form) (in production) • Developed by Cornell and Columbia, hosted by Cornell
on the job • An interest in new technologies and tools • Flexibility and adaptability to a changing environment • Ability to work within a team environment and actively promote collaboration And……experience with some of the following:
a Unix/Linux environment • Web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML/XSLT • Web services such as SOAP, REST and other XML- based APIs • Structured programming languages such as PHP, Ruby, Python, Java • Library data formats and standards such as MARC, Dublin Core, METS, MODs • Proxy servers and/or authentication and authorization services
• Codecademy (free) • • • Library Juice Academy • Women’s Coding Collective (Boston area) • AWS, Digital Ocean, Reclaim Hosting • Freely available webinars & slides • Continuing Education classes • Social media • Learn from mentors, colleagues, and friends • Find a safe space and play! Most important—don’t be scared to try!
Boston College Alison Thornton Technical Services Systems Support Librarian Metadata Management Harvard Library