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Intro to HTML5

Erik Frisk
September 05, 2013

Intro to HTML5

Erik Frisk

September 05, 2013

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  1. Intro to HTML5 ...because it seems to be catching on

    leanmachine.se ▪ hello@leanmachine.se ▪ 2013-09-06
  2. HTML5 brings the native so!ware experience to the web. It

    even allows you to make apps that work offline... ... and use hardware acceleration for graphics.
  3. New semantic tags <article> <section> <header> <footer> <aside> <nav> <figure>

    ... Useful for you, as well as for search engines and aggregators
  4. New tags for web apps <menu> <command> <datalist> <details> <summary>

    ... http://slides.html5rocks.com/#semantic-tags-2
  5. New input types <input type="email"> <input type="url"> <input type="date"> <input

    type="time"> <input type="color"> <input type="range"> <input type="tel"> ... http://slides.html5rocks.com/#new-form-types
  6. New input types <input type="email"> <input type="url"> <input type="date"> <input

    type="time"> <input type="color"> <input type="range"> <input type="tel"> ... http://slides.html5rocks.com/#new-form-types On mobile they bring up the most “useful” keyboard mode.
  7. Some more fancy tags <video> <audio> <canvas> Used for advanced

    dynamic graphics rendering. Kind of like Flash but written in JavaScript. http://slides.html5rocks.com/#canvas-2d
  8. Self-closing tags Optional to close: <html> <head> <body> <p> <li>

    <option> <thead> <th> <tbody> <tr> <td> <tfoot>... Forbidden to close (“void tags”): <br> <img> <input> <col> <command> <hr> <keygen> <link> <meta>...
  9. Self-closing tags Optional to close: <html> <head> <body> <p> <li>

    <option> <thead> <th> <tbody> <tr> <td> <tfoot>... Forbidden to close (“void tags”): <br> <img> <input> <col> <command> <hr> <keygen> <link> <meta>...
  10. Inline SVG <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <circle id="greencircle" cx="30" cy="30" r="30" fill="green"

    /> </svg> <img src="green-circle.svg" height="64" alt="Nice green circle">
  11. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head></head> <body></body> </html> Simplified DOCTYPE <!DOCTYPE HTML

    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> Compare with HTML 4.01:
  12. #container { background: white; display: box; width: 900px; height: 400px;

    } #main { background: pink; } #right-col { background: green; } #container #main #right-col Flexible Boxes
  13. #container { background: white; display: box; width: 900px; height: 400px;

    } #main { background: pink; width: 600px; } #right-col { background: green; } #container #main #right-col Flexible Boxes
  14. #container { background: white; display: box; width: 900px; height: 400px;

    } #main { background: pink; width: 600px; } #right-col { background: green; box-flex: 1; } #container #main #right-col Flexible Boxes
  15. Application Cache <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html manifest="demo.appcache"> ... </html> demo.appcache: CACHE

    MANIFEST /theme.css /logo.gif /main.js ... var appCache = window.applicationCache; appCache.update(); // Attempt to update the user's cache. ... if (appCache.status == window.applicationCache.UPDATEREADY) { appCache.swapCache(); // The fetch was successful, swap in the new cache. if (confirm('A new version of this site is available. Load it?')) { window.location.reload(); } }
  16. var socket = new WebSocket('ws://html5rocks.websocket.org/echo'); socket.onopen = function(event) { socket.send('Hello,

    WebSocket'); }; socket.onmessage = function(event) { alert(event.data); } socket.onclose = function(event) { alert('closed'); } WebSocket
  17. if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(

    position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({position: latLng, map: map}); map.setCenter(latLng); }, errorHandler); } Geolocation
  18. window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function(event) { var a = event.alpha; var b =

    event.beta; var g = event.gamma; }, false); Device orientation http://slides.html5rocks.com/#slide-orientation
  19. var wally = document.getElementsById('wally'); var friends = document.getElementsByClassName('friend'); var wallysDivs

    = wally.getElementsByTagName('div'); var friendsInFooter = document.querySelectorAll('footer .friend'); Selectors API
  20. History API link.addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); history.pushState({url: this.href}, null, this.href);

    goToPage(this.href); }); window.addEventListener('popstate', function(event) { goToPage(event.state.url); });