the term Cloud was very common to be used to refer to Networks or Interconnected-Systems Thus, in this lecture, Cloud may refer to both of them, depends on context. Notes In CC concept, Network is a part of CC, but Network is not used only for CC 6 / 51
Sender's Provider (ISP) 3. Backbone 4. Data Center - Front Server 5. Data Center - Gmail Backend (Cloud) 6. Backbone 7. Recipient's Provider 8. Recipient 9 / 51
large group of networked computer servers typically used by organizations for the remote storage, processing, or distribution of large amounts of data (Google Def). A datacenter is a (centralized) facility, either physical or virtual, for the storage, management, and dissemination of data and information organized around a particular body of knowledge or pertaining to a particular business ( A data center is a facility that centralizes an organization's IT operations and equipment, and where it stores, manages, and disseminates its data. Data centers house a network's most critical systems and are vital to the continuity of daily operations ( Major Functional Components Compute (Servers) Storage Network 39 / 51