Mengapa muncul fenomena LT 3. Apa yg dimaksud dengan Komputasi Awan (KA) 4. Mengapa muncul fenomena KA 5. Relevansi LTKA dengan calon insinyur STEI-ITB
Any digital service that brings people together in any meaningful way – to engage, transact, share, and so on – is a connected service . In that way, Twitter is a connected service. Facebook is a connected service. Even search is a connected service.
Did you ever think | That we could be so close, like brothers | The future's in the air | I can feel it everywhere | Blowing with the wind of change ...
threat! Ada gula ada semut... , ada demand ada $$$ $$$ berasal dari market baru, atau market lama (existing) yg terakuisisi --> incumbent yg lambat atau tidak bs berubah, jd terancam!
betul... tapi lihat tanda: # (bukan hashtag), mestinya ada juga ilustrasi untuk tanda $$$ #sulitkuantisasinya (nah, yg ini hashtag :-D) $$$ Internet, khususnya OTT big player, hampir untouchable; dan volumenya semakin besar (ingat: TTM, regional vs. global) $$$ (legacy) Telco, sudah saturasi, terkena imbas kompetisi; dan ketika berubah, hrs mengalokasikan investasi (network, bandwidth, etc.) #lengkapsudah OTT = Over-The-Top, istilah yg populer di dunia telco untuk LT/CS
basis pelanggan (customer base) Market lama (akuisisi) --> kompetisi, ada kalah menang $$$ menjadi trigger bisnis dan industri $$$ juga menjadi trigger pengembangan teknologi lebih lanjut --> akselerasi Ada implikasi Bisnis/Industri Ada implikasi Teknologi Ada implikasi Hajat Hidup dan Masa Depan
brings people together in any meaningful way – to engage, transact, share, and so on – is a connected service . In that way, Twitter is a connected service. Facebook is a connected service. Even search is a connected service.
Twitter, Facebook, Search, ... LT: UI, data lokal (storage), proses lokal Sumber data pada LT: kanal dan sensor divais LT (sistem): UI, data (local+remote), proses (local+remote) Cloud/Box: interface, storage, proses
Mengapa muncul fenomena LT 3. Apa yg dimaksud dengan Komputasi Awan (KA) 4. Mengapa muncul fenomena KA 5. Relevansi LTKA dengan calon insinyur STEI-ITB
Computing is that we've redefined Cloud Computing to include everything that we already do.... I don't understand what we would do differently in the light of Cloud Computing other than change the wording of some of our ads. (Larry Ellison, WSJ, 2008) A lot of people are jumping on the [cloud] bandwagon, but I have not heard two people say the same thing about it. There are multiple definitions out there of "the cloud". (Andy Isherwood, ZDnet News, 2008)
network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. (NIST)
pengguna aktif 2. Google : 1.2+ B queries/day dengan 27 B items 3. YouTube : 2+ B videos/day 4. Flickr : 6+ B foto Haeberlen, Ives (Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2013)
(2008) 2. Rendering 'Avatar' movie required 1+ PB of storage 3. eBay has 6.5+ PB of user data 4. CERN's LHC will produce about 15 PB of data per year 5. German Climate computing center dimensioned for 60 PB of climate data 6. Google now designing for 1 EB of storage 7. NSA Utah Data Center is said to have 5 ZB (ada rumor 1 YB) Haeberlen, Ives (Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2013)
than 60,000 servers 2. Intel has +/- 100,000 servers in 97 data centers 3. Microsoft reportedly had at least 200,000 servers (2008) 4. Akamai has 95,000 servers in 71 countries 5. Google is thought to have more than 1 million servers, is planning for 10 million (according to Jeff Dean) Haeberlen, Ives (Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2013)
Mengapa muncul fenomena LT 3. Apa yg dimaksud dengan Komputasi Awan (KA) 4. Mengapa muncul fenomena KA 5. Relevansi LTKA dengan calon insinyur STEI-ITB
*dengan mantap* Interviewer: Bagus.., itu di pojokan ada TV yg Antena-nya rusak, coba Anda betulkan! Waktunya 15 menit! Insinyur A: ... Insinyur B: *mikir sebentar* ... Jaringan pak! *biar aman ah!* *berharap karomah para dosen Telmat* Interviewer: Wah kebetulan.., dari kemarin Speedy kita gak nyambung-nyambung, itu modem-nya disebelah sana! Waktunya juga 15 menit! Insinyur B: Oops ...
*terbangun dr kontemplasi* ... LTKA pak! *agak galau* Interviewer: LTKA? Kok spt nama makanan ya? *lotek maksudnya* Benda apa itu? Insinyur C: ... *melihat secercah harapan* ... LTKA tentang dunia modern, kini dan masa depan pak, dimana orang bisa saling berkirim kabar tanpa suara walaupun terpisah ribuan km, dimana tumbuhan bisa "berbicara" minta disiram, dimana ... -snip- Interviewer: ... *kabar ribuan km? tumbuhan berbicara?? @#!|@#? * Hmmm... Bisa Anda tunjukan? *sedikit cemas .. jangan-jangan .. dukun*
mohon waktu sebentar ... *menunduk* *...-Hening-...* Interviewer: *mulai galau* ... Errr, cukup-cukup, Anda tidak usah menunjukan apa-apa ... Insinyur C: Sy sudah selesai pak, sy sdh menghubungi bpk Walikota Bandung ... Beliau merestui sy bekerja di perusahaan bpk *sambil menyodorkan sesuatu* Interviewer: ...
upon whom we stand. We here are all such innovative people. So I am telling you: If you want to change the world, you're at Georgia Tech! You can do that! If you want to build the Iron Man suit, you're at Georgia Tech! You can do that! And if you want to play theme music during your convocation speech like a badass, we're at Georgia Tech, we can do that! I am doing that! Congratulations on your acceptance and brace yourselves for a hell of a ride on your way to becoming a hell of an engineer.
dari Semakin Banyak Orang Tren Bisnis (Business Trend) Teknologi Terkini (Emerging Technologies) Jenis dan Jumlah Aplikasi serta Layanan yg Semakin Menarik, Banyak dan Bervariasi (Growing Services and Applications)