rights reserved. • Kempinski Hotels is an international luxury hotel group based in Geneva, Switzerland • The company wanted its IT staff to work on core business tasks instead of infrastructure and have the elasticity to manage variable workloads • Working with APN partner, Cloudreach, Kempinski Hotels has been able to delegate operational overhead to AWS, focus the IT staff on improving business processes, and reduce costs by an estimated 40% over a five-year period
rights reserved. • Red Lion Hotels Corporation is a hospitality and leisure company headquartered in Spokane, Washington • The company was dissatisfied with the cost and scalability of its existing co-location facility, so it partnered with 2nd Watch, a member of the AWS Partner Network, to evaluate cloud computing solutions • With AWS, Red Lion could save approximately 38 percent by hosting their web and mobile platforms on the AWS Cloud
rights reserved. Redefining Hospitality Airbnb runs a service for people to list, find, and rent lodging. It is based in San Francisco. AWS is the easy answer for any Internet business that wants to scale to the next level. • Launched in 2008, moved all operations to AWS shortly after that • Airbnb has supported more than 200 million guests since launch • AWS provides tools and services that enable company to continuously innovate Mike Cur<s Vice President, Engineering ” “
rights reserved. AWS Lambda / R E G I S T E R C H E C K C E R T R O B O T S T O R E G I S T E R D E A D L E T T E R Q U E U E C R E A T E S H A D O W P E R M I S S I O N S Amazon SQS Messages Amazon CloudWatch L O G G I N G L I F E C Y C L E E V E N T R E G I S T E R R O B O T Q U E U E R E A D E R AWS Lambda AWS Lambda A W S I o T Amazon API Gateway I o T S h a d o w I o T R u l e $15k per month to run 2 IT people to support…” “… 23M robot vacuum cleaners.
rights reserved. Data Analytics in Hospitality Ingest Consume Store Analyze 1 4 0 9 5 3 Right analytic tools for every job Support any kind of analysis – basic SQL queries of your data warehouse today…to machine learning for predictive customer insights tomorrow 3 2 One home for all data – no silos! Analysts need a single place to access all available customer and operational data to build insights and next-gen offerings 2 4 Connect to internal and external apps Analytic insights need to feed seamlessly into everything from an internal BI visualizer to a customer-facing product recommendation app 4 1 Flexibility to ingest any type of data Building a full data picture requires ingestion of everything: clickstream data, point-of-sale, social/mobile, streaming data from in-store IoT sensors, … 1 Customer & operational DATA Customer & operational INSIGHTS
rights reserved. Detecting the best images to use • Expedia have over 10 million images from 300,000 hotels • Using great images boosts conversion • 100,000 training images • Hotel descriptions now automatically feature the best available images https://news.developer.nvidia.com/expedia-ranking-hotel-images-with-deep-learning/