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Effective Visuals & Prototypes, What Makes a Pr...

August 11, 2016

Effective Visuals & Prototypes, What Makes a Project Move Forward.

Understanding the importance of being pragmatic when it comes to prototyping.
Defining what makes for a persuasive visual when communicating with clients or target audience.
And becoming more adapt at identifying what is the critical question worth asking.


August 11, 2016

Other Decks in Design


  1. @faz OBJECTIVES Understand the importance of being pragmatic when it

    comes to prototyping. Define what makes for a persuasive visual when communicating with clients or target audience. Become more adapt at identifying what is the critical question worth asking.
  2. @faz ASK What is the problem that the prototype is

    trying to address? What are we unsure about?
  3. SUSAN WOJCICKI— CEO, YOUTUBE “I love taking an idea... to

    a prototype and then to a product that millions of people use.”


  6. @faz AARON WALTER “Certainly we all want to eat edible

    foods with nutritional value, but we also crave flavor.”
  7. @faz “Why do we settle for usable when we can

    make interfaces both usable and pleasurable?” AARON WALTER
  8. @faz Your team or clients aren’t that different from users.

    They too need to have an emotional attachment to the work or product.
  9. @faz What will get them to move the project forward?

    What insight can we unlocked? How do we leap forward? ASK
  10. @faz Your startup is building b2b tools within telco industry.

    You’ve had a kick-off with the client already, but they feel the need to chat more to discuss the steps of the process for their team members. You want to redirect the efforts while creating confidence. It’s 7:30 am and your meeting is at 9! SITUATION
  11. @faz Your non-profit client, focused on education in developing countries,

    is trying to modernize their product and teaching approach. You have legacy content and software as a major constraint. There is hunger for vision on the project. You need to inspire change. SITUATION
  12. @faz Your travel industry client has a new venture subsidiary

    in mind and wants to create a more social offering. There is little understanding of content management and publishing process. You want to elevate the content creation discussion and establish the need for them to build relationships with their customers. SITUATION

    32 Location: Mumbai Occupation: Architect Family: Single Computer Skills: Above Average Key Motivators: t$PNFTGSPNTNBMMGBNJMZ t)FBSTPGFWFOUTGSPNGSJFOET t-PWFTUPUSBWFMXJUIGSJFOET t5SJFTUPUBLFXFFLFOEUSJQTBOEBUMFBTU0OF big vacation per year t5FDI4BWWZCVUOPUBHBEHFUGSFBL t3FBETMPHT t4UBSUFEBMPHBCPVUBSDIJUFDUVSF JUTIJGUFEUP GPPEBOEDVMUVSFBOEOPXTIFIBTOPUJNF to keep up t)BT'BDFCPPLBOE5XJUUFSBDDPVOUT CVU EPFTOUVTFIFSUVNCMFSBDDPVOUBOZNPSF t4BWJOHVQGPSBCJHHFSIPVTF TPTIFTQSJDF conscious on the larger items t#SBOEBXBSF t-JLFTUPLOPXBCPVUUIFMBUFTUUSFOET t-PWFTUIFBSUT t3VOTSFHVMBSMZ t%FTQFSBUFMZOFFETUPHFUPVUPGUIFVSCBO KVOHMFFWFSZOPXBOEBHBJO Priya MFBSOTBCPVU"EWFOBUVSFGSPNGSJFOE XIPSFDFOUMZKPJOFE4IFOPUJDFEUIFUSJQ IFSGSJFOEIBECPPLNBSLFEBOETIBSFE 4IFKPJOTUPMFBSONPSFBCPVUUIBUUSJQBOE CFDPNFNPSFUPBDUJWFPOUIFXFFLFOET Sameer SFBEBCPVUUIFOFXTJUFPOMJOF IF thinks he may have seen something about JUJOBGSJFOETGFFE)FKPJOTCFDBVTFIFJT DBSJPVTBOEIFMJLFTUIFPVUEPPST Sameer Age: 29 -PDBUJPO%FMIJ 0DDVQBUJPO-FBE%FWFMPQFS Family: Single Computer Skills: Expert Key Motivators: t)BTTJCMJOHT t5FDIOPMPHZGSFBL t8FFLFOEXBSSJPS AXPSLTIBSE QMBZTIBSE t3FBETCMPHT CVUNPTUMZXPSLSFMBUFE t$POUSJCVUFTUPGPSVNTBOEBOTXFSTPOMJOF RVFTUJPOTBSPVOEXPSLIPCCJFT t)BTBMMUIFNBKPSTPDJBMBDDPVOUT NPTUMZ GPMMPXTUIFOFXTJOGPTPVSDFT t*TTUFBEZSFMBUJPOTIJQ XJMMCFNBSSJFETPPO t"UUFOETDPOGFSFODFT t#FMPOHTUPBHZN t&YQFSJFODFEXJUIPVUEPPST t-JLFTUPUBLFPODIBMMFOHFT t,FFQTVQXJUITPNFGSJFOET CVUCFHJOOJOH UPMPTFUSBDLBTFWFSZPOFNPWFT HFUT NBSSJFEMFTTDPOOFDUFEUIFOCFGPSF Faz Besharatian Advenature Experience Map 16 August 2012 Advenature General User Flow Here we have 2 personas, each with their own motivational factors, but similar in demographic. Both may take on the same number of challenges. Both may book trips at the same frequency. But they do not use the site in the same way. Priya: Her pattern of interaction is more in-depth. She is more engaged with activities prior to the trip or event. She tends to research more. She maintains the connections she makes. She is sometimes harder to please, but she may be much more loyal. Sameer: His pattern of interaction is more scattered. He does enough to get the job done but is less concerned with preparation. He has more experience with the outdoors and is focused on the quality and intensity of the activity. He tends to engage the website minimally. But he is efficient in his usage. The height of the graphs represent the value and weight of interaction for the user. Not all items listed are directly related to online activities. Attends speaker event 1st Rafting Trip Camping Trip t-PPLTVQ%JSFDUJPOGSPNJUJO t$IFDLTJOXIFOBSSJWFE t1PTUTQIPUPTGSPNNPCJMF EVSJOHMVODI t"EETOFXGSJFOETUPBEESFTTCPPL t$IFDLTJOXIFOBSSJWFE t-PPLTVQPOMJOFGSJFOETBOEDPOOFDUT t1PTUQIPUPTGSPNNPCJMF 2nd Rafting Trip Kilimanjaro Adventure Challenge Repelling Joins Advenature Joins Trekking Group Joins Rafting Group Plans Rafting Trip Asks Expert Finds Local Event Plans Rafting Trip Organizes Friends for Trip Post Photos Shares Album Plans Hiking Trip Answers Questions Connects with Other Rafters for the same tour Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Suggests a Trip Asks Questions Plans Repelling Trip Buys Gear Moderates Discussion Creates a Camping Group Creates Local Group Invites More People Post Photos Shares Album Discusses Next Trip Plans Next Event Post Photos Shares Album Answers Questions Joins Advenature Connects with Friends Joins Climbing Group Creates Discussions Answers Questions Finds Outbound Trip Invites Friends Plans Trip Asks Expert Completes Profile t$IFDLTJOXIFOBSSJWFE t-PPLTVQPOMJOFGSJFOETBOEDPOOFDUT t1PTUQIPUPTGSPNNPCJMF Kilimanjaro Adventure Challenge Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Suggests a Trip Asks Questions Plans Repelling Trip Creates Local Group Invites More People Post Photos Shares Album Answers Questions ds Plans Trip Asks Expert
  14. @faz MAP OUT THE JOURNEY AND TOUCH POINTS Attends speaker

    event 1st Rafting Trip Camping Trip 2nd Rafting Trip Joins Advenature Joins Trekking Group Joins Rafting Group Plans Rafting Trip Asks Expert Finds Local Event Plans Rafting Trip Organizes Friends for Trip Post Photos Shares Album Plans Hiking Trip Answers Questions Connects with Other Rafters for the same tour Moderates Discussion Creates a Camping Group
  15. @faz The grand-mother of all associations is redoing their massive,

    content rich website. You have many teams with varying workflows and competing objectives. There are vendors and internal teams, each with varying skill sets and value to the organization. Your executives want everyone to play nice! SITUATION
  16. @faz Content Creators Commissioned Keyed In 1st Edit Top Edit

    Assets Gathered Design Reviewed Fact Checked Copy Edited Legal Reviewed QAed Published Promoted Subject Experts Reporters Freelancers Scenario 1: Article follows through all typical steps to get published. Scenario 2: Some steps are skipped for a video based article based on existing, relevant reviews. Scenario 3: A publisher rushes an article through due to timely nature of story. Content Editors Producers Channel Producers Designers Art Directors Design Leads Content/Copy Editors Copy Editors Legal Editors Producers/ Content Editors Channel Producers Producers Marketers Partners Authors - %20 of users Data entry and minimal privileges. (AARP staff within any biz unit) Calendering: Editorial calendars which are housed in QuickBase currently maybe incorporated into a different system, depending on where the content brief and contracts are housed. Reporting: CMS’s internal reporting may be used as a feedback loop to track progress, volume and other relevant data needed to manage editorial calendar. DAM: Digital Asset Management will be at enterprise level. The ties between the 2 systems will determine the possible inclusion of additional steps in the CMS work flow. Editors - %60 of users Data entry, content edit, page layout and general content manipulation. (Producers, Designers, i.e. Elizabeth, Laura, Paul, Merideth, etc.) Publishers - %10 of users Data entry, content edit, page layout and authority to publish. (Managing Editor, Channel Producer, i.e Carolyn) Administrators - %5 of users Data entry, content edit, page layout, general content manipulation, and publishing. CMS admins can do everything short of development. (CMS design/dev, ie. Rachel) A E E E E E E P P P M A E P VISUALIZE & COMMUNICATE THE PROCESS Eventually created this
  17. AYSE BIRSEL “To say that something is designed means it

    has intentions that go beyond its function. Otherwise it’s just planning.”
  18. JEFF VEEN — VP PRODUCT, ADOBE “The thing that I

    found work the best… Start with the end product and work your way back.”