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Droidcon Lisbon 2023: Chaining Compose Modifier...

Droidcon Lisbon 2023: Chaining Compose Modifiers beyond intuition

Meike Felicia Hammer

October 03, 2023

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  1. Chaining Compose modi f iers beyond intuition Meike Felicia Hammer

    @feliciaf_aye Android Lead @ adesso mobile solutions GmbH
  2. Modi f iers • size, layout, behaviour, appearance • additional

    information • user input • clickable, scrollable, draggable, zoomable Decorate and augment composables. 
 Moulding them the way you need them.
  3. What would happen, when we use size and requiredSize modi

    f iers chained? Force Required Size?
  4. The layout node is still f illing max size. 

    Also respecting the requiredSize of 50.dp. Force Required Size?
  5. Compose Phases Composition What to show Layout Where to place

    it Drawing How to render it Data Composition Drawing UI Layout size requiredSize padding f illMaxSize sizeIn wrapContentSize clip drawBehind rotate scale
  6. Layout phase 3 steps to remember • Measure children •

    Decide own size • Place children Constraints help f inding the right size in the f irst two steps.
  7. Constraints are the min and max bounds for the size

    of a node. H W ( x , y ) De f inition
  8. Bounded constraints Layout node has to choose a width between

    100 and 400 and a height between 100 and 400. 100 - 400 100 - 400
  9. Unbounded constraints The node is not constraint to any size.

    The maximum width and height bounds are set to in f inity. 0 - ∞ 0 - ∞
  10. Exact constraints Layout node should have an exact size. The

    minimum and maximum bounds have the same size. 300 - 300 200 - 200
  11. Combined constraints Bounding width, providing an unbounded maximum height. Exact

    width, providing a bounded height. 600 - 600 0 - 400 100 - 400 100 - ∞
  12. Constraints in Action Constraints are passed down 
 from parent

    to child in 
 the UI Tree 
 during the layout phase. Parent measures it’s child. When a node has measured its own size, it communicates it’s size back up to the tree.

    PADDING (start = 16) BUTTON ROW PADDING (top = 16) BUTTON
  14. 600 300 IMAGE ROTATE (90) SIZE (100) COLUMN PADDING (start

    = 16) BUTTON 
 Text: 119*82 ROW PADDING (top = 16) BUTTON 
 Text: 140*82 Traversing w: 0 - 600 h: 0 - 300 w: 0 - 600 h: 0 - 300 w: 0 - 584 h: 0 - 300 BUTTON w: 0 - 584 h: 0 - 202 BTN w: 0 - 444 h: 0 - 300 W: 256, H: 180 <— Max —> <— SUM —> w: 256 h: 180 w: 0 - 584 h: 0 - 300 w: 140 h: 98 w: 119 h: 82 w: 140 h: 180 w: 100 h: 100 w: 156 h: 180
  15. Too big Out of range IMAGE SIZE (600) IMAGE SIZE

    (80) Too small w: 100 - 200 
 h: 100 - 500 w: 100 - 200 
 h: 100 - 500 w: 200 - 200 
 h: 500 - 500 Adapting as closely as it can. w: 100 - 100 
 h: 100 - 100 Respecting the incoming bounds.
  16. Constraints affect the size of composables. Modi f iers affect

    constraints. What is the relation between constraints and modi f iers? Constraint vs Modi f ier
  17. In f luencing size, shape and behaviour of composables •

    Usually read top to bottom • Counter-intuitive regarding some cases • Some modi f iers are ineffective applied multiple times ORDER MATTERS
  18. Meike F. Hammer 
 @feliciaf_aye Chaining Compose modi f iers

    beyond intuition Android Lead @ adesso mobile solutions GmbH THANK YOU WE ARE HIRING