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Let's give REST a rest: exploring the state of ...

Let's give REST a rest: exploring the state of gRPC in Ruby

gRPC has been around for a while and, even though it’s neither a replacement of REST nor a better option for building APIs, it is an alternative that can be useful in certain cases where we can benefit from lightweight messages, built-in code generation and high performance. In this talk I’ll share the concepts, pros and cons, and use cases of gRPC with examples in Ruby.

Presented at EuRuKo 2024

Fernando Perales

September 12, 2024

More Decks by Fernando Perales

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  1. #EuRuKo2024  @FerPeralesM • Development Team Lead @ thoughtbot •

    From Guadalajara, Mexico • RubyMX organizer and host • Co-organizer @ RailsBridge Mexican chapter Illustration by instagram.com/@layered_space
  2. #EuRuKo2024  @FerPeralesM An odyssey to get here GDL 🚎

    BJX BJX 🛫 IAH 
  3. #EuRuKo2024  @FerPeralesM The stack • Go • Cassandra •

    Kubernetes • Angular 2 • gRPC + protobuf
  4. #EuRuKo2024  @FerPeralesM The stack • Go • Cassandra •

    Kubernetes • Angular 2 • gRPC + protobuf
  5. #EuRuKo2024  @FerPeralesM Thank you! [email protected] linkedin.com/in/ferperales 🤖 Upcoming thoughtbot

    events 🤖 In-person office hours - October 10th & 11th - London thoughtbot open summit - October 25th - online