Hickernell Illinois Institute of Technology Dept. Applied Math Ctr. Interdisc. Scientific Comput. Office of Research hickernell@iit.edu sites.google.com/iit.edu/fred-j-hickernell Thank you for your invitation and hospitality, Slides at speakerdeck.com/fjhickernell/how-much-to-sample-to-estimate-the-mean Jupyter notebook with figures at (H. 2023) Purdue Statistics Colloquium, Friday, March 3, 2023
µ = E(Y) Probability µ = y ϱ(y) dy, Y ∼ known ϱ Statistics µ ∈ ^ µ − 2.58^ σ √ n , ^ µ + 2.58^ σ √ n with high probability ^ µ = 1 n n i=1 Yi, ^ σ2 = 1 n − 1 n i=1 (Yi − ^ µ)2, Y1, Y2, . . . IID ∼ unknown ϱ 3/23
µ = E(Y) Computer Experiments Y = f(X), X ∼ U[0, 1]d option payoff flow velocity through rock with random porosity Bayesian posterior density times parameter µ = [0,1]d f(x) dx ∈ [^ µ − ε, ^ µ + ε], ε specified, fixed width ^ µ = 1 n n i=1 f(Xi), X1, X2, mimic ∼ U[0, 1]d option price mean flow velocity through rock with random porosity Bayesian posterior mean 3/23
Cantilevered Beam (Parno and Seelinger 2022) u(x) = g(Z, x) = beam deflection = solution of a differential equation boundary value problem Z ∼ U[1, 1.2]3 defines uncertainty in Young’s modulus x = position µ(x) = E[u(x)] = [0,1]3 g(z, x) dz ≈ 1 n n i=1 g(Zi, x) µ(end) = 1037 figs. at (H. 2023) 101 102 Tolerance, ε sec min hr Time (s) IID (ε−2) 101 102 Tolerance, ε 102 103 104 105 106 n IID (ε−2) 6/23
than Balls for Adaptive Algorithms Fixed Width Confidence Intervals (using IID sampling) Y = Y : E[(Y − µ)4] var2(Y) ⩽ κmax Y = Y : var(Y) ⩽ σ2 max Use Berry-Esseen inequality Use Chebyshev inequality Y is not too heavy tailed Y is not too big Y ∈ Y =⇒ aY ∈ Y Y ∈ Y ̸ =⇒ aY ∈ Y Adaptive sample size Fixed sample size 7/23
than Balls for Adaptive Algorithms Fixed Width Confidence Intervals (using IID sampling) Y = Y : E[(Y − µ)4] var2(Y) ⩽ κmax Y = Y : var(Y) ⩽ σ2 max Use Berry-Esseen inequality Use Chebyshev inequality Y is not too heavy tailed Y is not too big Y ∈ Y =⇒ aY ∈ Y Y ∈ Y ̸ =⇒ aY ∈ Y Adaptive sample size Fixed sample size Choice of inflation factors depends on or implies κmax Non-convex cones may permit successful adaptive algorithms (Bahadur and Savage 1956; Bakhvalov 1970) 7/23
Adaptive stopping criteria also available for ▶ Sobol’ points (Jiménez Rugama and H. 2016), but not Halton ▶ Relative and hybrid error criteria (H., Jiménez Rugama, and Li 2018) ▶ Multiple answers based on a number of integrals, such as Sobol’ indices (Sorokin and Jagadeeswaran 2022+) 12/23
Adaptive stopping criteria also available for ▶ Sobol’ points (Jiménez Rugama and H. 2016), but not Halton ▶ Relative and hybrid error criteria (H., Jiménez Rugama, and Li 2018) ▶ Multiple answers based on a number of integrals, such as Sobol’ indices (Sorokin and Jagadeeswaran 2022+) Bayesian adaptive stopping criteria (Jagadeeswaran and H. 2019, 2022) where ▶ f is an instance of a Gaussian process ▶ Credible interval gives the error bound ▶ Covariance kernel has hyperparameters that are tuned by empirical Bayes or cross-validation ▶ Choosing kernels that partner with lattice or Sobol’ makes computation efficient (O(n log n) not O(n3)) 12/23
Low Discrepancy Sequences BRODA (Kucherenko 2022) Dakota (Adams, Bohnhoff, et al. 2022) Julia (SciML QuasiMonteCarlo.jl 2022) MATLAB (The MathWorks, Inc. 2022) NAG (The Numerical Algorithms Group 2021) PyTorch (Paszke, Gross, et al. 2019) R (Hofert and Lemieux 2017) SAS (SAS Institute 2023) SciPy (Virtanen, Gommers, et al. 2020) TensorFlow (TF Quant Finance Contributors 2021), but beware of some limited, outdated, and incorrect implementations 13/23
quasi-Monte Carlo Library Quasi-Monte Carlo methods use low discrepancy sampling Open source project (Choi, H., et al. 2022) A blog qmcpy.org Low discrepancy generators Variable transformations Stopping criteria Links with models via UM-Bridge (Davis, Parno, Reinarz, and Seelinger 2022) 14/23
to sample? ▶ Low discrepancy sequences (aka quasi-Monte Carlo methods) for high efficiency How much to sample? ▶ Data-based, theoretically justified adaptive stopping criteria Traditional theory impractical Based on cones of random variables or integrands 16/23
to sample? ▶ Low discrepancy sequences (aka quasi-Monte Carlo methods) for high efficiency ▶ Better variable transforms needed for peaky f How much to sample? ▶ Data-based, theoretically justified adaptive stopping criteria Traditional theory impractical Based on cones of random variables or integrands ▶ Criteria and theory needed for Multilevel methods Densities and quantiles 16/23
to sample? ▶ Low discrepancy sequences (aka quasi-Monte Carlo methods) for high efficiency ▶ Better variable transforms needed for peaky f How much to sample? ▶ Data-based, theoretically justified adaptive stopping criteria Traditional theory impractical Based on cones of random variables or integrands ▶ Criteria and theory needed for Multilevel methods Densities and quantiles Use and develop good software, make research reproducible (H. 2023) 16/23
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M. and C. Lemieux (2017). qrng R package. url: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/qrng/qrng.pdf (visited on 2017). Jagadeeswaran, R. and F. J. H. (2019). “Fast Automatic Bayesian Cubature Using Lattice Sampling”. In: Stat. Comput. 29, pp. 1215–1229. doi: 10.1007/s11222-019-09895-9. — (2022). “Fast Automatic Bayesian Cubature Using Sobol’ Sampling”. In: Advances in Modeling and Simulation: Festschrift in Honour of Pierre L’Ecuyer. Ed. by Z. Botev et al. Springer, Cham, pp. 301–318. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-10193-9\_15. Jiménez Rugama, Ll. A. and F. J. H. (2016). “Adaptive Multidimensional Integration Based on Rank-1 Lattices”. In: Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: MCQMC, Leuven, Belgium, April 2014. Ed. by R. Cools and D. Nuyens. Vol. 163. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. arXiv:1411.1966. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 407–422. 21/23
S. (2022). BRODA. url: https://www.broda.co.uk/index.html. Niederreiter, H. (1992). Random Number Generation and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods. CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics. Philadelphia: SIAM. Parno, M. and L. Seelinger (2022). Uncertainty propagation of material properties of a cantilevered beam. url: https://um-bridge-benchmarks.readthedocs.io/en/docs/forward- benchmarks/muq-beam-propagation.html. Paszke, Adam et al. (2019). “PyTorch: An imperative style, high-performance deep learning library”. In: Advances in neural information processing systems 32, pp. 8026–8037. SAS Institute (2023). SAS Documentation for the MODEL Procedure. url: https://documentation.sas.com/doc/en/pgmsascdc/9.4_3.4/etsug/etsug_model_ sect197.htm. 22/23
QuasiMonteCarlo.jl (2022). url: https://github.com/SciML/QuasiMonteCarlo.jl. Sorokin, A. G. and R. Jagadeeswaran (2022+). “Monte Carlo for Vector Functions of Integrals”. In: Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: MCQMC, Linz, Austria, July 2022. Ed. by A. Hinrichs, P. Kritzer, and F. Pillichshammer. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. in preparation for submission for publication. Springer, Cham. TF Quant Finance Contributors (2021). Quasi Monte-Carlo Methods. url: https://github.com/google/tf-quant-finance/math/qmc. The MathWorks, Inc. (2022). MATLAB R2022b. Natick, MA. The Numerical Algorithms Group (2021). The NAG Library. Mark 27. Oxford. Virtanen, Pauli et al. (2020). “SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python”. In: Nature Methods 17.3, pp. 261–272. 23/23