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Is it Corked? Wine Machine Learning Predictions...

March 14, 2019

Is it Corked? Wine Machine Learning Predictions with OAC


March 14, 2019

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  16. Model Storage pickleobj={'WineModel':rfc} d = base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(pickleobj)).decode(‘utf-8') required_mappings = {'description':'true'} model

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  17. Calculating Confusion Matrix # predict test_data with model predictions_proba =

    rfc.predict_proba(test_X) predictions = lrutils.get_classicification(predictions_proba, rfc.classes_, threshod,positiveValue, targetMappings) # confusion matrix dataset and statistics confusion_df, statistics_df = datasetutils.prepare_output_datasets(test_y, predictions, target, "classification", targetMappings) confusion_mappings = None confusion_ds = ModelDataset("Confusion Matrix", confusion_df, confusion_mappings) model.add_output_dataset(confusion_ds) # statistics dataset statistics_mappings = None statistics_ds = ModelDataset("Statistics", statistics_df, statistics_mappings) model.add_output_dataset(statistics_ds)