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History of the Critical Systems Research Group

History of the Critical Systems Research Group

Prof. András Pataricza founded the Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group (ftsrg) in 1994 at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering (MIT) of BME VIK. This presentation gives an overview of the beginning of the research groups and showcases significant projects and results that serve as the foundation for our current research activities.

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  1. 30th anniversary of the research group July 4th, 2024 Program

    • 14:00–15:00 Past, present and future • 15:00–15:30 Coffee break • 15:30–17:00 Current research topics • 17:00–17:10 Closure of the event Milestones of the group • 1994 July 4: Founded as the Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group (FTSRG) • 2006: Seven parallel EU projects • 2019: Celebrated the 25th anniversary • 2020: Renamed the group to Critical Systems Research Group (ftsrg)
  2. 30th anniversary of the research group Childhood of the research

    group • Building competencies • Success stories and long-lasting results • Ideas – also basis for subsequent projects This presentation: Incomplete and subjective “Retro style”: Figures from the original slides ☺ First 15 years of the Research Group 3
  3. 30th anniversary of the research group • BME: Education in

    SE curriculum – Fault Tolerant Systems – minor specialization – Later: Information Infrastructure – major spec. • European contacts and main partners Starting point 4 Uni of Erlangen-Nuremberg Prof. Mario Dal Cin Pisa, CNR CNUCE Dr. Andrea Bondavalli Uni of Pisa, Ingegneria Prof. Luca Simoncini
  4. 30th anniversary of the research group Our first European project:

    HIDE (1998) Approach High-Level Integrated Design Environment for Dependability • Mapping engineering models to analysis models • Hidden formal methods for analysis • Precise semantics of modeling languages 5 Support model-based (UML-based) design “Hide” the mathematics needed for design and analysis
  5. 30th anniversary of the research group Success story: Model transformation

    Novelties Technology for developing model transformations • Graph-based model representation • Transformation rules defined using graph patterns on metamodels • Later: Incremental mapping of models 6 Eclipse-based visual design of transformation VIATRA2 Model Transformation Plug-in Native tool Native source model Native transformation Native target model Source model Source metamodel Target model Target metamodel Graph patterns Transformation rules
  6. 30th anniversary of the research group First tools for model-based

    development Targets Applications of the model mapping and analysis approach • Checking design consistency and completeness • Verifying fault effects • Test generation • Checking the correctness of the behavior 7
  7. 30th anniversary of the research group Design and V&V of

    embedded systems Basic ideas Dependable Embedded Components and Systems • Platform- independent and platform-specific modelling • Design and V&V workflow with tool integration • Providing artefacts for the engineers 8
  8. 30th anniversary of the research group Design of service oriented

    systems Approach 9 • Model-based development • Using standard service and platform languages • Formal analysis for checking the Service Level Agreement Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers
  9. 30th anniversary of the research group Service integration and mobility

    Solutions Highly Dependable IP-based Networks and Services • Design patterns for unreliable, mobility-aware, ad-hoc systems and services • Analysis and testing the dependencies on the infrastructure • Mobility handled through scenarios 10 Mobility model User workflow 1 Aggregated phase model Application- service dependency models of applications Evaluation of the dependability of nodes separately (SPNP / Möbius) UML based dependability model construction Probability of successful execution Dependability properties of nodes TPN models of nodes 2 3 4 Evaluation of phased models (DEEM / Möbius) Mobility trace generator UML modelling tool UML based workflow editor Connectivity models of flocks for each phase Abstract node models Phased analysis models of flocks
  10. 30th anniversary of the research group Design of safety-critical systems

    Results Safe Driver-Machine Interface for ERTMS Based Train Control • Architecture design: reactive safety (SIL 2) with error detection • Verifying requirements: analytical models, simulation, testing 11 On-board control computer LCD DISPLAY SAFE DMI EXCLUSION LOGIC LCD lamp Vcc ……… Keyboard Speaker ERTMS TRAINBORNE SYSTEMS commercial field bus wireless interface 2,0E-07 3,0E-07 4,0E-07 5,0E-07 6,0E-07 7,0E-07 8,0E-07 9,0E-07 1,0E-06 1,1E-06 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 Control flow checking coverage Hazard rate min mean value max
  11. 30th anniversary of the research group Automated allocation and traceability

    Results Distributed, equipment Independent environment for Advanced avioNic Applications (DIANA) • Design space exploration (DSE) • Supporting certification • Cooperation with Embraer aircraft manufacturer 12
  12. 30th anniversary of the research group From dependability to resilience

    Novel ideas Resilience for Survivability in IST • State-of-the-art, directions 13 • Analysis of the results of measurements and fault injection • Benchmarking for qualification of components • Robustness as an important attribute Assessing, Measuring and Benchmarking Resilience • Analysis of fault data Resilience Building Design Verification Evaluation Resilience Scaling Evolvability Usability Diversity Integration Knowledge Base Resilient Computing Collecting experiment results Data Repository Executing measurements, fault injections OLAP query Data mining Performing analysis
  13. 30th anniversary of the research group Important industrial partners Outcomes

    IBM: Budapest Center for Advanced Studies • Topics: Infrastructure management and service- oriented architecture 14 • Curriculum development • IBM Great Minds fellowships, Visiting Professor, Faculty Awards • Knowledge about standards for safety-critical software Prolan Co. • Remote control for relay-based railway interlocking systems • Independent safety assessment of software development (~20 years)
  14. 30th anniversary of the research group 15 Design – analysis

    – integration of services and platforms ✓Proven in 11 European projects Competencies offered in 2009 MODEL BASED SYSTEM DESIGN, ANALYSIS AND INTEGRATION Transformations Design techniques and workflow Service and SW integration Analysis techniques and workflow Dependable HW platforms MODEL BASED SYSTEM DESIGN, ANALYSIS AND INTEGRATION tion sforma Tran Design intelligence and workflow Intelligent platforms Service and SW integration Analysis intelligence and workflow MODEL BASED SYSTEM DESIGN, ANALYSIS AND INTEGRATION Transformations Design techniques and workflow Service and SW integration Analysis techniques and workflow Dependable HW platforms