is useless • Applications using microservices will include components, bundled into multiple containers • To manage them, the Container scheduling & orchestration tools are required Kubernetes Docker Swarm/ Compose Mesos
It is an orchestration tool, originally developed by Google and used by Google • All the best ideas from Borg were incorporated into Kubernetes, that is open sourced and is available for everyone and runs everywhere • Kubernetes is a container orchestrator that runs containers and supports various underlying environments
moment, there are some possibilities to run Kubernetes clusters on OpenStack platform: • Murano - an application catalog for OpenStack, that provides ability to deploy containerized applications using Kubernetes; • Magnum - containers-as-a-service for OpenStack, the main goal of which - to enable containers available as first class citizens in OpenStack; • Heat - orchestration engine for OpenStack, that is flexible and provides a huge number of options to provision Kubernetes clusters using self-written templates; • Manual deployment - any custom solution that allows you to deploy manually (or using the self-automated way) the Kubernetes cluster on OpenStack.
catalog - a single-point to publish different ready-to-use applications • The Murano Project introduces an application catalog to OpenStack, enabling application developers and cloud administrators to publish various cloud-ready applications in a browsable categorized catalog. • Murano ready-to-use applications are being published on Community App Catalog -, source code is being published on GitHub - • Murano provides possibility to to be abstract from underlying IaaS