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Technology Evaluation 101

Technology Evaluation 101

A non-scientific approach to evaluating (open source) technology for rapid results (prototyping and beyond).


August 04, 2018

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  1. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Version: 20180804 A non-scientific

    approach to evaluating (open source) technology for rapid results (prototyping and beyond). Technology Evaluation 101
  2. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 10 What is

    Technology Evaluation? It‘s about judging the value of technology to solve a specific problem. problem space
  3. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 11 What is

    Technology Evaluation? It‘s about judging the value of technology to solve a specific problem. potential solution space (infinitely large and complex)
  4. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 12 What is

    Technology Evaluation? It‘s about judging the value of technology to solve a specific problem. potential solution space (infinitely large and complex)
  5. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 13 What is

    Technology Evaluation? effective solution space (simple and efficient) It‘s about judging the value of technology to solve a specific problem.
  6. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 14 Keep it

    Simple „Simple things should be simple, complex things should be possible.“ Alan Kay, American Computer Scientist
  7. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 16 How to

    Technology Evaluation? 1. Understand the Problem Space Which problem are you trying to solve?
  8. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 17 How to

    Technology Evaluation? 1. Understand the Problem Space Which problem are you trying to solve? Which tasks are needed to get the problem solved?
  9. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 18 How to

    Technology Evaluation? 1. Understand the Problem Space Which problem are you trying to solve? Which tasks are needed to get the problem solved? What are the risks?
  10. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 19 How to

    Technology Evaluation? 2. Understand the Solution Space
  11. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 20 How to

    Technology Evaluation? Realize the ideal solution doesn‘t exist :-( every solution is designed to solve a specific problem
  12. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 21 How to

    Technology Evaluation? Realize the ideal solution doesn‘t exist :-( there is no one-fits-all-solution
  13. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 22 How to

    Technology Evaluation? Realize the ideal solution doesn‘t exist :-( workarounds occur as the solution eventually reaches its (defined) limits
  14. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 23 How to

    Technology Evaluation? Realize the ideal solution doesn‘t exist :-( adapt the solution as needed
  15. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 24 How to

    Technology Evaluation? Realize the ideal solution doesn‘t exist :-( look ahead, but avoid solving problems you don‘t already see
  16. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 25 Keep it

    Simple „If you‘re experimenting with a new tool or process, find the quickest and easiest one to use. From that, learn about what you actually need.“ Stuart Davidson, Head of Development at Skyscanner
  17. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 26 Understanding the

    Solution Space 1. Treat the solution as a composition problem (avoid building it yourself unless you really have to) Component A Component B Component C does one thing and does it well
  18. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 27 Understanding the

    Solution Space 1. Treat the solution as a composition problem (avoid building it yourself unless you really have to) RESTful and secure? Component A Component C CLI Component B API CLI
  19. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 28 Understanding the

    Solution Space 1. Treat the solution as a composition problem (avoid building it yourself unless you really have to) API API Component A Component C Component B Component D enhances existing stack?
  20. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 29 Understanding the

    Solution Space 1. Treat the solution as a composition problem (avoid building it yourself unless you really have to) API API Component A Component C Component B Component D if it sucks, replace it with something better
  21. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 30 Don‘t Fall

    in Love With Your Solution „The tools and systems that you've invested so much time in today will be considered obsolete tomorrow. Accept that as part of what you do as professional engineers – it's part of the joy of software. “ Stuart Davidson, Head of Development at Skyscanner
  22. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 31 Understanding the

    Solution Space 2. How simple is the solution? Component X How quickly can you learn it?
  23. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 32 Understanding the

    Solution Space 2. How simple is the solution? Component X How quickly can you learn it? How quickly can you adapt it to your needs?
  24. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 33 Understanding the

    Solution Space 2. How simple is the solution? Component X How quickly can you learn it? How quickly can you adapt it to your needs? How easily can the solution be upgraded?
  25. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 34 Understanding the

    Solution Space 3. How flexible is the solution? Component X Is it modular?
  26. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 35 Understanding the

    Solution Space 3. How flexible is the solution? Is it easily extensible? Is it modular? Component X
  27. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 36 Understanding the

    Solution Space 3. How flexible is the solution? Component X Component Y Does it dictate specific other solutions?
  28. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 37 Understanding the

    Solution Space 4. Who stands behind the solution? A single developer? A team of developers?
  29. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 38 Understanding the

    Solution Space 4. Who stands behind the solution?
  30. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 41 Understanding the

    Solution Space 5. Is there a caring community? Community How active is the community?
  31. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 43 Understanding the

    Solution Space 5. Is there a caring community? Community How active is the community? How many issues are there?
  32. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 47 Understanding the

    Solution Space 5. Is there a caring community? Community How active is the community? How many issues are there? How quickly do issues get fixed?
  33. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 49 Understanding the

    Solution Space 5. Is there a caring community? Community How active is the community? How many issues are there? How quickly do issues get fixed? Can I engage with the community?
  34. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 53 Understanding the

    Solution Space 6. How mature is the solution? Component X Are you an early adopter?
  35. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 55 Understanding the

    Solution Space 6. How mature is the solution? Component X Are you an early adopter? Who else uses it?
  36. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 57 Understanding the

    Solution Space 6. How mature is the solution? Component X Who else uses it? What do others say about it? Are you an early adopter?
  37. Understanding the Solution Space 6. How mature is the solution?

    Realize that their journey will differ from yours: what applies to them may not apply to you (problem space)!
  38. Understanding the Solution Space 6. How mature is the solution?

    Software evolves rapidly, especially if backed by a caring community!
  39. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 60 Understanding the

    Solution Space 6. How mature is the solution? Component X Who else uses it? What do others say about it? How does it compare to X? Are you an early adopter?
  40. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 62 Understanding the

    Solution Space 6. How mature is the solution? Component X Who else uses it? What do others say about it? How does it compare to X? Are you an early adopter? (Bonus) Is there a roadmap?
  41. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 66 Where to

    Start? Great places to start learning about technology Website GitHub.com YouTube.com value proposition, docs, etc.
  42. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 67 Where to

    Start? Great places to start learning about technology Website GitHub.com YouTube.com code, demo, integrations, issues, links, etc.
  43. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 68 Where to

    Start? Great places to start learning about technology Website GitHub.com YouTube.com intros, deep-dives, conference talks, etc.
  44. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 69 Where to

    Start? Great places to start learning about technology Medium.com SlideShare.net blog posts Google
  45. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 70 Where to

    Start? Great places to start learning about technology Medium.com SlideShare.net presentation slides Google
  46. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 71 Where to

    Start? Great places to start learning about technology Medium.com SlideShare.net everything else Google
  47. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 73 Learning Through

    Teaching Become an expert through experiential learning and teaching! GitHub.com turn a product demo into an easily consumable prototype and share it
  48. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 74 Learning Through

    Teaching Become an expert through experiential learning and teaching! Medium.com share your experience in a blog post (what worked well and what not)
  49. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 75 Learning Through

    Teaching Become an expert through experiential learning and teaching! SlideShare.net tell your story in a presentation
  50. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 76 Learning Through

    Teaching Become an expert through experiential learning and teaching! meetup.com present at a local meetup (maybe found one inside your company)
  51. MARTIN ETMAJER Founder | GetCloudnative e.U. Slide 77 Learning Through

    Teaching Become an expert through experiential learning and teaching! stackoverflow.com help others get better at what you do