thesis from the existing web technologies after they were created (2000). Requires you to use provide links to your resources ✓ so your APIs are browseable. Requires you to respect to uniform interface of ✓ HTTP and use each of the verbs without violating their own semantics.
status codes not just 200 or 404: Accepted (201) Created (202) No Content (204) Moved Permanently (301) See Other (303) Bad Request (400) Unauthorized (401) Forbidden (403) Method Not Allowed (405) Not Acceptable (406) Conflict (409) Gone (410) Internal Server Error (500) etc.
“thing” or “entity” in your domain problem have one and JUST ONE URI associated with it. Providing a “home document” at the root of your service linking to ✓ the main resources available. Using URI templates with named parameters so client code does not ✓ have to hard code URIs. Providing paginated results including hyperlinks to the next, prev, ✓ first and last pages. Returning 200 and not 404 when a search yields no results. ✓ Returning 400 if an input validation fails but a 409 if the data is OK ✓ but there is a business model conflict in the requested action.
us Grab your own free copy of ...a talk at gave at a conference in Chile last year
and others start using it you can change the implementation as you which without breaking things. Each service is so small that one engineer can fully understand it and ✓ make a much better job of maintaining it. You are no longer limited to using an specific language, version or ✓ database for your whole system: use what is best for the job! Upgrading the system one micro-service at a time is much easier ✓ than upgrading a monolithic system. Prototype a microservice in a language you're comfortable with and ✓ re-implement it in any other as needed if that helps for speed or reliability reasons.
to get the API right so prototyping quickly and easily is key and Python is great for that. There are good microframeworks available for Python, most notably ✓ Flask, you might not need a full-fledged Django installation. This is a great opportunity to build production code in Python 3. No ✓ more excuses!!! Chance to build asynchronous services using Tornado or Twisted. ✓ Re-implement using PyPy, Cython, Golang, Java, C++, Clojure, etc as ✓ needed if you require more speed or efficiency. You can build a Python web service frontend to many microservices ✓ in legacy languages like PHP, ASP, etc.