A Key Question: What is the relationship between nodal loads and Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs). Understand the Data: From a market participant’s viewpoint: understand the (load+price) data. Key References Geng, Xinbo, and Le Xie. “Learning the LMP-Load Coupling From Data: A Support Vector Machine Based Approach.” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (accepted, to appear). Geng, Xinbo, and Le Xie. “A data-driven approach to identifying system pattern regions in market operations.” 2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. IEEE, 2015. Geng, Xinbo, and Le Xie. “Learning the LMP-Load Coupling From Data: A Support Vector Machine Based Approach.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.07276 (2016). (With complete technical details and many illustrative examples.) Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 2 / 23
is the relationship between loads and LMPs? The relationship between Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) and Loads A fundamental question. Understand electricity market operations. Benefit both system operators and market participants. Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 3 / 23
is the relationship between loads and LMPs? The relationship between Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) and Loads A fundamental question. Understand electricity market operations. Benefit both system operators and market participants. Becoming more and more important... Renewable Energy Source: blogs.scientificamerican.com Demand Response Source: nature.com Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 3 / 23
(1) Regard PD2 and PD3 as parameters, randomly generate PD2 and PD3 ; (2) solve the optimization problem (SCED); (3) record the Locational Marginal Prices. Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 4 / 23
(1) Regard PD2 and PD3 as parameters, randomly generate PD2 and PD3 ; (2) solve the optimization problem (SCED); (3) record the Locational Marginal Prices. LMPs are discrete (3 possibilities). There are some disjoint regions. Load vectors of the same region leads to the same LMP vector. Xinbo Geng and Le Xie, “A Data-driven Approach to Identifying System Pattern Regions in Market Operations,” in IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2015. Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 4 / 23
Linear Programming (MLP) Theory Definition (Optimal Partition/System Pattern) The system pattern π is defined as π := (B, N). B: indices of binding constraints; N: indices of non-binding constraints. B ∩ N = ∅, B ∪ N = J . J = {1, 2, · · · , nc }: the index set of constraints. system pattern: π = (B, N) represents the status of the system. system pattern = optimal partition (in MLP theory). Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 6 / 23
Linear Programming (MLP) Theory Definition (Optimal Partition/System Pattern) The system pattern π is defined as π := (B, N). B: indices of binding constraints; N: indices of non-binding constraints. B ∩ N = ∅, B ∪ N = J . J = {1, 2, · · · , nc }: the index set of constraints. system pattern: π = (B, N) represents the status of the system. system pattern = optimal partition (in MLP theory). Definition (Critical Region/System Pattern Region) System Pattern Region (SPR) refers to the set of load vectors which lead to the same system pattern π = (Bπ , Nπ ): Sπ := {PD ∈ D : B(PD ) = Bπ } (1) system pattern region = critical region (in MLP theory). Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 6 / 23
Space Decomposition) The load space could be decomposed into many SPRs. Each SPR is a convex polytope. The relative interiors of SPRs are disjoint convex sets and each corresponds to a unique system pattern a. a Zhou, Q., Tesfatsion, L., & Liu, C. Short-term congestion forecasting in wholesale power markets. IEEE Trans on Power Systems Analyze the 3-bus system using the Multi-parametric Programming Toolbox 3.0: 10 SPRs. Every SPR is convex. SPRs are disjoint E.g. SPR#5: No congestion. Marginal generator: gen#1. E.g. SPR#3: Line 1 → 3 is congested. Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 7 / 23
Pattern Regions (SPRs) Theorem (LMPs Remain the Same in an SPR) Within each SPR, the vector of LMPs is uniquea. a Xinbo Geng, & Le Xie (2015). A Data-driven Approach to Identifying System Pattern Regions in Market Operations. In IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting. E.g. SPR#5: LMP: λ = [20, 20, 20]. E.g. SPR#3: LMP: λ = [20, 50, 80]. Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 8 / 23
Pattern Regions (SPRs) Theorem (Distinct LMP Vectors) Different SPRs have different LMP vectors. a a Xinbo Geng, Le Xie. “Learning the LMP-Load Coupling From Data: A Support Vector Machine Based Approach” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (Accepted) Each SPR has a unique LMP vector. E.g. SPR#5: LMP: λ = [20, 20, 20]. E.g. SPR#3: LMP: λ = [20, 50, 80]. The boundary between two SPRs is linear. Lemma (Separating Hyperplanes) Because SPRs are convex sets, there exists a separating hyperplane between any two SPRs. Xinbo Geng, & Le Xie (2015). A Data-driven Approach to Identifying System Pattern Regions in Market Operations. In IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting. Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 9 / 23
the LMP-Load Coupling Understanding the System Pattern Regions ⇔ understanding the LMP-Load Coupling. For the System Operators They know EVERYTHING (Confidential Information:) System Topology. Transmission Limits. Line Parameters. Generation costs. ... They can analytically calculate the System Pattern Regions (SPRs). (e.g. Multi-parametric Programming Toolbox.) Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 11 / 23
the Market Participants Estimate the System Pattern Regions? They know almost NOTHING about Confidential Information (e.g. System Topology, Transmission Limits, Line Parameters, Generation costs.....) Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 12 / 23
the Market Participants Estimate the System Pattern Regions? They know almost NOTHING about Confidential Information (e.g. System Topology, Transmission Limits, Line Parameters, Generation costs.....) Answer: Data! Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 12 / 23
the Market Participants Estimate the System Pattern Regions? They know almost NOTHING about Confidential Information (e.g. System Topology, Transmission Limits, Line Parameters, Generation costs.....) Answer: Data! Figure : Load Data Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 12 / 23
the Market Participants Estimate the System Pattern Regions? They know almost NOTHING about Confidential Information (e.g. System Topology, Transmission Limits, Line Parameters, Generation costs.....) Answer: Data! Figure : Load Data Figure : Load Data and LMP Data Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 12 / 23
Model the SPR Identification Problem as a Classification Problem We proved: Load vectors within an SPR have the same LMP vectors. Different SPRs have different LMP vectors. Load Data. LMP Data. Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 13 / 23
Model the SPR Identification Problem as a Classification Problem We proved: Load vectors within an SPR have the same LMP vectors. Different SPRs have different LMP vectors. Load Data. LMP Data. Classification Problem: Given a feature vector x, label x with a label vector y. Feature Vector: load vector. Label Vector: LMP vector. Identify SPRs ⇔ Identify the separating hyperplanes among SPRs Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 13 / 23
Not consider varying parameters (e.g. line limits): separable case. Binary: only two classes y ∈ {1, −1}. Separable: Eqn. (3) is feasible. Separating Hyperplane: w PD − b = 0 . width of the margin: 2/||w||. Support Vector Machine (Binary, Separable Case) min w,b 1 2 w w (2) s.t y(i)(w P(i) D − b) ≥ 1, y(i) ∈ {−1, 1} (3) Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 14 / 23
classifiers (n classes): “one-vs-all” pick one class, the rest n − 1 classes becomes another class, train a binary SVM classifier. Get n binary SVM classifiers. “one-vs-one” choose two classes out of n, train a binary classifier. Get n(n − 1)/2 binary SVM classifier. Existence of Separating Hyperplanes between any two SPRs ⇒ “one-vs-one” Max-vote-wins Given a load vector PD , each binary SVM classifier gives a vote (the index of SPR that PD belongs to), the SPR which gets the most vote is the final result. Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 15 / 23
Non-separable Case s(i) slack variables (soft margins, tolerant errors). C i s(i): penalties of violation. Support Vector Machine (Binary, Non-separable Case) min w,b,s 1 2 w w + C i s(i) (4) s.t y(i)(w P(i) D − b) ≥ 1 − s(i), s(i) ≥ 0, y(i) ∈ {−1, 1} (5) Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 18 / 23
Theory. Learn the LMP-Load Coupling From Data via Support Vector Machine. Model the SPR Identification as a Classification Problem. Understand the Data in a Probabilistic Manner (Fitting Posterior Probabilities). Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 20 / 23
Theory. Learn the LMP-Load Coupling From Data via Support Vector Machine. Model the SPR Identification as a Classification Problem. Understand the Data in a Probabilistic Manner (Fitting Posterior Probabilities). More Interesting Questions Impacts of Generation Costs. Partial Load Information. Discussed in the journal paper. Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 20 / 23
Theory. Learn the LMP-Load Coupling From Data via Support Vector Machine. Model the SPR Identification as a Classification Problem. Understand the Data in a Probabilistic Manner (Fitting Posterior Probabilities). More Interesting Questions Impacts of Generation Costs. Partial Load Information. Discussed in the journal paper. Open Questions Impacts of Unit Commitment Decisions. Impacts of Ramp Constraints (multiple snapshots). Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 20 / 23
Geng Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas A&M University gengxinbo@gmail.com people.tamu.edu/∼gengxbtamu November 2, 2016 Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 21 / 23
Constraints: supply-demand balance, transmission limits, generation capacity limits. min PG nb i=1 ci (PGi ) s.t. nb i=1 PGi = nb j=1 PDj : λ1 F− ≤ H(PG − PD ) ≤ F+ : µ+, µ− P− G ≤ PG ≤ P+ G : η+, η− Assumptions: Lossless DC Optimal Power Flow (current practice). Quadratic Cost → Piecewise Linear (current practice). Assumptions (for simplicity) Piecewise Linear → Linear (WLOG). Each bus has (exactly) one load and one generator (WLOG). nb : number of buses. PG ∈ Rnb : generation vector. P+ G , P− G : generation limits. c ∈ Rnb : cost of generators. PD ∈ Rnb : load vector. F+, F−: transmission limits. Xinbo Geng (TAMU) LMP-Load-MLP-SVM November 2, 2016 22 / 23