metrics such as latency or transactions per second, averaged across groups of services to give meaningful results. Operations like scaling, failover and service monitoring can be added to any application blueprint using these policies. @grkvlt
competitive Management is tied to infra layer with manual or missing processes for applications and services, causing risk and hindering adoption Increasingly diverse platforms & infrastructure mean applications are hard to track, increasing the cost & risk of digital transformation @grkvlt
clusters. Production-ready infrastructure with TLS, high-availability and extensions like Flannel, Calico and Canal for networking. Can also connect to existing infrastructure provisioned and managed externally, by specifying appropriate API endpoints. Containerize applications by simply deploying blueprints to container-aware locations or build hybrid applications from virtual machines, containers and pods. @grkvlt
Simplifies creation of managed deployments, ready for immediate deployment of containerized applications. Reusable component library to enable creation of applications incorporating Docker and Kubernetes. With Cloudsoft AMP allows seamless deployment to these infrastructures. @grkvlt
transactional applications that establishes trust, accountability and transparency while streamlining business processes." Or... "Blockchain is a distributed, cryptographically secure ledger of transactions." @grkvlt
to advance blockchain technology by identifying and addressing important features for a cross-industry open standard for distributed ledgers that can transform the way business transactions are conducted globally. @grkvlt
Clusters of Docker Engines spread across different regions, giving a global deployment that can be easily scaled and extended. Hyperledger components are Docker containers providing Blockchain services. @grkvlt
that spins up a non-validating peer in a Docker container, deploys the chaincode onto the validating peer cluster and then performs the following transactions: 1. Assigns an asset to Alice 2. Transfers to Bob and verifies ownership 3. Transfers to Charlie and verifies ownership 4. Transfers to Dave and verifies ownership @grkvlt
and dynamically with workloads Common management tooling across all applications from pets to cattle Agnostic so you can combine bare metal, virtual machines and containers Simple and consistent management view of applications