PoET consensus mechanism Proof of Elapsed Time Uses Skylake SGX secure enclave feature No burning the energy equivalent of a small country Pluggable consensus mechanism Various different transaction families @grkvlt
Solidity code for Smart Contracts Execute logic to determine if transaction is accepted Also ERC-20 standard for tokens/coins Code for EVM from Burrow Seth transaction family implements EVM @grkvlt
files supplied in Sawtooth repository Extend these to build custom deployment Using Docker with clustered networking Just add SDN driver of your choice or Overlay @grkvlt
GitHub repository mounted as volume Huge images, multi Gigabyte Broken builds and repository code in flux Create new Dockerfiles for extra images needed @grkvlt
Compose, almost Define containers and their relationships Inject various bits of configuration Easier than building a lot more custom Docker images Allows simple scaling, but see Swarm and services Eventually want to use more features like policies @grkvlt