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Developing Moodle Plugin for Creating Learning...

April 04, 2014

Developing Moodle Plugin for Creating Learning Content with another REST Function Call

Presented on EDUCON 2014.


April 04, 2014

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  1. 2

  2. 3 Developing Moodle Plugin for Creating Learning Content with another

    REST Function Call Irwan Alnarus Kautsar *1, Shin-Ichiro Kubota**2, Yasuo Musashi*, and Kenichi Sugitani* * Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University **Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, University of Miyazaki 1: [email protected], 2: [email protected]. IEEE EDUCON 2014 Istanbul, Turkey Friday, April 4 2014 Images by Charlie Foster
  3. 6 Indonesia → 2300 Higher Education Institution [1] [2] →

    1500 HEI implemented Moodle LMS [2] [3] → Internet infrastructure Problem [1] [2] [3] [1] R.D.Kuntoro, et.al JIKM. Vol, 02,04,361–374, 2003. [2] Wicaksono, et al. DPU/EABER Bangkok, 2008, 45. [3] R. M. Ijtihadie, et al. HCI, vol. 2,1, p17, Nov. 2012.
  4. 7 Indonesia Well, Yeah.., LIMITED Bandwith. Home in Japan →

    ← Kumadai UMSIDA Campus in Indonesia →
  5. 10

  6. 11 Q: Why Internet becoming matters while using LMS (Moodle)?

    A: Usually, accessing LMS (Moodle) need Internet.
  7. 12 Q: Can access Moodle without internet ? A: Yes,

    user must install Moodle in local machine, by default, user must be configure it.
  8. 13 Q: How if users not so familiar with configuring

    Moodle and etc. And not always been have internet connection ? A: Create application do not need configure. And create course in off- line way, then upload when online.
  9. 17 Basic idea – authoring supportive tools Create New Course

    - On/Off line. - Ease of Use. Check Online ? Upload automatically.
  10. 20

  11. 28 Method for uploading learning content to Moodle LMS •

    REST Protocols and Moodle Web Services. • Access Moodle via URI → via Browser. • Token provided by Moodle. • REST Function Calls provided by Moodle.
  12. 29 Example Server : http://localhost:8888/moodle Token : 3a5ae337b990d6dd4f5edfd336b94f3a Moodle Rest

    Function Call : core_course_get_courses Example URI – For Get course : http://localhost:8888/moodle//webservice/rest/server.php? wstoken=3a5ae337b990d6dd4f5edfd336b94f3a&wsfunction=c ore_course_get_courses&options[ids][0]=2
  13. 43 Proposed solutions • Developing plugin to solve unavailable REST

    Function Call. • #1 = The plugin to create content. • #2 = The to enable another REST Function Call used by third party application.
  14. 45

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  17. 53 Conclusions • Developing two plugin for enrich learning content

    sharing on Moodle. • Why two ? • One for learning content/activity. • One for web services/another REST Function Call. • (feedback is highly recommended).