of Japan GSI Maps for the next wave ! of civic innovation Hidenori FUJIMURA Geospatial Information Authority of Japan 1 2015-10-02 GitHub Universe@San Francisco “Changing Lives with Open Data”
Maps. We use open standards such as slippy map tilenames, GeoJSON and KML. 4 According to the Open Data Strategy of the Japanese Government, we use the Government Standard License which is similar to CC-BY. Our data can be embedded in any online or offline systems. I hope, in future, our tiles become the first secondary background map in GeoJSON mapping function of GitHub ❤︎.
We would like to provide a choice of our maps, wherever there is a need for mapping Japan. So we build upon and release open source software and open standards, to reduce the reason not to use our maps. License: BSD or CC0 5
Maps cmp compare tiles experimental_dem DEM data in vector tiles layers-dot-txt-spec layer metadata for web maps in JSON experimental_wmts OGC WMTS metadata of GSI Tiles kakotile-spec metadata for past tiles cocotile-spec metadata for available layers for each tile id mokuroku-spec metadata for each tiles in CSV mokuroku-generator generate mokuroku by scanning tileset kakotile-generator generate kakotile by scanning backups dkgshp2geojsontiles convert GSI’s Shapefile data to GeoJSON Tiles octpng-spec availability tiles in an octave high octpng-bin availability tiles generator daicho-spec mokuroku in SQLite daicho-init initialize daicho qdltc tiles downloader server-load monitor server load vector-tile-experiment vector tiles of our map data gsitiles-cesium GSI Tiles in Cesium geojson-with-style-spec convention to add style information in GeoJSON gdal2xyztiles.py OGC WMTS metadata of GSI Tiles style-dot-js-spece convention for the style of vector tiles ckanext-basemaps selectable base maps in CKAN
(1) To provide the whole nation direct access to the information about the situation; → We typically receive 4 times much tile access in the period of disaster response. (2) To support further disaster response by related organizations. → Our support includes providing 3D-handouts 7 Current menu of disaster information volcano volcano volcano volcano volcano volcano flood volcano volcano FY2014 FY2013 -FY2012
over the area. In this case, our airplane had to fly around the volcano with the eruption. 9 2015-09-28/29 Oblique photograph 2015-09-29/30 Airborne SAR
many people concerned about the situation, the access exceeded the capacity of the GSI Maps system at that time. We needed to develop a bypass system a.s.a.p. 10
capture orthophotos of different stages of recovery. • It turned out that the comparison between orthophotos in GSI Maps was not so easy. • We decided to develop a special site for providing comparison function before we get requests from users. 16
social coding. 18 The support for IE was not enough in the first versions. An external developer gave us a Pull Request for IE9+ support, and we merged it. New issue for iOS9 browsers is open a few days ago… Your contributions are welcome!
big earthquake in 2011 are included in the open source version of the East Japan Earthquake Archive (shinsai.mapping.jp). 19 Our orthopthotos Messages from residents News archive Our Open Data obtained new values by Open Collaboration!
and open standards to maximize the use of its open data. 2. GitHub Flow and GitHub Pages helped us a lot. 3. Our open data are producing more values by collaborating with external developers. 20