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Teaching Media Convergence and Social Media in ...

Teaching Media Convergence and Social Media in a HE context

The slides prepared for the Teachers CPD Day at the University for the Creative Arts, Farnham (UK) on 3rd June 2014, featuring a number of interactive activities integrated in my everyday teaching on media convergence and social media.


June 03, 2014

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  1. Teaching Media Convergence and Social Media in a HE context

    Yuwei Lin Course Leader for BA (Hons) Media and Communications Media and Creative Writing
  2. Why Convergence? • Information flows; news travels; different ways of

    telling stories • New technologies (from stone age to modern times) • Lifestyle habits change • Media economies • Audience fragmentation • Media consolidation • The audiences have changed and convergence is being considered as a strategy to respond that change. → transient and emergent • Team-oriented, multiple media, multi-platform, convergent media operation
  3. Definitions of Convergence • Henry Jenkins defines media convergence as

    an ongoing process in which content, technologies, audiences and industries intersect. • Convergence Continuum (Dailey et al., 2005): cross-promotion, cloning, cooperation, content sharing, and convergence (A multimedia project that contains in-depth text for print and web, still photos and video, audio, graphics, searchable databases and other interactive elements)
  4. An Infrastructure • Ownership • Tactics (cross promotion and sharing

    content across platforms) • Structure (organizational and functional changes) • Information gathering (for several platforms • Presentation (Gordon, 2003: 61)
  5. Not just cloning content • Vertical as well as horizontal

    integration – Multi-skilling (vertical axis; workflow of media production) – cross-media platforms (horizontal axis) (including print, radio, television, web and mobile media) - technological convergence – Economic convergence (e.g., Who Owns What, http://www.cjr.org/resources/) • Consolidation
  6. Convergent Media Practices 360 degree commissioning and programming (e.g., BBC

    Doctor Who, The Virtual Revolution, Twittersode for Pramface) Cross-platform Multi-skill / backpack journalism • Share • Remix • Reuse • Recontextualise / Repurpose
  7. Characteristics of Future Media Ambient Connected Diverse (Long-tail) Experiential Immediate,

    instant Immersive Mobile Networked Pervasive Ubiquitous Combined / Hybrid / Fusion / Mixed Multi-platforms (4-screen policy) Overarching (360-degree commissioning & programming) Think holistically
  8. Old / New Media Practices Existing • Adaptation / Re-

    interpretation “The girl with the dragon tatoo” - the original and the US version • Print Journalist + TV comedian + Radio presenter (careers and talents converge) New • Technologies: smart phones, tablets asnd pads (BBC's 4- screen policy), cloud computing, ubiquitous computing • Instancy, immediacy
  9. World Cafe WHY? • Participatory learning • Collaborative inquiry •

    Peer learning • Co-Creation • Collective Intelligence • Systems thinking • Lateral thinking
  10. World Cafe Instructions 1. Three volunteers 2. Three groups 3.

    Visual facilitation ("graphic recording") 4. Three rounds: Imagine the media content we consumed and produced 10 years ago, at present, and 10 years from now 5. Each round for 5 minutes 6. Everyone needs to participate, and no view is too trivial.
  11. Media History in Action • BBC Electric Dreams - A

    family and their home are stripped of all their modern technology to live a life of decades past • http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00n4y qn
  12. My Life Stories • Write 3 sentences on separate post-it

    notes, each of which starting with 'I', 'My' or 'Mine'. • The instructor will collect all notes and re- distribute them. • Work in groups to recreate a theoretically- informed story / script / play based on the notes / hints you were given.
  13. Pedagogical rationale Interdisciplinary Experiential Independent thinking Critical thinking Analytical Creative

    Productive Employability • Design-orientated • Studio-based learning • Multiple pedagogical approaches and learning formats • Practical - understanding of different media and how to incorporate them for effective communication • Real-world live briefs
  14. Learning formats • Lectures • Seminars • Tutorials • Guest

    lectures • Workshops • Screening • Networking • Study abroad • Fieldtrips • Self assessment and reflective learning • Peer assessment
  15. Alternative Assessment Methods • Transmedia essay Inkception - The Participatory

    Turn in the Publishing Sphere • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UB2Uwz0DGQ • Rationale behind 'Inkception' http://www.cost-transforming-audiences.eu/node/1470 • Why we made Inkception and how we made it http://hiyashi.wordpress.com/2013/04/17/inkception/