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August 08, 2022

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  1. 4 8IBU`T'BLF/FXT &YBNQMF &BSMZ'BLF/FXT Great Moon Hoax in 1835 by

    The Sun German Corpse Factory in WWI by The Times of London
  2. 5 ೥ΞϝϦΧେ౷ྖબڍ l બڍલϲ݄Ͱ໿ສճɺީิऀਓ τϥϯϓࢯ ΫϦϯτϯ ࢯ ͷϑΣΠΫχϡʔε͕'BDFCPPLͰ֦ࢄ 8IBU`T'BLF/FXT &YBNQMF

    1. Allcott, Hunt, and Matthew Gentzkow. "Social media and fake news in the 2016 election." Journal of economic perspectives 31.2 (2017): 211-36.
  3. 9 Secretary Brunnell Declares Fake News About His People is

    Being Telegraphed Over the Country. —Cincinnati Commercial Tribune (Concinnati, OH), 7 Jun. 1890 Fake News. The following is handed to us for publication: Sunday’s Enterprise says that I and a companion were run over by the Neptune and thrown into the water. As can be proved by more than one, we did not so much as get our feet wet, nor were we helped into the Neptune. Clarence Collins. —The Kearney Daily Hub (Kearney, NE), 7 Jul. 1890 8IBU`T'BLF/FXT %FGJOJUJPO 2. https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/the-real-story-of-fake-news

    ޡ৘ใͰ͋Δ͜ͱ͕ཁ݅ l ڱ͍ఆٛ 'BLFOFXTJTBOFXTBSUJDMFUIBUJTJOUFOUJPOBMMZ BOEWFSJGJBCMZGBMTF  ੡࡞ऀ͕ҙਤతͰ͋ΓޡͬͯΔ৘ใͰ͋Δ͜ͱ͕ཁ݅ 5. Zhou, Xinyi, and Reza Zafarani. "A survey of fake news: Fundamental theories, detection methods, and opportunities." ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53.5 (2020): 1-40. 6. Lazer, David MJ, et al. "The science of fake news." Science 359.6380 (2018): 1094-1096. 7. Shu, Kai, et al. "Fake news detection on social media: A data mining perspective." ACM SIGKDD explorations newsletter 19.1 (2017): 22-36. 8. Allcott, Hunt, and Matthew Gentzkow. "Social media and fake news in the 2016 election." Journal of economic perspectives 31.2 (2017): 211-36.

    ޡ৘ใͰ͋Δ͜ͱ͕ཁ݅ l ڱ͍ఆٛ 'BLFOFXTJTBOFXTBSUJDMFUIBUJTJOUFOUJPOBMMZ BOEWFSJGJBCMZGBMTF  ੡࡞ऀ͕ҙਤతͰ͋ΓޡͬͯΔ৘ใͰ͋Δ͜ͱ͕ཁ݅ 5. Zhou, Xinyi, and Reza Zafarani. "A survey of fake news: Fundamental theories, detection methods, and opportunities." ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53.5 (2020): 1-40. 6. Lazer, David MJ, et al. "The science of fake news." Science 359.6380 (2018): 1094-1096. 7. Shu, Kai, et al. "Fake news detection on social media: A data mining perspective." ACM SIGKDD explorations newsletter 19.1 (2017): 22-36. 8. Allcott, Hunt, and Matthew Gentzkow. "Social media and fake news in the 2016 election." Journal of economic perspectives 31.2 (2017): 211-36. ࣮ࡍ͸ ɾ৘ใ͕ޡΓͰ͋Δ͔Ͳ͏͔ ɾϑΝΫτνΣοΫαΠτʹ൑அ͞Ε͔ͨ ͱ͍͏ཁૉͰ'BLF/FXTͱݺ͹ΕΔ͜ͱ͕΄ͱΜͲ

    l ӳࠃ੓෎ͷެࣜจॻͰz'BLF/FXTzͱ͍͏༻ޠΛ༻͍ͳ͍͜ͱͷܾఆ 9. https://money.cnn.com/2017/11/03/media/claire-wardle-fake-news-reliable-sources-podcast/index.html
  7. 17 'BLF/FXTͱ͸ʁ 8IBU`T'BLF/FXT %FGJOJUJPO l ҟͳΔ؍఺Ͱͷ੔ཧ l %JTJOGPSNBUJPO ҙਤతʹޡͬͨ৘ใ l

    .JTJOGPSNBUJPO ҙਤతͰ͸ͳ͍͕ޡͬͨ৘ใ ݸਓతʹ͸z'BLF/FXTzͱ͍͏༻ޠΛ༻͍ͣɺ͜ͷ؍఺Ͱޡͬͨ৘ใΛ ෼ྨ͍ͯ͘͠ͷ͕੔ཧ͠΍͍͢
  8. 27 l ʮڞ༗ʯ 3FUXFFU΍4IBSF ͱ͍͏γεςϜʹΑͬͯͭͷ౤ߘ ͕ଟ͘ͷਓؒͷ໨ʹ;ΕΔՄೳੑ͕ߴ͍ l 'BLF/FXT͸ਖ਼͍͠৘ใΑΓ΋଎͘఻ΘΓ΍͍͢ l &DIP$IBNCFS΍1PMBSJ[BUJPOͳͲͷޮՌ΋ؔ܎

    'BLF/FXTͱιʔγϟϧϝσΟΞ ωοτ ͷ਌࿨ੑͷߴ͞ 20. Vosoughi, Soroush, Deb Roy, and Sinan Aral. "The spread of true and false news online." science 359.6380 (2018): 1146-1151.
  9. 39 l ೥ ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ݚڀ͕੝ΜʹͳΓ࢝ΊΔ l d೥ࠒ ಛ௃ྔͷ࡞੒ͲͷΑ͏ͳಛ௃Λ༻͍Δͷ͔ʁ༻͍Δಛ௃ΛͲͷΑ ͏ʹ࡞੒͢Δͷ͔ʁ 'FBUVSF ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़Ϟσϧͷ֓ཁ

    機械学習モデル フェイクニュースの 可能性のある投稿に 関する情報 (特徴量) ⼊⼒ 出⼒ Fake or True 22. Castillo, Carlos, Marcelo Mendoza, and Barbara Poblete. "Information credibility on twitter." Proceedings of the 20th international conference on World wide web. 2011.
  10. 40 l ೥ࠒ dਂ૚ֶशϞσϧͷಋೖ "SDIJUFDUVSF l ೖྗͱ͞ΕΔಛ௃ΛʮͲͷΑ͏ʹͯ͠ʯޮ཰ྑ͘૊Έ߹ΘͤΔͷ͔ʁ l ಛ௃ྔͱͯ͠ར༻͠ʹ͔ͬͨ͘৘ใͷ׆༻ ը૾΍,OPXMFEHFHSBQI

    ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़Ϟσϧͷ֓ཁ 機械学習モデル フェイクニュースの 可能性のある投稿に 関する情報 (特徴量) ⼊⼒ 出⼒ Fake or True
  11. 41 l ೥ࠒ dݕग़ਫ਼౓Ҏ֎ͷՁ஋ͷ୳ࡧ l ৴པ౓ɾղऍੑͷ޲্ l ڭࢣͳ͠ʹΑΔϑΣΠΫχϡʔε୳ࡧ l ελϯεݕग़΍੓࣏ۃੑݕग़ͳͲͷଞλεΫͱಉֶ࣌श

    l σϞͳͲʹΑΔՄࢹԽ ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़Ϟσϧͷ֓ཁ 機械学習モデル フェイクニュースの 可能性のある投稿に 関する情報 (特徴量) ⼊⼒ 出⼒ Fake or True 23. Shu, Kai, et al. "defend: Explainable fake news detection." Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery & data mining. 2019. 24. Gangireddy, Siva Charan Reddy, Cheng Long, and Tanmoy Chakraborty. "Unsupervised fake news detection: A graph-based approach." Proceedings of the 31st ACM conference on hypertext and social media. 2020. 25. Ghanem, Bilal, Paolo Rosso, and Francisco Rangel. "Stance detection in fake news a combined feature representation." Proceedings of the first workshop on fact extraction and VERification (FEVER). 2018. 26. Yang, Fan, Shiva K. Pentyala, Sina Mohseni, Mengnan Du, Hao Yuan, Rhema Linder, Eric D. Ragan, Shuiwang Ji, and Xia Hu. "Xfake: Explainable fake news detector with visualizations." In The World Wide Web Conference, pp. 3600-3604. 2019.
  12. 42 l 5XJUUFSͷ౤ߘ܈͔Βநग़ͨ͠ಛ௃ྔ͔Β5SVFͱ'BMTFΛ൑ఆɻ Ϟσϧ͸47.΍ܾఆ໦ͳͲΛར༻ ॳظϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़Ϟσϧl*OGPSNBUJPO$SFEJCJMJUZPO5XJUUFSz 27. Castillo, Carlos, Marcelo Mendoza,

    and Barbara Poblete. "Information credibility on twitter." Proceedings of the 20th international conference on World wide web. 2011. Message User Topic Propagation
  13. 44 ςΩετΛػցֶशʹೖྗ͢Δͱ͖ʹසൟ ʹ༻͍ΒΕΔྫ l #BHPGXPSET ޠΛҰҙͷ஋ʹׂΓ౰ͯΔ l /HSBNT ࿈ଓͨ͠ฒͼΛ֬཰Ͱදݱ l

    5'*%' ޠͷॏཁ౓ͷࢦඪ ୯ޠͷग़ݱස౓ͱจষؒͷ௝͠͞Ͱࢉग़ ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧςΩετಛ௃ྔ -FYJDPO US researchers discover a huge cat!!!! Over 5 meters… User A @userA \l64z  lSFTFBSDIFSTz  lEJTDPWFSz ʜ^ 1 lSFTFBSDIFSTzcl64z   1 lEJTDPWFSzczSFTFBSDIFSTz  l64zͷશग़ݱճ਺ º l64z͕ग़ݱ͢Δ௝͠͞
  14. 45 ߏจ໦ͷ׆༻ l 1BSU0G4QFFDI5BHT l $POUFYU'SFF(SBNNBST $'(T ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧςΩετಛ௃ྔ 4ZOUBY 28.

    Feng, Song, Ritwik Banerjee, and Yejin Choi. "Syntactic stylometry for deception detection." Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers). 2012. // lIPUFMz lBOZUIJOHz %5 lUIJTz /1 ˠ %5// 71 ˠ7#;/1
  15. 46 1TZDIPMJOHVJTUJDXPSETͷ׆༻ l ޠኮͷΧςΰϦࣙॻ -JOHVJTUJD*ORVJSZBOE8PSE$PVOU -*8$  ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧςΩετಛ௃ྔ 4FNBOUJD 29.

    Zhou, Xinyi, et al. "Fake news early detection: A theory-driven model." Digital Threats: Research and Practice 1.2 (2020): 1-25. 30. https://www.liwc.app/ 1PTJUJWFMPWF OJDF TXFFU /FHBUJWFIVSU VHMZ OBTUZ "OYJUFUZXPSSJFE GFBSGVM *OTJHIUUIJOL LOPX $BVTBUJPOCFDBVTF FGGFDU %JTDSFQBODZTIPVME XPVME
  16. 49 l ෼ࢄදݱͷ׆༻ l ޠͷ෼ࢄදݱͱͯ͠ͷ୅දྫ8PSE7FD l จॻͷ෼ࢄදݱͱͯ͠୅දྫ%PD7FD ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧςΩετಛ௃ྔ 4FNBOUJD ೣ

    ݘ ύϯμ Bag of Words Word2Vec ೣ\   ʜ^ ݘ\   ʜ^ ύϯμ\   ʜ^ ࣍ݩ 31. Mikolov, Tomas, et al. "Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space." arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.3781 (2013) 32. Le, Quoc, and Tomas Mikolov. "Distributed representations of sentences and documents." International conference on machine learning. PMLR, 2014.
  17. 50 ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧςΩετಛ௃ྔ 29. Zhou, Xinyi, et al. "Fake news early

    detection: A theory-driven model." Digital Threats: Research and Practice 1.2 (2020): 1-25.
  18. 51 ͦͷଞͷςΩετಛ௃ྔ ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧςΩετಛ௃ྔ 33. Zhou, Xinyi, and Reza Zafarani. "Fake

    news: A survey of research, detection methods, and opportunities." arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.00315 2 (2018).
  19. 52 Ϣʔβಛ௃ྔ l Ұ෦ͷϢʔβ͕සൟʹϑΣΠΫ χϡʔεΛ֦ࢄ͍ͯ͠Δ l #PUͳͲ΋ϑΣΠΫχϡʔε֦ࢄ ͷ໾ׂΛ୲͏ ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧϢʔβಛ௃ྔ 34.

    Rath, Bhavtosh, Aadesh Salecha, and Jaideep Srivastava. "Detecting fake news spreaders in social networks using inductive representation learning." 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM). IEEE, 2020. 35. Murthy, Dhiraj, et al. "Automation, algorithms, and politics| Bots and political influence: A sociotechnical investigation of social network capital." International journal of communication 10 (2016): 20. 36. Ferrara, Emilio, et al. "The rise of social bots." Communications of the ACM 59.7 (2016): 96-104.
  20. 53 ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧ 37. Ma, Jing, et al. "Detect rumors using

    time series of social context information on microblogging websites." Proceedings of the 24th ACM international on conference on information and knowledge management. 2015. @userA CIKM2015 “Detect rumors using time series of social context information on microblogging websites” 旅⾏が⼤好き。旅⾏の写真を挙げます! アメリカ|インド|ロシア横断|アフリカ お腹が空いにゃん ペコペコだ たけし@旅⾏好き たけし@旅⾏好き @userA
  21. 55 ৘ใ఻೻ύλʔϯ l ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεͱ௨ৗͷχϡʔεͰ͸఻ൖύλʔϯ͕ҟͳΔ ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧ৘ใ఻೻ύλʔϯ 38. Kwon, Sejeong, et al.

    "Prominent features of rumor propagation in online social media." 2013 IEEE 13th international conference on data mining. IEEE, 2013.
  22. 56 ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧ৘ใ఻೻ύλʔϯ 38. Zhou, Xinyi, and Reza Zafarani. "Fake news:

    A survey of research, detection methods, and opportunities." arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.00315 2 (2018). )PQCBTFEDBTDBEF 5JNFCBTFEDBTDBEF l ఻ൖάϥϑͷ࡞੒
  23. 57 l )BOEDSBGUFEGFBUVSFTͷநग़ ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧ৘ใ఻೻ύλʔϯ 39. Kwon, Sejeong, et al. "Prominent

    features of rumor propagation in online social media." 2013 IEEE 13th international conference on data mining. IEEE, 2013.
  24. 58 l )BOEDSBGUFEGFBUVSFTͷநग़ ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧ৘ใ఻೻ύλʔϯ -BSHFTUDPOOFDUFE DPNQPOFOU -$$  ωοτϫʔΫͷ࠷େ݁ ߹੒෼

    39. Kwon, Sejeong, et al. "Prominent features of rumor propagation in online social media." 2013 IEEE 13th international conference on data mining. IEEE, 2013.
  25. 59 l άϥϑΧʔωϧΛ༻͍ͨ఻ൖύλʔϯͷྨࣅ౓ʹΑΔ෼ྨ l 1SPQBHBUJPO5SFFಉ࢜ͷྨࣅ౓Λ3BOEPN8BML(SBQI,FSOFMΛ༻͍ ͯܭࢉ ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧ৘ใ఻೻ύλʔϯ 40. Wu, Ke,

    Song Yang, and Kenny Q. Zhu. "False rumors detection on sina weibo by propagation structures." 2015 IEEE 31st international conference on data engineering. IEEE, 2015.
  26. 60 ࣌ؒύλʔϯ ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧ࣌ؒύλʔϯ 41. Kwon, Sejeong, et al. "Prominent features

    of rumor propagation in online social media." 2013 IEEE 13th international conference on data mining. IEEE, 2013.
  27. 61 ࣌ؒύλʔϯ ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧ࣌ؒύλʔϯ 41. Kwon, Sejeong, et al. "Prominent features

    of rumor propagation in online social media." 2013 IEEE 13th international conference on data mining. IEEE, 2013. 42. Murayama, Taichi, Shoko Wakamiya, and Eiji Aramaki. "Fake news detection using temporal features extracted via point process." arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.14013 (2020). l ײછ঱ϞσϧʹΑΔϞσϧԽ l ఺աఔϞσϧʹΑΔϞσϧԽ
  28. 62 ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧը૾৘ใ 43. Zhou, Xinyi, Jindi Wu, and Reza Zafarani.

    "Safe: similarity-aware multi-modal fake news detection (2020)." Preprint. arXiv 200304981 (2020). 44. Wang, Y., Tahmasbi, F., Blackburn, J., Bradlyn, B., De Cristofaro, E., Magerman, D., ... & Stringhini, G. (2021, June). Understanding the Use of Fauxtography on Social Media. In ICWSM (pp. 776-786). Fake news with image43 fauxtography44 ը૾৘ใ
  29. 63 ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧը૾৘ใ 45. Jin, Zhiwei, et al. "Novel visual and

    statistical image features for microblogs news verification." IEEE transactions on multimedia 19.3 (2016): 598-608. ͭͷಛ௃ྔΛநग़ͯ͠ར༻ l 7JTVBM$MBSJUZ4DPSFը૾ͷ෼෍ͱίʔύ ε಺ͷը૾ͷ෼෍ͷҧ͍ l 7JTVBM$PIFSFODF4DPSFχϡʔεهࣄத ͷը૾ϖΞͷฏۉྨࣅ౓ l 7JTVBM4JNJMBSJUZ%JTUSJCVUJPO)JTUPHSBN ը૾ྨࣅ౓ͷ෼෍ώετάϥϜ l 7JTVBM%JWFSTJUZ4DPSFը૾ϖΞؒͷ EJTTJNJMBSJUZͷՃॏฏۉ l 7JTVBM$MVTUFSJOH4DPSFχϡʔεهࣄͷ ը૾Ϋϥελ਺ )BOEDSBGUFEը૾ಛ௃ʹΑΔϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़
  30. 64 ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ͷͨΊͷಛ௃ྔͷ୳ࡧωοτϫʔΫ৘ใ 5. Zhou, Xinyi, and Reza Zafarani. "A survey

    of fake news: Fundamental theories, detection methods, and opportunities." ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53.5 (2020): 1-40. ωοτϫʔΫ৘ใ
  31. 72 $POWPMVUJPOBM/FVSBM/FUXPSL $// ਂ૚ֶशϞσϧͷಋೖ 48. Borovykh, Anastasia, Sander Bohte, and

    Cornelis W. Oosterlee. "Dilated convolutional neural networks for time series forecasting." Journal of Computational Finance, Forthcoming (2018). l ը૾͚ͩͰͳ͘ɺςΩετ΍࣌ؒ৘ใʹ΋ద༻Մೳ SFG%JBMUFE $// Value Times
  32. 73 (SBQI/FVSBM/FUXPSL (// l ϊʔυͱΤοδͰߏ੒͞ΕΔάϥϑͷ৘ใΛଊ͑ΔͨΊͷϞσϧ l ΤοδΛ௨ͯ͡ߦΘΕΔ৘ใͷ఻ൖΛ༷ʑͳΞʔΩςΫνϟΛ༻ ͍ͯදݱ ਂ૚ֶशϞσϧͷಋೖ 49.

    Zhang, Ziwei, Peng Cui, and Wenwu Zhu. "Deep learning on graphs: A survey." IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2020).
  33. 74 (SBQI/FVSBM/FUXPSL (// l $//CBTFEͷྫ֤ϊʔυͷ͙͢ྡͷϊʔυͱڞʹ৞ΈࠐΈ ਂ૚ֶशϞσϧͷಋೖ 49. Zhang, Ziwei, Peng

    Cui, and Wenwu Zhu. "Deep learning on graphs: A survey." IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2020).
  34. 76 ਂ૚ֶशϞσϧͷಋೖ 4FMGBUUFOUJPO ⼊⼒系列の 潜在表現 系列⻑ × 次元数 Key :

    K Query: Q 𝑊! 𝑊" Value: V Attention Map : M 系列⻑ × 系列⻑ 𝑊# 𝑊$%& Output 𝑠𝑜𝑓𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥( 𝑄𝐾' 𝑑 )
  35. 77 ਂ૚ֶशϞσϧͷಋೖ 4FMGBUUFOUJPO ⼊⼒系列の 潜在表現 系列⻑ × 次元数 Key :

    K Query: Q 𝑊! 𝑊" Value: V Attention Map : M 系列⻑ × 系列⻑ 𝑊# 𝑊$%& Output 𝑠𝑜𝑓𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥( 𝑄𝐾' 𝑑 ) 興味があれば: https://qiita.com/enoughspacefor/items/c9810d1065741a7f461c த਎͸Ұ୴ஔ͍ͱ͍ͯɺɺɺ
  36. 80 ਂ૚ֶशϞσϧCBTFEͷϑΣΠΫχϡʔεݕग़ 50. MA, Jing, et al. "Detecting rumors from

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