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Elixir in Elixir

Jay Hayes
September 02, 2016

Elixir in Elixir

Metaprogramming doesn't have to be scary. Elixir does it really well. Let me show you...

Jay Hayes

September 02, 2016

More Decks by Jay Hayes

Other Decks in Programming


  1. if

  2. def

  3. |>

  4. {: , […], [ , {: , […], [ ,

    ]}]} + 1 - 2 3 (+ 1 (- 2 3))
  5. quote do: “foo” # “foo” quote do: :foo # :foo

    quote do: 1 # 1 quote do: [1] # [1] quote do: {1,2} # {1,2} quote do: [a: 1] # [a: 1]
  6. num = 42 # => 42 quote do: 1 +

    num # => {:+, [], [1, {:num, [], :Elixir}]}
  7. num = 42 # => 42 quote do: 1 +

    unquote(num) # => {:+, [], [1, 42]}
  8. if

  9. case … do x when x in [false, nil] ->

    … _ -> … end cond cases
  10. defmacro if(c, do: tc, else: fc) do quote do case

    unquote(c) do x when x in [false, nil] -> unquote(fc) _ -> unquote(tc) end end end cond cases cond cases
  11. case do x when x in [false, nil] -> _

    -> end foo > 0 IO.puts(“Fail.”) IO.puts(“Pass!”)
  12. :elixir_module.compile(Lolwat, {:def, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [{:lol, [context: Elixir], Elixir},

    [do: :wat]]}, [], %{__struct__: Macro.Env, aliases: [], context: nil, context_modules: [Mex], export_vars: nil, file: "iex", function: nil, functions: [Mex: [expand_all: 2], "IEx.Helpers": [c: 1, c: 2, cd: 1, clear: 0, flush: 0, h: 0, i: 1, l: 1, ls: 0, ls: 1, nl: 1, nl: 2, pid: 1, pid: 3, pwd: 0, r: 1, recompile: 0, respawn: 0, v: 0, v: 1], Kernel: [!=: 2, !==: 2, *: 2, +: 1, +: 2, ++: 2, -: 1, -: 2, --: 2, /: 2, <: 2, <=: 2, ==: 2, ===: 2, =~: 2, >: 2, >=: 2, abs: 1, apply: 2, apply: 3, binary_part: 3, bit_size: 1, byte_size: 1, div: 2, elem: 2, exit: 1, function_exported?: 3, get_and_update_in: 3, get_in: 2, hd: 1, inspect: 1, inspect: 2, is_atom: 1, is_binary: 1, is_bitstring: 1, is_boolean: 1, is_float: 1, is_function: 1, is_function: 2, is_integer: 1, is_list: 1, is_map: 1, is_number: 1, is_pid: 1, is_port: 1, is_reference: 1, is_tuple: 1, length: 1, macro_exported?: 3, make_ref: 0, map_size: 1, max: 2, min: 2, node: 0, node: 1, not: 1, pop_in: 2, put_elem: 3, put_in: 3, rem: 2, round: 1, self: 0, send: 2, spawn: 1, spawn: 3, spawn_link: 1, spawn_link: 3, spawn_monitor: 1, spawn_monitor: 3, struct: 1, struct: 2, struct!: 1, struct!: 2, throw: 1, tl: 1, trunc: 1, tuple_size: 1, update_in: 3]], lexical_tracker: nil, line: 2, macro_aliases: [], macros: [Mex: [mex: 1], "IEx.Helpers": [b: 1, h: 1, import_file: 1, import_file: 2, import_file_if_available: 1, import_if_available: 1, import_if_available: 2, s: 1, t: 1], Kernel: [!: 1, &&: 2, ..: 2, <>: 2, @: 1, alias!: 1, and: 2, binding: 0, binding: 1, def: 1, def: 2, defdelegate: 2, defexception: 1, defimpl: 2, defimpl: 3, defmacro: 1, defmacro: 2, defmacrop: 1, defmacrop: 2, defmodule: 2, defoverridable: 1, defp: 1, defp: 2, defprotocol: 2, defstruct: 1, destructure: 2, get_and_update_in: 2, if: 2, in: 2, is_nil: 1, match?: 2, or: 2, pop_in: 1, put_in: 2, raise: 1, raise: 2, reraise: 2, reraise: 3, sigil_C: 2, sigil_D: 2, sigil_N: 2, sigil_R: 2, sigil_S: 2, sigil_T: 2, sigil_W: 2, sigil_c: 2, sigil_r: 2, sigil_s: 2, sigil_w: 2, to_char_list: 1, to_charlist: 1, to_string: 1, unless: 2, update_in: 2, use: 1, use: 2, var!: 1, var!: 2, |>: 2, ||: 2]], module: nil, requires: [IEx.Helpers, Kernel, Kernel.Typespec, Mex], vars: []})