The LLNL Computing directorate is in the business of making software; it’s right there in the name! Making that software though takes many shapes and there are a variety of approaches and considerations to be made, from the benign (Should I use version control? Which one? What tools are available to me?), to the opinionated (Where should I host the code? What language should I use? Should I release this code as open source? How do I manage collaborators to my project?), to the hotly debated (What Git workflow should I use? What open source license should I use?).
There are many approaches to software development that are team specific (agile vs waterfall, open source vs inner source vs limited distribution, etc) but there are also common (and unique) threads here at LLNL across projects, customers, and sponsors.
This talk will provide an overview of the landscape here at LLNL and show where to go to find more information. It will also specifically provide the annual update on our ongoing open source efforts, as teased at Bruce Hendrickson’s May 2019 Computing All Hands.
So, if you’re curious about how to start your next big software project and really get it going, this is the talk for you!