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Real World App Development

Real World App Development

A presentation for computer science students about various aspects of app development. It's intention is to map theory to practice, by showing some of the Egeniq development processes and an number of case studies.

Delivered at the University of Amsterdam on April 25, 2012 as part of the #appril innitiative.

Ivo Jansch

April 25, 2012

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  1. http://www.egeniq.com [email protected] @egeniq Universiteit van Amsterdam #appril, 25 april 2012

    Ivo Jansch Real World App Development Or ‘My views on the app development process’
  2. Usage Characteristics ‣On the go ‣Short attention span ‣Avoid typing

    ‣To the point / ad hoc ‣Omnipresent ‣Context Awareness 9
  3. Native Apps ‣On- and offline ‣Event based ‣Native device experience

    ‣Convenient access to device features ‣Stateful ‣Monetization through App Stores 15
  4. Some statistics ‣Android Market: 425.000 apps (apr 12) ‣Apple App

    Store: 725.000 apps (feb 12) ‣Web: 3.000.000 websites optimized for mobile (may 11) Sources: ‣ http://blog.appsocial.ly/ ‣ http://www.bizreport.com/2010/10/dotmobi-2000-growth-in-number-of-mobile-ready-websites.html# ‣ http://www.apple.com/iphone/built-in-apps/app-store.html 16
  5. Native or Web technology? ‣Web technology is cross platform, but:

    • Native offers better user experience (‘shiny’, ‘smooth’, ‘fancy’) • Native is easier to extend with device capabilities (think qr scanning, voice control) ‣Egeniq’s advise: hybrid approach • Start with a native app • Use HTML where it makes sense (content) 19
  6. Apple iOS ‣Con: • Closed ecosystem / Walled garden •

    AppStore review process ‣Pro: • Developer friendly • Ecosystem: devices + platform + content • End user experience • Payment platform • AppStore review process 21
  7. Android ‣Con: • Rough edges • Many variations in devices,

    versions (fragmentation) ‣Pro: • Open, multi-vendor ecosystem • More choice in devices • Developer friendly • Fun 22
  8. BlackBerry ‣Con: • Not developer friendly (at all!) • Large

    differences between versions • It’s just not as sexy • Pretty much on its way out ‣Pro: • Security • Business integration 23
  9. Windows ‣Con: • It’s Windows • Availability of apps ‣Pro:

    • Big leaps forward in recent versions • Microsoft’s eagerness to win (or at least survive) 24
  10. Cross Platform Development 25 ‣Con: • It’s usually web technology

    • Less perfect user experience • Common Denominator features ‣Pro: • ‘Write once, run anywhere’ (sort of) • Lower cost
  11. Before you start ‣Why: Goals • Specific mobile use case

    • Marketing • Innovative edge • ... ‣What: • Knowing what you want/need • Knowing what’s possible 29
  12. Define your target audience(s) ‣Important: • What are your users

    using? • Cost vd Benefit 31 source: http://www.millennialmedia.com/research/mobilemix/
  13. Our ‘Agile’ Process 34 Concept Estimate Project Budget ‣ Concept

    leads to an estimate of amount of work ‣ Initial estimates form a budget ‣ Budget is used to develop the app ‣ Keeping an eye on budget, changes during the project are welcomed ‣ Deadline and budget are defined up front, functionality will be flexible
  14. Our ‘Agile’ Process 35 Design Code Test Polish App Store

    Review Evaluate ‣ Develop in multiple cycles (sprints) ‣ Each sprint allows project improvements, new ideas, changes in features ‣ The last couple of sprints each deliver a working product that is ‘app store ready’ ‣ While app is being reviewed, next sprint is executed
  15. Quality Assurance ‣QA process is integral part of agile process

    • Quality is flexible ‣Mind the update life cycle! ‣Testing method & practices • Automated testing (Unit testing) • Manual testing • User Interface testing • Client environment testing (OS versions, hardware) 42
  16. What is Scalability? “[...] Scalability is the ability of a

    system, network, or process, to handle growing amounts of work in a graceful manner or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate that growth.” - Wikipedia 47
  17. Scalability ‣API: • LAMP + Varnish • Scenario Driven Design

    • Content pre-generation ‣ Cron + Command Line PHP • Very important: caching headers and ‘TTL’ ‣Controlled launch process: • Soft launch: sneaky talkshow plug at 23pm day before • Build up buzz throughout launch day • News item in 19.30 RTL News 53
  18. Scalability Case: RTLNieuws 365 ‣News item had > 1 million

    TV viewers ‣40.000 installs on day 1 • 30% of which in 5 minutes following news item ‣~ 100.000 apps installed in week 1 ‣No 1 app store position for 16 days in a row ‣Over 200.000 installs after 2 months 55
  19. Tiqr - Mobile Security 57 1 2 3 4 5

    6 http://www.tiqr.org
  20. Would I be the only one? Broad Search Generalize the

    Problem Minimize Scenario Yes No Found Narrow Search Found Post Get help A Problem Solved
  21. "Give a man a fish and you feed him for

    a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Chinese Proverb
  22. “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to

    add, but when there is nothing left to take away” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  23. Credits The following creative commons pictures were used in this

    presentation: ‣ Dow says POO’ by Stepleton - http://www.flickr.com/photos/29407923@N03/2899705638/ ‣ ‘The telephone’ by Tylerdurden - http://www.flickr.com/photos/tylerdurden/529028040/ ‣ ‘Web’ by Kurtxio - http://www.flickr.com/photos/kurtxio/2182760200/ ‣ ‘Heavy cloud, no rain’ by Robynsnest - http://www.flickr.com/photos/robynsnest/12405841/ ‣ ‘Wireless fridge’ from http://www.wirelessgoodness.com/tag/srt746awtn/ ‣ ‘Army iphone app’ by Soldiersmediacenter - http://www.flickr.com/photos/soldiersmediacenter/4271795260/ ‣ ‘Carbon Fibre Wallet’ by Ryan Loos - http://www.flickr.com/photos/rh1n0/4157547404/ ‣ ‘Keys’ by Jamison Judd - http://www.flickr.com/photos/jamisonjudd/2419601050/ ‣ ‘Phone Girl’ by Steffen - http://www.flickr.com/photos/re-ality/460465894/ ‣ ‘Icon_safari_hires’ by Hans Dorsch - http://www.flickr.com/photos/hansdorsch/2861804087/ ‣ ‘Thinking’ by Karola - http://www.flickr.com/photos/karola/3623768629/ ‣ ‘Jus'a web’ by Jusfi - http://www.flickr.com/photos/jusfi/2921202536/ ‣ ‘Fire’ by Matthew Venn - http://www.flickr.com/photos/matthewvenn/366986755/ ‣ Less is more? More than what?’ by Theilr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/theilr/2200873034/ ‣ Google Logo in Building43’ by Robert Scoble - http://www.flickr.com/photos/scobleizer/4249731778/ ‣ ‘Tiffus teaching Hoonan how to fish by Brett Kelly - http://www.flickr.com/photos/inkedmn/758241963/ ‣ ‘Add a spoonful of coffee’ by Martyn Wright - http://www.flickr.com/photos/35521221@N05/5181647830/