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Building digital capability

Building digital capability

Welcome to this presentation for Jisc on Building digital capability.

James Clay

June 08, 2016

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  1. Building digital capability James Clay, Project Manager, Jisc 01/02/2017 Underwood

    Portable Typewriter by Waikay Lau https://flic.kr/p/xWzzt CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
  2. Digital capability: the six elements 01/02/2017 3 ICT proficiency Information,

    data and media literacies Digital learning and self development Digital creation innovation and scholarship Communication, collaboration and participation Digital identity and wellbeing
  3. Discovery tool » We have built a discovery tool to

    help staff discover their digital capability and provide them with feedback that will help them to build their capability and digital skills 01/02/2017 Embedding digital literacy; building digital capability 6
  4. Discovery tool pilots » As well as large scale tests

    we have a number of institutions, FE, HE and Skills who are undertaking small scale pilots with groups of staff. » In addition we have provided the Digital capability user group of eighty plus institutions with a version of the tool for them to test with small groups. » As a result we have had further user feedback that will inform development and functionality. 01/02/2017 8 Embedding digital literacy; building digital capability
  5. By Alan Chia (Lego Color Bricks) CC BY-SA 2.0 via

    Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lego_Color_Bricks.jpg
  6. Digital Leadership Course » The Jisc Digital Leaders programme has

    been designed specifically to equip current and aspiring leaders and managers with the tools and knowledge to inform their digital practice, enabling them to: › Become a more effective digital leader or manager through personal and professional development › Explore how their organisations can engage more effectively with the technology at their disposal – at both strategic and operational levels › Lead, manage and influence digitally-driven strategy across organisations, departments, services and teams 01/02/2017 10 Emedding digital literacy; building digital capability
  7. Digital Leadership Course » We continue to work with Jisc

    training on the roll-out of the Digital leaders course following the successful pilot. » The course is next scheduled to run in October, and that run will be part of the transition from project output to Jisc’s service offer. 01/02/2017 11 Embedding digital literacy; building digital capability
  8. Digital capability online offer » Personalised dynamic online offer. »

    “Playlists” of activities, resources, content, guides. » Creation of dynamic and static “playlists”. » Bespoke institutional “playlists”. » Professional framework lenses. » Social sharing, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. 01/02/2017 Building digital capability
  9. Online Offer » We are basing the online offer on

    the upcoming Jisc app and content store. » Development on the app and content store is now at the stage where we hope to be able to link to tagged ‘playlists’ of relevant content and resources from the discovery tool results page within the next couple of weeks. 01/02/2017 14 Embedding digital literacy; building digital capability
  10. Dashboard »Bringing together information and aggregation of data from usage

    of the discovery tool. »We are currently designing the prototype institutional dashboard based on our emerging understanding of what the institutional leads want to know about their staff’s results in the discovery tool. »Link in with resources and services currently in use and what is available. 01/02/2017 Building digital capability
  11. Building digital capability »This is about staff digital knowledge, skills

    and attitudes »Universities, colleges and skills want help in: › identifying the digital skills needed › identifying their skills gaps › planning, implementing and evaluating initiatives to improve skills »#digitalcapability 01/02/2017 Building digital capability
  12. Next step »We will be opening the public beta of

    the Digital Capability Service to all members in the Summer 2016. »The Digital Leadership Programme will be running in October 2016. 01/02/2017 Embedding digital literacy; building digital capability 30
  13. »There is the main site on the Jisc website. »https://www.jisc.ac.uk/rd/proje

    cts/building-digital-capability Web site »Follow the project on the blog. »http://digitalcapability.jiscinvol ve.org/wp/ Project Blog 01/02/2017 Building digital capability
  14. jisc.ac.uk Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under

    CC-BY-NC-ND Get in touch… Building digital capability James Clay Project manager [email protected] 01/02/2017 http://bit.ly/jiscdigcap Building digital capability