Design thinking is made up of 2 parts, divergent thinking where you start by examining op6ons, crea6ng choices and then convergent thinking, where you make choices. These 2 sec6ons are also synonymous with analysis and synthesis. So analysis is where you break down the whole and examine it and then synthesis is where you turn that into a way forward. I also think there’s a rela6onship here between looking at the problem domain and then moving into the solu6on domain. In the olden days we went through this process in silos – Umberto would have done it all by himself before wri6ng his 987 page document…. But if we do this collabora6vely, this is where the magic happens. as we collaborate and explore the as is, look at customer goals and examine risks, we’re able to come up with a to be solu6on, with risk mi6ga6ng ac6ons and with a clear technical vision as to how to proceed. Which is really important if we’re trying to extract the value in the leanest way. We all know now (par6cularly in the DDD community) the benefits of collabora6ng – domain experts and technical experts. Raising the level of shared understanding, avoiding costly misunderstandings and making good decisions. 22