Meta programme analysis ef analysis Programme/Brie Site analysis DESIGN G LING DETAIL D DETAILI DETAIL D D Defining goals DESI D D Potential solutions Choosing techniques S N G Integration of techniques to design Letting technique drive design Imaginary point of “no return” Imaginary point of “no return” Application of Techniques Analysing and driving the appropriate elements from the social discourse into the program. -Ethical constraints -Non-immediate physical constraints (e.g. global resource limits) -Laws and regulations -Clients’ wishes and economical constraints -Immediate physical constraints (e.g. gravity, access to resources) <-- --> Using information from the analysing stage sufficient information should be a available to set realistically radical goals. optimizing the relationsh hip between constraints and desirables Based on the analyses in the former stage, establish goals (in addition to programmatic constraints) by following hierarchy : Quantifying goals in terms of: -Energy usage -Water usage -Material flow/waste -Transport goals -Emission limits -CO2e, toxics -Land pollution -Impact on nature. -Density, floor area ratio Methods for choosing: -Testing/drafting. -Quantifying resources. -Trying out concepts/ techniques by rough drafting -Researching other projects and their features. -Possibly refering to some industry “check- lists” -Subjective call/ Signature solutions --> goals <-- --> solutions ideas <-- --> choice Subjective choices are a neccessity both when setting out goals and coming up with solutions. Therefore the potential solutions are, in theory at least, infinite. Choices should be made based on robust facts but eventually it is a subjective call. Establishing project details Polishing of details conceptual <-- --> specific design <-- --> finished project project <-- --> built structure At this stage achieving: -A conceptually polished project -More precise use of features and techniques. -A set of shapes and aesthetics to be used the above being driven by: - techniques and solutions - materiality - context - available know-how of construction methods - cooperation/input from apt people/sources - subjective choices/ signature solutions Using the architects’ toolbox, both for design and testing: -drawing plans, sections, elevations etc. -computerized visualisation -art -models -metrics Polishing the detailed aspects of the project by: -Letting concepts and technique seep into details, -technical aspects -aesthetical aspects -Adjusting aspects and parts when necessary. -In depth focusing on construction methods and drawing of construction details -Aesthetical details, human scale, tactility, color. -polishing end-user systems like the recycling systems; evaluating and enabling recyclability in all stages of use and production. -adapting minor add-on features -discoveries! -Production of “selling material” and in general concidering marketing aspects Presentation of project to the client. Construction phase Assure as much input as possible concerning: -on-site input on construction process and different construction methods -transportation of materials -input on working conditions -recyclability on site -saving energy by accuracy Process/project evaluation Where applicable, encourage client to request: -end-user feedback -public feedback -measuring resulting -energy consumption -emissions -natural impact -use efficiency -possible evaluation and ranking by one or more industry standards Media awereness/marketing project/process <-- --> social discourse What palette of techniques do we have and what can be appropriately applied to reach the goals? -MATERIALS -biodegradeable -recycled/recycling systems -durability -discoveries! -STRUCTURES -insulation/thermal massing -solar opportunities -disassemblable structures -ventilation systems -grey water systems -discoveries! -SYSTEMS -heating systems -food production/waste management -transport systems -discoveries! - BEHAVIOUR -design implying behaviour -work/leisure/consumption -transportation needs -nature-human interaction -discoveries! - BIOLOGY -expanded use of nature? -functional landscaping -green roofs/facades -nature conservation -discoveries! Economics Identity Politics Environment Themes of social discourse Realms where social discourse is generated and discussed <---> <---> Government/ political Academics/ professional communities Media Public sphere Private sphere Some revisions might still be necessary as the design goes along. But in general, hard goals and major techniques for solving them should at this stage be fixed. If the project or/and process makes a b impact, it will go into the social discours addition to what’s “out there” in terms o architecture. The next time around, the will therefor have been altered. Project feedback Reviewing efficiency and “success rate” of both result and process by: -client feedback -own evaluation of process -own evaluation of resulting structure -own evaluation of implementation of built structure What contributions the project or process could make to a wider discourse? Market project/process to media/other realms of interests. The social discourse sets the unconscious boundaries of society and of our thinking. Consequently, elements from the social discourse go into the programme without having to be specified by a client. Media us . disco b Private sphere desirables hard targets Analysis of meta programme components such as: -Sustainability (general discourse) -Sustainability in architecture/planning -Ethics -Economics -Politics -Culture -Aesthetics What is “out there”? -What of that can we use/ incorporate into programme? -What should be disregarded? -What is lacking/what can we add to the discourse? Analysis of hard requirements such as: -Objects -Buildings -Structures -Infrastructure -Shelter -Health, prosperity -Comfort, security -Access -Objects -Buildings -Structures -Infrastructure --> --> Breaking down the brief to functionality components. Observing possibilities for reinterpreting these (choices are made in the design phase). Analysis of site specific requirements and opportunities: -climate -natural environment -urban environment -communications -energy resources -natural resources Choosing relevant metrics to each category. Connecting this analysis with programmatic functions. New limits, new opportunities? co co de de de Hierarchy of constraints: -Rethinking functional space. -Rethinking usage of functional space. -Resource effective systems/structures -Reusing/recycling resources -Minimizing impact on nature -Contributions to society, welfare aspects Reducing the need for structures, by functionality efficiency. Reducing the amount of structure/space by use efficiency. LCA/cradle-to-cradle thinking. Designing for reuse. time ar d Th t ti e project or/and process makes a b act, it will go into the social discours tion to what’s “out there” in terms o makes al disc in term or/and pr ject l go into th will hat’s “out o wh rocess m he socia there” on Eco on Eco Id P ron Envi E Themes of social Government/ political Academics/ professional communities Media Public sphere Private sphere Welfare e Develop pmen nt Justic ce Freedom Equa ality Ethic cs Ecology/N Natur re History Culture Crim me G Good-E Evil Ethic cs Lifestyle Safety- -Risk Cost-Pa ayoff f Market Sustainab bility
decomposed functions and losely defined desirables to hard targets concern- ing sustainability, using information from the analysing stage. These new goals that will be the content of our actual new programme is set both in terms off functions/programme and in cardinal, quantified, hard goals. Under yards: Car-pool (hybrid/electric) under yard (now half-empty private parking) improving use-efficiency of cars, but at the same time giving the car-less household access to a car y y when they really need one. Bottom floor: Shops and services Car-pool service office, rental services, laundry service, cafés/restaurants, other small businesses (possibly relocated from big galleria building). Possibly added store- front space (could function as climate buffer- ?) zone?) Residential buildings: Needs to be renovated soon; rain water harvesting and grey water recycling system installation instead of regular replacement installation instead of regular replacement of plumbing system. New entrance to the metro: Smal all, simple buildi ding ng that does sn’ n t t block the vi view ew o of f th the e ne new w sq sq qua ua u re, bu ut t open ns up up to to tow wa w rd rd ds s it it. Th The goal is to n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n cr cr c c eate e e e e a a a s smo mo oot ot o o o o h h fl fl flow ow w b b bet et et e etwe we ween en en di d fferen nt t t mo mo mode des s of of o p pub ub bli li ic c c c tr tr tran an a ansp sp spor or rta ta tati tion on n. Lower square: Some parking (day-time only), evening time basket plan/other sports field (what sports are played in other parts of the world?). are played in other parts of the world?) Entrance to TenstaHuset, lower entrance to art gallery to art gallery. Up Up Uppe pe p r entran ance t t to o o We We We We We We W Week ek ek ek e ly ly ly m m mar ar a ke ke k tp tpla lace ce ce on the sq sq squa ua are re r where leftover r f foo ood/ d/crops from m re re rest st st tau a a a rant t t/r /roo o o f ga g rden and allot ot otme m m nts ca ca ca ca can n b be b sol old. d. Tramway: New ex exte tens nsion of f Tvärbanan. Mi Mi M M M x of of f of d dif iffe fe ere rent n t typ y es of pub tr tr r ran a a sp por orta ta t ti ti tion on o m modes = inc ncre reased f f fle le lexi xi xibi bi bili lity ty = less ne ne n ed ed f f for o c c car ar a s. s s Rooftop: Co Comm m unity ma ma mark rket e ga g rd den en/ / pe eda dago gogical ga g rden e .