co-occurring with n sing Harman normalized frequency. A predicate is cor ommon sense knowledge for a noun when the predic core is high. The equation of Harman normalized freque s as follows (n: noun, a: predicate, na,n : appearance uency of predicate a with noun n). TF(a, n) = log2 (na,n + 1) log2 ( k nk,n) • The following equa'on computes weighted scores for predicates co-‐occurring with noun using Harman normalized frequency A predicate is appreciate as correct CSK for a noun when the predicate score is high. relate), Δ (do), ͔͚Δ (build, hang, run, lack) Figure 6. The deleting predicates for all noun se the selected predicates as common sense knowl- nd add them to each noun. In particular, we calculate ghted scores for predicates co-occurring with noun arman normalized frequency. A predicate is correct n sense knowledge for a noun when the predicate high. The equation of Harman normalized frequency llows (n: noun, a: predicate, na,n : appearance fre- of predicate a with noun n). T F (a, n) = log2 (na,n + 1) log2 ( k nk,n) (1) Figure 6. The deleting predicates for all noun use the selected predicates as common sense know nd add them to each noun. In particular, we calcula ighted scores for predicates co-occurring with nou Harman normalized frequency. A predicate is corre n sense knowledge for a noun when the predica high. The equation of Harman normalized frequen ollows (n: noun, a: predicate, na,n : appearance fr of predicate a with noun n). TF(a, n) = log2 (na,n + 1) log2 ( k nk,n) ( redicates for all noun es as common sense knowl- n. In particular, we calculate tes co-occurring with noun ency. A predicate is correct a noun when the predicate arman normalized frequency icate, na,n : appearance fre- n n). (na,n + 1) B. Evaluatio We take their assign follows (Tab The propose noun as the On the othe which frequ much higher “ݘ (dog)”, “Ұॹ (be to : noun : predicate : appearance frequency of predicate a with noun n