most important effects of hypertension on the brain include (1) lacunar infarcts 陷窩梗塞 (2) slit hemorrhages 裂隙出血 (3) hypertensive encephalopathy 高血壓性腦病 (4) massive hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage 高血壓性大腦內出血 高血壓性大腦內出血(hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage)最好發的 部位是基底核之殼核(putamen),視丘、橋腦及小腦亦為常出血之部位 b. The incidence of these disorders is likely to decline with increased screening for hypertension and aggressive management of blood pressure. 這些疾病的發生率會因為高血壓的診斷以及對於血壓的積極性治療而降 低 Lacunar Infarcts 陷窩梗塞 a. An important clinical and pathologic consequence of CNS arterial lesions is the development of single or multiple, small, cavitary infarcts known as lacunae b. These are lake-like spaces, less than 15 mm wide, which occur in the lenticular nucleus, thalamus, internal capsule, deep white matter, caudate nucleus, and pons 陷窩梗塞〈lacunar infarction〉也有人翻譯成小洞性梗塞,是腦部深層小動 脈梗塞的總稱。簡單的說就是大腦裡面的微血管塞住了,好發於基底核附 近或腦幹,這些小動脈閉塞後,最後形成大大小小的腔隙。因為梗塞的血 管不同,常表現不同的神經系統症狀,臨床上的症狀也不同。 中忠按:這些湖樣的空腔不超過 15mm 寬,依發生率的遞減順序,可 見於豆狀核、丘腦、內囊、深部白質、尾狀核及橋腦。 一般出現在腦室附近的區 域,此圖在尾狀核和殼核的 陷窩梗塞(圈圈處)