(Oh et al, IEEE TMI, 2020) Jong Chul Ye, Ph.D joint work with Yujin Oh & Sangjoon Park Professor, FIEEE BISPL - BioImaging, Signal Processing, and Learning lab. Dept. Bio & Brain Engineering Dept. Mathematical Sciences KAIST, Korea
RT-PCR Chest CT Chest X-ray Time > 6 hours > 30 min < 5 min Sensitivity (%) >90 >90 69 Cost $ $$$ $ Fang et al.; Wong et al., Radiology, 2020 Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction Allplex™ 2019-nCoV Assay, Seegene Inc. Fang et al., Radiology, 2020 Wong et al., Radiology, 2020 CXR abnormalities were detectable in 9% of patients whose initial RT-PCR was negative.
(%) [COVID-Net] Wang et al., arXiv, 2020 Normal / Non-COVID19 / COVID-19 91 Hemdan et al., arXiv, 2020 Normal / COVID-19 100 Narin et al., arXiv, 2020 Normal / COVID-19 96 [COVID-Net] Wang et al., arXiv, 2020 Not a good category: merge bacterial/viral pneumonia into Non-COVID19 However, viral pneumonia (e.g. SARS-cov or MERS-cov) is similar to COVID-19 even for experienced radiologists (Yoon et al, KJR, 2020)
Lancet, 1998 Cause Frequency (%) 1 Streptococcus pneumonia (Bacterial) 15 − 42 2 Haemophilus influenza (Bacterial) 11 − 12 3 Viral pneumonia 8 − 13 4 Tuberculosis < 10 Potential Triage with CXR-AI • Exclude Normal, Tuberculosis, and Bacterial pneumonia at the early stage • RT-PCR or Chest CT for only Viral pneumonia à To save medical resources Common cause of Pneumonia • Bacterial pneumonia is the most common • Tuberculosis (TB) (depending on the geological region) • Viral pneumonia is relatively less common (SARS-Cov, MERS-Cov, COVID-19)
et al., arXiv, 2020 Unbalanced age-distribution due to limited public pneumonia dataset Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center https://www.kaggle.com/paultimothymooney/chest-xray-pneumonia No well-curated COVID-19 dataset Cohen et al., arXiv, 2020 Online publications Website
image data collection. https://github.com/ieee8023/covid-chestxray-dataset Exclude potential bias for training • Exclude pediatric CXR • Universal preprocessing for data heterogeneity normalization Small number of training data sets
• Standard deviation of lung intensity • Cardiothoracic Ratio (CTR) *** Common CXR findings on COVID-19 • Multifocal patchy consolidation & Ground-glass opacity (GGO) Fang et al.; Ai et al.; Wong et al., Radiology, 2020 Correspond to • Hypothesis : CXR appearance of COVID-19 influence on intensity-related biomarker
Multi-focally distributed consolidation • Intra-patch distribution • STD of each patch intensity histogram • Local texture information More informative discriminating feature for COVID-19 Potential COVID-19 Biomarkers
of IEEE on CV, 2017 ü Powerful method for visualizing CNN. ü Not suitable for multiple object visualization. Grad-CAM COVID-19 • Probabilistic Grad-CAM (proposed) ü Integrating probability weights for each patch ü Suitable for patch processing ü Able to visualize multiple lesions. Prob. Grad-CAM