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Disorder Tolerance? Impact of Cation Disorder i...

Disorder Tolerance? Impact of Cation Disorder in ABZ₂ Chalcogenides

Slides from my talk 'Cation Disorder and Solar Cell Performance in ABZ₂ Chalcogenides (AgBiS₂ and NaBiS₂)' at MRS Spring 2023 in San Francisco.

YouTube video recording: https://youtu.be/h1vU2dmnJVw

Papers Discussed:
AgBiS₂: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41566-021-00950-4
NaBiS₂ (open-access): https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-32669-3

Questions welcome! For other computational photovoltaics, defects and disorder talks, have a look at my YouTube channel!

If you're interested in this work, you can check out our recent review on these and other perovskite-inspired materials:

For more info about me and my research articles see:

Seán R. Kavanagh

May 02, 2023

More Decks by Seán R. Kavanagh

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  1. 1 02/05/2023 Cation Disorder and Solar Cell Performance in ABZ2

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  2. 2 02/05/2023 Cation Disorder and Solar Cell Performance in ABZ2

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  3. Heard about Perovskites? 3 Y.-T. Huang, S.R. Kavanagh, D.O. Scanlon,

    A. Walsh, and R.L.Z. Hoye, Nanotechnology 32, 132004 (2021) R.L.Z. Hoye et al. Chem Mater 29, 1964 (2017) ‘Perovskite-Inspired’ Materials?
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  5. 5 ABZ2 – ‘Perovskite-Inspired’ • AI,BIII = Metal cations, Z

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  6. Modelling Disorder – A Challenge for Theory Special Quasirandom Structures

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  8. Cation Disorder: Control via Annealing Collaborators: Dr. Yongjie Wang, Dr.

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  9. Cation Disorder: Control via Annealing Collaborators: Dr. Yongjie Wang, Dr.

    Ignasi Burgués-Ceballos, Prof. Gerasimos Konstantatos (ICFO) Y. Wang‡ & S. R. Kavanagh‡, I. Burgués-Ceballos; A. Walsh, D.O. Scanlon, G. Konstantatos Nature Photonics 2022 16, 235
  10. XRD Theory: Expt: XPS Theory: Expt: TEM Theory: Expt: 2θ

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  11. AgBiS2 : • Highest absorption coefficient ⍺ of any currently-studied

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  12. What about NaBiS2 ? AI/BIII Z Strong absorption ➡ high

    potential efficiency in ultrathin cells Y.T. Huang‡ & S. R. Kavanagh‡ et al. Nature Communications 2022 13 (1), 1-13 Collaborators: Y-T. Huang, Prof. R.L.Z. Hoye (Oxford) I. Levine, T. Unold (HZB), L. M. Herz, S. M. Stranks (Cambridge)
  13. In-gap states impede PV performance Y.-T. Huang, S. R. Kavanagh,

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  14. What causes the localised states in NaBiS2? Na+ = Empty

    valence shell (s0), Ag+ = Filled shell (d10) -> ‘defect-tolerant’ ➡ Spectator ion, flat non-bonding VBM ➡ Trap levels above VBM, at Na-rich pockets Na 3s Y.T. Huang‡ & S. R. Kavanagh‡ et al. Nature Communications 2022 13 (1), 1-13
  15. Cation Disorder in NaBiS2 : Electronic Properties ➡ Trap levels

    above VBM ➡ Ultrafast carrier trapping (% ~ ps), followed by slow decay (% ~ μs), confirmed by pump-probe measurements ➡Record efficiency η = 0.6% (c.f. η > 9% for AgBiS2) " short = 34 ps " long ~ 6 μs Na 3s Y.T. Huang‡ & S. R. Kavanagh‡ et al. Nature Communications 2022 13 (1), 1-13
  16. What causes the localised states? Na+ = s0, Ag+ =

    d10s0 -> ‘defect-tolerant’ ➡ Spectator ion, flat non-bonding VBM ➡ Trap levels above VBM, at Na-rich pockets ‘Defect tolerant’ electronic structure in lead halide perovskites Y.-T. Huang, S. R. Kavanagh, D. O. Scanlon, A. Walsh and R. L. Z. Hoye, Nanotechnology, 2021, 32, 132004 R. E. Brandt et al, Chem. Mater., 2017, 29, 4667–4674.
  17. BiSI BiI3 Bi2 S3 MA3 Bi2 I9 Cs3 Bi2 I9

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  18. NaBiS2: Y.T. Huang‡ & S. R. Kavanagh‡ et al. Nature

    Communications 2022 13 (1), 1-13 AgBiS2: Y. Wang‡ & S. R. Kavanagh‡, I. Burgués-Ceballos; A. Walsh, D.O. Scanlon, G. Konstantatos Nature Photonics 2022 16, 235 Key Takeaways & Acknowledgements Profs David O. Scanlon & Aron Walsh Disorder = Powerful tool for materials design Both the nature of the disorder and the underlying orbital chemistry are key considerations for disorder engineering! Collaborators: Dr. Y. Wang, Prof. G. Konstantatos (ICFO Barcelona, Spain) Y-T. Huang, Prof. R. L. Z. Hoye (Oxford), Dr. I. Levine, Prof. T. Unold (HZB), Prof L. Herz, Prof. S. M. Stranks (Cambridge)