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CLM5064 - Session 1 (LMS Tools & Platforms)

CLM5064 - Session 1 (LMS Tools & Platforms)

This deck outlines the key topics in Unit 6 of CLM5064

Chuah Kee Man

March 07, 2020

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  1. LMS and Web-Based Tools By Chuah Kee Man kmchuah@unimas.my CLM5064

    Technology for Teaching and Learning www.chuahkeeman.com Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Teaching and Learning
  2. An era of disruptive technologies A messy connected world… Lo

    and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lo_and_Behold,_Rev eries_of_the_Connected_World
  3. 1

  4. 2

  5. 3

  6. 4

  7. 5

  8. What is MOOC anyway? Online courses are nothing new but

    the key to MOOCs is in its Massiveness and Openness. But how massive is massive? How open is open? Massive = could be from hundreds to even millions of students enrolled. Open = should be fully free without restriction. (But this slowly can become a more closed-ended courses with fee)
  9. OER OCW MOOC Open Educational Resources (totally free for use)

    Compilation of OERs as a course (totally free but without facilitation) Open courses (which can be free or with fee. Conducted with facilitation and assessment) The Simplified “Evolution” of Open Learning Content
  10. MOOC VALUE PROPOSITION • Attracting potential applicants and engaging alumni

    (“MOOCeting”) • Creating communities of learners (serious lifelong learners). • Using MOOC components/materials in traditional courses (blended mode) • Using MOOCs to advance research 15
  11. MOOCing for learning Learners Quality of learning Widening participation Reusing

    existing resources (RMxx) Low-cost assessment & accreditation Innovation MOOCeting for earning Institution Quality of content Marketing/Recruitment Creating new content (RMxxx,xxx) “Conversion rates” from MOOC students to fee-paying students Innovation LANGUAGE OF THE MOOCOLOGY
  12. WHAT WORKS FOR MOOC VIDEOS? • Brevity (viewers generally tune

    out after six minutes) • Informality, with professors seated comfortably/casually at a desk, not standing behind a podium • Lively visuals rather than static PowerPoint slides • Fast talkers (professors seen as the most engaging spoke at 254 words per minute) – but not too fast – the key is not to sound like robots. • More pauses, so viewers can soak in complex diagrams • Web-friendly lessons (existing videos broken into shorter chunks are less effective than ones crafted for online audiences) 17 MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab study of EdX
  13. Designing a course with technology ▪ To facilitate/enhance the learning

    process (beyond the four walls of your classroom) ▪ Should be used as assistive (guide) tools not assertive (force). ▪ Teaching + Technology = Teachnology
  14. Considerations of technological INTEGRATION ▪ Should be contextualised and authentic

    ▪ Should focus on social interactions as the driving force of learning process ▪ Should provide enough control and ownership of the tasks
  15. But remember…. "Technology is just a tool. In terms of

    getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. And good teachers, always use good tools.
  16. The Web 2.0 tools.. The Main Categories ▪ Content Sharing/Publishing

    ▪ Content Curation ▪ Discussion Tools ▪ Feedback/Quizzes