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Unleashing the Rails Asset Pipeline

Unleashing the Rails Asset Pipeline

In, and outside of Rails, Sprockets brings sanity to your static assets

Kenneth Kalmer

June 29, 2013

More Decks by Kenneth Kalmer

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  1. Unleashing the Rails Asset Pipeline In, and out of Rails,

    Sprockets brings sanity to your static assets. Monday 01 July 13
  2. How did I get here? Been doing web development circa

    1997 Remember when PHP3 was launched Updated Netscape from PC Format discs Spent time in the entire stack over the years Yes, the entire stack Monday 01 July 13
  3. ValuationUP.com Help entrepreneurs make REAL sense of their management accounts

    Comparative analysis within industry Refactoring financials by getting from red to green Take actions to increase their valuations Valuation is the ultimate metric Monday 01 July 13
  4. Introducing Sprockets Created by Sam Stephenson of 37Signals fame The

    backbone of the Rails Asset Pipeline  sstephenson/sprockets Monday 01 July 13
  5. “Sprockets is a Ruby library for compiling and serving web

    assets. It features declarative dependency management for JavaScript and CSS assets, as well as a powerful preprocessor pipeline that allows you to write Monday 01 July 13
  6. Provides a load path Allows you to separate your assets

    own assets from third-party assets Gives you logical paths to your assets Leverages the Hike gem Monday 01 July 13
  7. Asset paths Plenty of clearly defined files, doing one thing

    and one thing well Namespacing possible Isolate manifests away 5 ▾ javascripts/ 6 ▸ admin/ 7 ▸ advisories/ 8 ▾ apps/ 13 business_dashboard.js 14 business_list.js 15 business_status.js 16 change_industry.js 17 credit_score.js 18 dashboard_access.js 19 demo_dashboard.js 22 network.js 23 new_statement.js 24 participate.js 25 scenario_chart.js 26 survey_results.js 27 sustainable_growth_rate.js 28 wacc.js 30 ▸ business/ 31 ▸ collections/ 32 ▸ dashboard/ 33 ▸ decorators/ 34 ▾ demo/ 35 dashboard.js.coffee 36 dashboard_layout.js.coffee 37 models.js.coffee 38 ▸ factories/ 39 ▸ helpers/ 40 ▸ layouts/ 41 ▸ models/ 42 ▸ reports/ 43 ▸ valuations/ 44 ▸ views/ 45 application.js 46 frontend.js.coffee 47 industries.js.coffee 50 participate.js.coffee 51 sessions.js.coffee 52 setup.js.coffee 53 share.js.coffee 54 tabs.js.coffee 55 test_overrides.js.coffee 56 users.js.coffee 57 valuationup.js.coffee Monday 01 July 13
  8. Directives Helps declare and include dependencies Keeps things in check

    Allows you to break up your JavaScript & CSS into tiny units Monday 01 July 13
  9. 1 // Manifest for the demo page page (apps/demo_dashboard.js) 2

    // 3 //= require helpers/d3_loader 4 //= require demo/dashboard 1 #= require backbone.localStorage 2 #= require demo/models 3 #= require demo/dashboard_layout 4 # 5 #= require business/dashboard 3 # 4 #= require models/business 5 #= require models/statements Monday 01 July 13
  10. Engines Engines process source files written in another language, back

    to JavaScript or CSS Leverages the Tilt gem to support a lot different templating languages and preprocessors like CoffeeScript, HAML & SASS Easily create a new engine with custom functionality Monday 01 July 13
  11. Chaining engines together 1 // test.css.scss.erb 2 3 body {

    4 h1 { 5 color: <%= PATENTED_SHADE_OF_BLUE %>; 6 line-height: $headerLineHeight; 7 } 8 } Processed in order by ERB and then SASS, reverse order of the file extensions Monday 01 July 13
  12. Minification / Obfuscation Uglifier YUI Compressor Closure Compiler Out the

    box, just install the gems that wrap up the tools Monday 01 July 13
  13. Production happiness Embeds the SHA of the file in the

    filename: application-2eb682a29.js Create .gz versions for even faster delivery CDN and multi-server friendly Monday 01 July 13
  14. Leverage SASS/SCSS Program your stylesheets Use $variables in your stylesheets

    Use Compass CSS framework Use great mixins like Bourbon.io and Bourbon Neat Cherry-pick your favorite Bootstrap styles Monday 01 July 13
  15. Leverage Handlebars Precompile your templates during deployments Ship only handlebars.runtime.js

    to the clients Even build your Handlebars templates using HAML Monday 01 July 13
  16. Share Easily package up libraries as gems to distribute Stand

    on the shoulders of others who’ve shared Monday 01 July 13
  17. Oh, remember sass-rails Gives us all the mixins we use

    daily: image-url() asset-url() Monday 01 July 13
  18. The stack (relative) CoffeeScript Backbone, Underscore, d3.js Handlebars HAML &

    SCSS Ruby on Rails & Ruby 2.0 Cucumber, RSpec & Jasmine V8 Monday 01 July 13
  19. The numbers Files Source LOC Specs LOC Features Ruby 648

    ~4800 7352 3734 Coffee Script 350 9200 4852 - SCSS 78 1094 - - Monday 01 July 13
  20. Deployment Conditional asset compilation - use a git diff during

    deployment to determine whether assets changed Asset compilation takes 5 mins Compiled on the deploying machine, rsync to server CloudFront to keep things snappy Monday 01 July 13
  21. Derailing it Do you Ruby?  http://rubyinstaller.org/ *NIX get rbenv

    / rvm $ gem install sprockets Monday 01 July 13
  22. CLI access $ sprockets --help Usage: sprockets [options] filename [filename

    ...] -r, --require LIBRARY Require the LIBRARY before doing anything -I, --include=DIRECTORY Adds the directory to the Sprockets load path -o, --output=DIRECTORY Copy provided assets into DIRECTORY --noenv Disables .sprocketsrc file -h, --help Shows this help message -v, --version Shows version Monday 01 July 13
  23. Rakefile 1 require 'sprockets' 2 require 'rake/sprocketstask' 3 4 environment

    = Sprockets::Environment.new 5 environment.append_path "assets/javascripts" 6 environment.append_path "assets/stylessheets" 7 8 Rake::SprocketsTask.new do |t| 9 t.environment = environment 10 t.output = "./public/assets" 11 t.assets = %w( application.js application.css ) 12 end Monday 01 July 13
  24. rake-pipeline Alternative, built by Yehuda Katz Used by LivingSocial Follows

    a similar pipeline pattern for processing static assets  livingsocial/rake-pipeline Monday 01 July 13