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Professional and personal development of the So...

Ken Bauer
October 25, 2019

Professional and personal development of the Software Engineer

My keynote for CONISOFT 2019:

Ken Bauer

October 25, 2019

More Decks by Ken Bauer

Other Decks in Education



    Tecnológico de Monterrey en Guadalajara kenbauer@tec.mx https://kenbauer.me @ken_bauer
  2. TALK ONLINE  Define Success  Make a Bet 

    Write, write, write  Your Personal Learning Community  Speak, speak, speak  Volunteer  Boost Others  Your Health  Reflect Often @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me
  3. KEN’S FLIPPED LEARNING BIAS  I am an educator. 

    But originally trained as a computer scientist.  Also a software and systems engineer.  http://bit.ly/FLNPillars @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me
  4. DEFINE SUCCESS @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me "This Way to Success!" flickr photo

    by cogdogblog https://flickr.com/photos/cogdog/47672619682 shared into the public domain using (CC0)  Money?  Promotions?  Adrenaline?
  5. BREAK TIME @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me  Think for a minute, what

    is your definition of success?  Introduce yourself to the person beside you.  Share with each other what success is for you.
  6. BET ON YOURSELF @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me The Discipline of Finishing: Conor

    Neill at TEDxUniversidaddeNavarra https://youtu.be/zXCiv4sc5eY
  7. BET ON YOURSELF @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me  Who are you betting

    on?  Should it be yourself?  How will you invest in yourself?
  8. WRITE AND WRITE AND WRITE @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me "BLOGS for Collaborative

    Learning & Peer Review, @calanthaelsby #tli2012" flickr photo by giulia.forsythe https://flickr.com/photos/gforsythe/6986908720 shared into the public domain using (CC0)  Should Engineers really blog?  Isn’t that 1990s tech?  Why should I write?  Where should I write?
  9. @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me SCOTT HANSELMAN: WHY YOU NEED YOUR OWN BLOG

  10. PERSONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me "Be Yourself." flickr photo by

    carlaarena https://flickr.com/photos/carlaarena/9001931094 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license "The Twitter Life Cycle" flickr photo by cogdogblog https://flickr.com/photos/cogdog/472202619 shared into the public domain using (CC0)
  11. WHO SHOULD YOU FOLLOW @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me  Are you on

    Twitter?  Who are you following in your discipline?  Is the person beside you on Twitter?  Find some software engineers (or other discipline to follow).  Share with your neighbor.
  12. WHO SHOULD YOU FOLLOW @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me  Kent Beck @KentBeck

     Gina Trapani @ginatrapani  Jeff Atwood @codinghorror  Pamela Fox @pamelafox  Shannon Morse @snubs  Scott Hanselman @shanselman
  13. SPEAK IN PUBLIC (WITH OTHER HUMANS) @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me "2016 Fall

    Open House" flickr photo by LAUSD- Toastmasters https://flickr.com/photos/79299366@N06/3128964843 6 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license  Toastmasters  Conferences  Small events  Teach courses!
  14. VOLUNTEER @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me  Storytime with Ken  OOPSLA 

    Famous People  Connections "2016/366/15 OOPSLA Memories" flickr photo by kenbauer https://flickr.com/photos/ken_bauer/24297203832 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license "Vancouver 014.jpg" flickr photo by opus2008 https://flickr.com/photos/drjason/174082253 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC- ND) license
  15. REFLECT OFTEN @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me "2017/365/331 Are you going to play?"

    flickr photo by kenbauer https://flickr.com/photos/ken_bauer/37973697834 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license
  16. @ken_bauer https://kenbauer.me "thank you kids" flickr photo by Shih-Chieh Ilya

    Li https://flickr.com/photos/ilyaericlee/58742420 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license http://bit.ly/conisoft2019ken