RubyKaigi 2023での発表資料です。以下、公式サイトに掲載した概要となります。
Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, have been rapidly evolving. LLMs are characterized by their ability to interpret word meanings and contexts, and by their very wide range of applications.
By the way, common static analyzers and execution systems treat class and variable names as mere labels, but they are important clues when humans read code. By using LLMs, we can interpret those intentions and use them for type inference.
Also, static analysis is not good at dynamic definitions such as define_method, which cannot be distinguished from a simple method call in Ruby syntax. LLMs may be able to successfully generate type definitions in these cases.
In this session, we will introduce our efforts to use ChatGPT for RBS generation and discuss the possibility of incorporating LLMs into development tools.