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July 05, 2023

More Decks by learnenergy2

Other Decks in Education


  1. Why do we need to learn about ENERGY? E.I.A., International

    Energy Outlook ; eia.gov World Energy Consumption, 2010-2050 (quadrillion BTU) TOTAL BY ENERGY SOURCE
  2. Energy and Climate Change Global CO2 Emissions from FF combustion

    Global GHG Emissions, by economic sector ourworldindata.org
  3. “If we are to make a big change in the

    way energy is produced and consumed we need an “Energy Literacy” that gives people a tangible sense of their energy consumption, and of what it takes to meet that.” Saul Griffith, then with Makani Power/Squid Labs From O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference, San Diego, CA, March 4, 2008.
  4. What is Energy Literacy? …an understanding of the nature and

    role of energy in the universe and in our lives … the ability to apply understanding to answer questions and solve problems KNOWLEDGE BEHAVIOR (US DOE)
  5. Misconceptions about Energy Use Attari et al. 2010 Tend to

    OVERESTIMATE “visible” energy consumption by low-energy consuming appliances, and UNDERESTIMATE “invisible” energy consumed by larger appliances Misconceptions keep us from making effective energy-saving choices
  6. Goal of education is to improve literacy Science education →

    Scientific literacy Energy education → Energy literacy How can Education Help? Literacy includes ✔ Knowledge ✔ Affect ✔ Behavior
  7. Self-Efficacy Education Knowledge – Affect – Behavior Azjen & Fishbein

    1977; Hines et al. 1987 ; DeWaters & Powers, 2011a, b
  8. Self-Efficacy Education Affective vs. Behavioral: ρ =0.54 Self-efficacy vs. Behavioral:

    ρ =0.44 Cognitive vs. Affective: ρ =0.38 Cognitive vs. Behavioral: ρ =0.16 Spearman’s rank correlations Azjen & Fishbein 1977; Hines et al. 1987 ; DeWaters & Powers, 2011a, b Knowledge – Affect – Behavior
  9. Changing the Paradigm: Inquiry and Project-Based Curriculum ✔ Engages students

    in active learning ✔ Effectively integrates knowledge and skills from other disciplines ✔ Demonstrates relevance of what students are learning to their lives outside of school Students are required to learn and use content and skills as they solve a problem or complete a project.
  10. “Evidence-Based” Teaching Practices DeWaters & Powers, 2011a, 2011b; Liao et

    al., 2023 Project-based Energy Education (our work with middle school students) Students in project-based classrooms: 🡪🡪 Greater gains and higher post-scores in energy-related affect and behavior 🡪🡪 Significant gains and higher knowledge post scores especially in ‘practical’ topics Competence-oriented Instruction (Taiwan case study – Skills Based Sr. High School) Design questions based on relevant situations, apply knowledge to solve problems students encounter in their daily lives) 🡪🡪 Positive influence on students’ overall learning effectiveness 🡪🡪 Significantly improved learning, specifically in skill and attitude components
  11. 🡪🡪 Energy Literacy includes Knowledge, Feelings, and Behaviors Education Behaviors/

    Intentions Attitudes/ Values/ Beliefs Content Knowledge 🡪🡪 Project-based, inquiry-based, competence oriented instruction impacts the WHOLE student not just cognitive domain To Summarize, What and How?
  12. … What IS a Sustainable Energy Future? Economic Opportunity Social

    Justice Environmental Stewardship Education for a Sustainable Energy Future
  13. Strong Sustainability: Hard ‘bottom line’ – establish limits, don’t compensate

    one for the other Weak Sustainability: Maintain Balance – satisfy one area at the ‘cost’ of another SUSTAINABILITY Economic Opportunity Social Justice Environmental Stewardship
  14. Perspectives on developing a SUSTAINABLE energy system “We need to

    find sustainable, renewable energy resources to maintain our current and future energy needs” “We need to develop sustainable, renewable energy resources AND we need to find ways to reduce our total energy consumption, overall.” Both have sustainability in mind; both strive to reduce CO2 emissions maximize service, minimize impact combine technologies and approaches to minimize impact overall WEAK SUSTAINABILITY = “MAINSTREAM” STRONG SUSTAINABILITY = “DEEP ECOLOGY”
  15. Data from United Nations Development Programme. www.thewatt.com Energy Consumption and

    Human Development Index HDI: a statistic composite index of life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators => indicates overall well being. 🡪🡪 SUPPORTS STRONG SUSTAINABILITY
  16. How do we create a more SUSTAINABLE energy future? CONSERVE

    – use LESS ENERGY Improve EFFICIENCY of our energy systems Use RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES
  17. How do we create a more SUSTAINABLE energy future? CONSERVE

  18. How do we create a more SUSTAINABLE energy future? CONSERVE

  19. This Workshop will take a DEEP ECOLOGY approach and consider

    STRONG SUSTAINABILITY for our energy future Day 1 focus: Sustainable energy production Energy PRODUCTION Energy CONSUMPTION Day 2 focus: Sustainable energy consumption
  20. My family Jan DeWaters Associate Professor, Clarkson University Institute for

    STEM Education and School of Engineering (Environmental Engineer) – teach in ENERGY and ENGINEERING – research in Engineering Education My classes Where we live and teach
  21. Presenter -Lisa Dunkelberg Science Teacher: Chemistry, Forensics, Bioethics Degree with

    certification in Medical Laboratory Technology; a B.A. degree in Education majoring in biology and minoring in chemistry; a M.Sc. in Education; working on Ph.D in Education: Curriculum and Instruction Prior to teaching, I worked in a hospital laboratory. I have been teaching for 22 years and am a New York State Master Teacher.
  22. I was born and raised in Canada. I immigrated to

    the US to work in a hospital laboratory. I met and married my husband, Bob, who is also a teacher. Bentley Mark, Gabby, Bob, Marissa, Luke, me, Jordan July 30, 2022 Buffalo, N.Y.
  23. Certifications • 7-12 Biology • 7-12 Earth Science • 7-12

    General Science • 7-12 Math • N, K, Grades 1-6 Courses • Living Environment • General Science • Biology Variance • Limnology • Anatomy and Physiology • Regents Biology • Essentials Science • Earth Science • 7th grade Life Science • 8th grade Physical Science • Regents Algebra • Course 1 Math • AIS Science and Math Presenter - Andrea Inserra
  24. Certifications • 7-12 Earth Science • 7-12 General Science •

    7-12 Math • N, K, Grades 1-6 School Courses Adult Trainings • General Science • Earth Science • 7th grade Life Science • Group Communication • Identifying and Developing Leaders Presenter - Carmine Inserra
  25. We use art, music, acting, and interactive technology so EVERY

    student can learn. Identical Twin: Annette Hiked all 46 NYS mountains above 4000 ft (1.2 km)
  26. Day 1 focus: Sustainable energy production This Workshop will take

    a DEEP ECOLOGY approach and consider STRONG SUSTAINABILITY for our energy future
  27. Which Natural Renewable Resources Does Taiwan Have at its Fingertips?

    Does the wind blow in Taiwan? Does the sun shine in Taiwan? Do rivers run down your mountains? Do you have high tides and low tides? Do you have active geothermal activity? https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fqvcc.edu%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F03%2FSun-PNG- Image.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fqvcc.edu%2Fprograms%2Facademics%2Fsun-png- image%2F&docid=pMabP8bFnKdkmM&tbnid=6mRQSFAsNrHdsM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiO6OGNqvfjAhVjZN8KHT7lA1MQMwiMASgQMBA..i&w=1080&h=1080&bih=625& biw=1366&q=sun&ved=0ahUKEwiO6OGNqvfjAhVjZN8KHT7lA1MQMwiMASgQMBA&iact=mrc&uact=8
  28. Potential for Run of the River Generators https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=ima ges&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiQioi8r_HiAhVLxVkK HY_IDncQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F

    %2Fwww.worldatlas.com%2Fwebimage%2Fc ountrys%2Fasia%2Ftaiwan%2Ftwland.htm&ps ig=AOvVaw24AyR2fkrN- n2Za6XtqSGl&ust=1560890176241380
  29. coming up: Session 2: Sustainable Energy Resources Research Taiwan’s Green

    Shift is ready to begin! Let’s prepare the next generation for green careers. https://apjjf.org/2016/19/Hu.html
  30. 1.5 hours Diving deeper into how energy will be generated

    in the future Preparing the next generation of students for sustainable energy careers We will accomplish this through researching and presenting https://apjjf.org/2016/19/Hu.html Session 2: Sustainable Energy Resources Research
  31. Brief description: This multi-day activity includes research and presentation of

    sustainable energy sources for career training. The lesson will take several to complete. It provides an interdisciplinary approach to science communication. This lesson may be completed individually or in collaborative groups. https://apjjf.org/2016/19/Hu.html Session 2: Sustainable Energy Resources Research
  32. Purpose/Goal: The purpose of this activity is to have students

    explore one type of sustainable energy source. Then communicate the pros and cons of its application to society. Students will communicate how and where to pursue career training in their sustainable energy source. https://apjjf.org/2016/19/Hu.html Session 2: Sustainable Energy Resources Research
  33. Learning Objectives: Students will: 1. Research one type of sustainable

    energy source. 2. Research how and where to pursue career training in the sustainable energy source. 3. Develop a slideshow presentation to communicate information regarding the energy source and career training. 4. Reflect on the importance of sustainable energy sources on the future of Earth. https://apjjf.org/2016/19/Hu.html Session 2: Sustainable Energy Resources Research
  34. 1. Groups of 4 with a topic 2. Divide the

    slides a. 7-9, 10-12, 14-15, 16-18 3. Research your assigned slides 4. Share your presentation with your group 5. Copy information from each member’s slides and paste into yours to make a complete presentation. 6. Practice all the slides to present to others. Session 2: Overview Assigned Topic 7-9 10-12 16-18 14-15
  35. Materials to open in Google Classroom: Student Template: Sustainable Energy

    Research in Google Classroom https://apjjf.org/2016/19/Hu.html Session 2: Sustainable Energy Resources Research
  36. Assigning Topics: 1. Specific to each student 1. Randomly Popsicle

    sticks Topics Assignment Review Deadlines https://apjjf.org/2016/19/Hu.html Session 2: Sustainable Energy Resources Research
  37. After Lunch: Check in on Progress 1 hour: Complete research

    Share slides with group members Merge slides into one slideshow Discuss and complete slide 20 Visuals: “Share” button in top right corner Student Template: Sustainable Energy Research notes page view Student Template: Sustainable Energy Research in Google Classroom https://apjjf.org/2016/19/Hu.html Session 3: Sustainable Energy Resources Research
  38. After Lunch: Check in on Progress 40 minutes: Finish “Sharing”

    and “Merging” slides into one slideshow Together complete Slides 19 and 20. Practice each others’ parts of the slideshow and prepare to present entire slideshow to another group. Visuals: Student Template: Sustainable Energy Research in Google Classroom https://apjjf.org/2016/19/Hu.html Session 4: Sustainable Energy Resources Research
  39. Shuffle into new assigned jigsaw groups 1 hour: Present slideshows

    to your new group members. Visuals: Students bring laptops to their new small group to present https://apjjf.org/2016/19/Hu.html Session 5: Jigsaw/Share/Present Research
  40. Which sustainable energy sources were you most familiar with before

    the presentations? Which sustainable energy source did you find most intriguing? If you had to switch careers, which career would you pursue someday? “Teacher’s Guide” in Google Classroom https://apjjf.org/2016/19/Hu.html Session 5: Closure